Got my new snakie, yay!

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  • sheilalynn
    • May 2009
    • 1103

    Got my new snakie, yay!

    As mentioned in the "150 days" thread, I did end up getting my Dumerils Boa on Saturday. But, I picked the male one...he's about 3 feet long and well started on his way to being a big boy. :wink: I need to get a few more pics of him, but I did have to get one of the coolest little smile right between his eyes on his head...thinking of naming him Emoticon, Emo for short :P He's a wicked sweetie too.

  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    cool 8)

    When you are buying snakes. How much of factor is sex when it comes to temperament and size?


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      Temperaments are about equal between the 2 and depends on if they've been handled from a young age, but with most snakes, the females usually end up a little larger than the males. I can tell this one has been handled, but probably needs a little more. He was a little skiddish when first taking him out of his cage here, but he's settling right down and not trying to get away when I reach in for him now. They are naturally a pretty chill snake and a little on the shy side, but that won't last long now that he's here

      I pretty much have to do all the snake chores alone, so the biggest size I could safely handle is 6 feet...bigger than that and you need another person there. The hubby likes them, but not as much as me so he's never cleaned a cage or any of that stuff. They're my "hobby pets" so I guess a nice albino burmese python is out of the question for now :wink:

      He also just shook his head when I took one of the snakes to the vet once when she was really sick and that cost him $150...the snake was only $40, but that's not the point, hehe Then I had to give her shots every other day for 3 least he did help by holding her down while I did that. :P


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        How many snakes do you have?

        What made you get into snakes?


        • sheilalynn
          • May 2009
          • 1103

          I have 5 of them...2 corn snakes, a ball python, a brazilian rainbow boa, and now a dumerils boa. I've just always liked them and decided to get a corn snake to start out with to see if I could take care of them. Then had a second corn snake given to me, then moved up to the python, and then on to the harder to take care of but very cool (and larger) boas. I doubt I'll get into what they consider "advanced" snakes though since most of them are over 15' long. Although...a male yellow anaconda will "only" get between 6-8 feet long :wink: (females are 10-12)

          Got some pics of mine here:


          • JPono
            • Sep 2009
            • 415

            Originally posted by sheilalynn
            I doubt I'll get into what they consider "advanced" snakes though since most of them are over 15' long.
            Wow! I'm a dog girl. I have a German Shepherd and a Chocolate Lab, but never had a snake..unless you count the one in my basement that scared the shit out of me. :lol:

            Out of curiosity, what's considered to be an "advanced" snake, aside from size?

            Edit: Very cool pics!


            • cyrax777
              • Jun 2009
              • 290

              nice snake. be funny to have emo with a can of snus. ?snakes on a snus?


              • sheilalynn
                • May 2009
                • 1103

                Originally posted by JPono

                Out of curiosity, what's considered to be an "advanced" snake, aside from size?

                Edit: Very cool pics!
                Other than the size, some of them need specific humidity and temps and can be a little more aggressive. Burmese are advanced mainly because of size, but the rock pythons, anacondas (especially green), and reticulated pythons are because they can be a little rowdy if they're not handled frequently and can be aggressive if you don't know what you're doing and if you can't "read" them. Glad you liked the pics!

                Do have a dog here too, and 3 cats, and a wandering turtle that we decided to let stay the winter in the cellar. :wink:


                • sheilalynn
                  • May 2009
                  • 1103

                  Originally posted by cyrax777
                  nice snake. be funny to have emo with a can of snus. ?snakes on a snus?
                  That might be tomorrow's project! hehe "I've had enough of these futher-mucking snakes on my futher-mucking snus!"

                  Btw, I root for the snakes in the Anaconda movies :P


                  • JPono
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 415

                    Originally posted by sheilalynn
                    Originally posted by JPono

                    Out of curiosity, what's considered to be an "advanced" snake, aside from size?

                    Edit: Very cool pics!
                    Other than the size, some of them need specific humidity and temps and can be a little more aggressive. Burmese are advanced mainly because of size, but the rock pythons, anacondas (especially green), and reticulated pythons are because they can be a little rowdy if they're not handled frequently and can be aggressive if you don't know what you're doing and if you can't "read" them. Glad you liked the pics!

                    Do have a dog here too, and 3 cats, and a wandering turtle that we decided to let stay the winter in the cellar. :wink:
                    Thanks for your answer! Have to be honest in saying I'm interested in learning more about your least from a distance.

                    MAJOR edit: I also root for the snakes in movies!!


                    • sheilalynn
                      • May 2009
                      • 1103

                      Originally posted by JPono

                      Thanks for your answer! Have to be honest in saying I'm interested in learning more about your least from a distance.

                      MAJOR edit: I also root for the snakes in movies!!
                      But aren't they cute up close? hehe Yes, another snake rooter! :lol:


                      • JPono
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 415

                        Originally posted by sheilalynn

                        But aren't they cute up close?
                        In pictures? Hell, yes!

                        To be fair, aside from the (unexpected) snake in my basement, I've never experienced one up close and personal. I'm quite curious and interested in your snakes though.


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          Originally posted by JPono

                          In pictures? Hell, yes!

                          To be fair, aside from the (unexpected) snake in my basement, I've never experienced one up close and personal. I'm quite curious and interested in your snakes though.
                          You'd be surprised at how quick I've gotten people to touch or hold one of my snakes once they see them with me. Most amazing thing though is that women are more apt to actually do that than men are! Even ones who scream when they see one outside act different with mine. Last Halloween I answered the door with the big orange snake on me and not one person was of the moms thought it was a fake one at first and then said "omg, it's a real snake!" and kinda did a few nervous giggles and put her hand out to touch him. Said it was the first time she ever did that because she usually runs the other way when she sees one. :wink:


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            Originally posted by JPono
                            I'm quite curious and interested in your snakes though.

                            where's PP when ya need him? :roll:


                            • sheilalynn
                              • May 2009
                              • 1103

                              Originally posted by texasmade
                              Originally posted by JPono
                              I'm quite curious and interested in your snakes though.

                              where's PP when ya need him? :roll:
                              I've been thinking the same thing :wink:

                              But here, snake on a snus, hehe


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