Well some of you know I have had some health problems in the past year or so. The doctor said to get rid of all stress, etc. So my wife and myself have been planing on moving to Georgia, way out in the country where life is not so hecktic. The problem is that beside moving the household I also have to move my parrot breeding and research facilities. Thats a big job. But the time is getting close. I have spent all week going thru stuff and getting things ready to move although we haven't found a place thats "perfect" yet. I am hooked up thru a realtors website so I can get all the info thru the internet. This is alot of work. What a week of throwing crap out and organizing, giving crap away on craigs list, Goodwill, etc. I'm so tired.
I just wanted to give the members in Georgia fair warning that I should be moving there before too long. I'm looking forward to matbe having a get SnusOn members together when I get down there. PP
I just wanted to give the members in Georgia fair warning that I should be moving there before too long. I'm looking forward to matbe having a get SnusOn members together when I get down there. PP