I rode for many years safely by following one simple rule. Always assume that anyone driving any vehicle, anytime and anywhere, is out to get you--because they are. They don't know you're there and they don't care that you're there. The average driver has the all the situational awareness of a rutabaga--a really really stupid rutabaga. Take it as given that all drivers are complete deaf dumb blind low-grade morons and you will likely be able to keep riding safely until you're too senile to remember where you put the blasted keys.
I got Aprilia rs 125. Bike on picture aint mine but got the same ride with little different color scheme.
Have to still ride a small bike, because im too lazy to hit to grown man exams =) Though i got this from family friend whose son drove track with it and instead of 5kw in the pass i got 32kw or so.
Sgreger you have tight ride
Cant wait i'll get enough money buy a real bike, because this makes a noise like a lawnmower.
Chad, a week before I found Snuson, I was in a bad accident. Coming home, 15 minute ride from work, a half block from my house. Slowing to make a nasty right, so maybe 15 mph. Guy who had been riding behind for a mile just zoned out, didn't see me. He realized he was about to hit me 3 feet from impact according to the skid marks the cops said.
He was estimated by them to be doing at least 50 mph when he ran into me. Launched me higher than the power lines, and I landed about 35 feet from the point of impact.
But I was wearing my gear. Landed on my shoulder, but armored jacket prevented it from breaking. Then slammed my head against the pavement, but wearing helmet, still knocked out for about 10 minutes. Got taken to the hospital on a body board, but other than bad concussion and deeply bruised shoulder, I was fine.
Had to wait 6 months to heal, doctor and chiropractor visits to end, bills be gathered, etc. before I collected the insurance money for my injuries. Used half that to buy Baby. Couldn't keep me off a bike even with all that. Yeah, I think about it occasionally, still tense up when I make a right turn. But riding gives me so much pleasure. honestly, the only time I have been truly happy after my divorce, at least until these past few weeks.
Don't let something like that stop you. learn from it, always wear good gear. But if you want to ride again, go ride!!
I just got a package in the mail containing a razor, owned by none other than our very own RickCharles. This razor is both a collectors item, and an heirloom,...
Ok. I was away from snuson.com for about six months, and when I got back on a couple of weeks ago I was really happy with it, and I suddenly realized...