Some of you guys must have some pretty big pockets! Some of you carry more items than I do and I have a purse!
What has it got in it's pocketses
Wallet+chain (though a big Harley Davidson wallet that holds like five pounds of stuff :lol: )
Can of General Wintergreen
Sometimes a second, different can if I feel like variety
Folding Tactical knife on strong side
Belt & buckle with integrated "hidden" folding knife - for backup on weak side
Smith & Wesson 3913 9mm
Keys - depending on what I'm driving that day, keys for up to 3 vehicles plus the Harley.
No more smokes!, No more lighter!-another pocket freed up!
Thats about it, unless I'm at work, where my scrubs have 8-10 pockets. Then I would have all of the above (except the 9mm and belt buckle knife of course, still carry the tactical, never know...)
Syringes, Needles, Scissors, Assorted Bandages, Tourniquets, Coban, Pens, Tape, Badge, keys, gum etc etc etc....
Its amazing how much crap you can carry when wearing scrubs! :lol: