Motorcyclin' Snusers show your rides!!

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  • surfing_64
    • Jan 2008
    • 82

    I'm booked in to get my learners here in Aust, Cant wait to get a bike, been looking at a few Kawasaki ZZRs (i like sports bikes) and similar.
    So i'll have my license in about 2 weeks, and a bike soon after...

    Do you guys use snus while riding? I remember pillioning on a mates in Norway a few years back and i had a portion in, but cant remember if it was a good idea at the time or a brilliant idea that will become useful.
    Just wondering if its like snusing while snorkling (dumb idea that i thought might work at the time - i spearfish) or snusing while in school (awesome idea)
    Probably depend on the helmet though?


    • Ainkor
      • Sep 2008
      • 1144

      I rode bikes alot when I was younger. I started on a 75cc dirt bike with my dad as a young teenager but I haven't ridden in about 15 years.

      My last bike was a 1973 Honda CB-550. Sweet condition but my punk ass brother in law ripped the wiring to shreds in an angst filled teenage hissy fit.

      I had to choose between groceries or fixing my bike and the food won :P

      As soon as my wife's car is paid off we are getting a bike. We live in quite possible the coolest riding country around. The Smoky Mountains are a riders paradise

      Here is a pic of a 750 model of the same bite. Coloring is a bit off but it was in mint shape. Wish I still had that bike. It was just fun to ride


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        Originally posted by wadetheblade
        Very hot, and very unsafe for motorcycles. We have a lot of crazy, bad, fast, un-insured drivers in cars and trucks down here. I guess anywhere does, but Mobile is especially crazy place on the roads.

        sounds kinda like Columbiana


        • surfing_64
          • Jan 2008
          • 82

          I got my Learners Licence last week, and pick up my new bike yesterday (its second hand...but new to me!) Its a 2002 GPX 250r, in almost perfect cond. Have a few things to do to make her perfect, gotta fix the chain and the head bearing...and name her. Fairings havnt got a single scratch on them!! Have done about 50kms on her (30miles or so..?) and i'm in love.

          Sorry about the phone pictures, but you get the idea


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Geez, they will SO hate me. :wink:
            How did I miss that one?


            • Owens187
              • Sep 2009
              • 1547

              Haha, I was wondering when you would catch that.... :lol:


              • bmwgsa
                • Jul 2008
                • 248

                My kids.....


                • ShaulWolf
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 495

                  I hate you all. -.- Learning to ride and getting a bike are two things I want to do. Just don't have the cash for it currently. We'll see after OCS...


                  • MasterGuns
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 312

                    Wrecked my Honda Magna a couple weeks ago :cry:
                    Walked away with nothing more than some bruises and a busted up elbow, could've been a lot worse...
                    Gonna be replacing the damaged parts over the next three weeks


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451


                      I dig Harley's but had to go with the asian persuasion. Yamaha R-6. Nothing like riding up the california coastline in this bitch.


                      • Owens187
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 1547

                        Bitchin' Yamaha. Love the color scheme!


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by ShaulWolf
                          I hate you all. -.- Learning to ride and getting a bike are two things I want to do. Just don't have the cash for it currently. We'll see after OCS...

                          Lol two things:

                          1) If you know how to drive stick than riding a bike is easy as pie. If you don't know how to drive stick... learning to ride a bike is easy as pie.As far as cash, if you have real money (not credit), you can finds bikes on the super cheap (like 2k or less). After you become an officer you should be making enough money to afford one. Officers make a pretty decent salary, and one thing I learned in the army is that having your own (multi-seat) car sucks balls. Because no one owns a car, ever, you are their only ride.

                          I forgot but I think I recall you being in the reserves. If this is the case than you'll be straight.


                          • Owens187
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 1547

                            New Pics

                            So I finally got off my as and took some new photos with all the new parts.

                            The complete list is in the first post.


                            • STINKBOTO
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 76


                              Here's my ride!


                              • STINKBOTO
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 76


                                This was my last bike....little rough to ride but fun


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