I needed a laugh today and this did the trick...

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  • jadedcynic
    • Sep 2008
    • 69

    Seems that it would be hard to make friends with a shirt like that. It just says, "I don't want anything to do with any of you." Imagine the looks from people, the murmurs behind your back, and all the spit in your food at fast food restaurants.


    • BatRastard
      • Sep 2009
      • 166

      Friggin' bipeds! You want to talk oppression? Wanna' talk hate?
      Try the rabid cultural bias against flying mammals. I mean
      really, what did we ever do? Fly into a couple beehive hair-dos,
      suck a little blood, and the whole world hates us.

      It's about all you stinkin' bipeds can agree on....sheesh!

      Fly a mile in my wings and you'll feel my pain.


      Bat :twisted:


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Bats rock. One of my favorite things is to go out in the evening when the bats come out to feed. I haven't seen them this year, but I haven't been out much either. I hope the colony's ok. There's been a bad fungus problem with the bats lately.


        • eyephantom
          • Jul 2009
          • 333

          sarah palin is getting more insane by the day


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Originally posted by BatRastard
            Friggin' bipeds! You want to talk oppression? Wanna' talk hate?
            Try the rabid cultural bias against flying mammals. I mean
            really, what did we ever do? Fly into a couple beehive hair-dos,
            suck a little blood, and the whole world hates us.

            It's about all you stinkin' bipeds can agree on....sheesh!

            Fly a mile in my wings and you'll feel my pain.


            Bat :twisted:
            O shut up bat nobody feels your pain. We all know at midnight, when the moon is full, you turn into an over dressed, semi effeminate, dead biped with a bad Ukrainian accent who stalks the land selling chocolate marshmallow cereal to children.

            Now take us dogs….there’s some real pain

            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • captncaveman
              • Jul 2008
              • 924

              At least you can lick your own junk Snusdog.... you know if you are into that kinda thing.


              • CM
                • Apr 2009
                • 329

                Originally posted by ctimb2002
                Ugh So listen due to problems getting on yesterday I never was quite able to respond to any of this. Nobody sayed she didnt have the "right" to wear the shirt. The thing I found amusing about it was how inappropriate it was to wear that in public. Its as inappropriate to me as someone wearing any "hate" group shirt. They have a right to wear it, im just gonna laugh at them when they do.
                How do you know its a hate sign?

                Maybe she just liked Nationalsosialism and their sign? : (

                And really, white people aint the only racists, go to islam-country or africa and you might see few knifes at ya, so we're not atleast killing them. =D


                • ddandb
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 570

                  The swastika wasn't invented by the Nazi party and doesn't necessarily even have to be associated with them. It's a common symbol used by many cultures. It's used in Hinduism, Buddhism and even the American Indians.
                  The woman could simply be a Hindu, Buddhist, or a native American just showing pride in her culture.
                  (but I really doubt it)


                  • CM
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 329

                    Yep ddandb, but the colors are for the nazi-party so he cant be hindu and so on. :P But I doubt it too. But funny if black guy would wear "white people sux" shirt he probably could walk normally forward. :P Because everyone is afraid of that racismcard.


                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      Originally posted by Snusdog

                      Now take us dogs….there’s some real pain

                      only with vick..... :roll:


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