Originally posted by truthwolf1
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Not because we can't land there, because we have. The moon is too close to serve any real purpose as a waystation. It would have certain benefits, but the scientists believe it is an unecessary expense.
And Tom, they announced the water thing like last year lol. The moon has a LOT of water on there. The question is where it came from. There are several theories on it, but the moon being little more than a giant rock with almost no gravity begs the question of how it became covered in water. Either way, we are learning that the resources necessary for life are more abundant than we thought 10 years ago. It seems water is on every planet that isn't too hot, and I still think Europa's theoretically liquid oceans are the best place to search for life. If theres a plan filled with liquid oceans, there has to be some kind of life on it.
Also, I am a streamlink subscriber on coast to coast AM. If anyone wants my password so they can listen to all the back episodes of Coast to Coast AM commercial free, let me know via PM and i'll hook you up.
Tom: The writer of that book, the NORAD guy who predicted the October 13'th thing was on 2 nights ago and gave a great interview. He answers a LOT of questions we asked on this board and it was interesting at the very least. Get the password from me and go listen to it while your at work, it was really good and explains his viewpoint a lot. It's easier for me to guage someones credibility when listening to them as opposed to just reading their words.