Just wanted to know how many Canadians are here at snuson.
How many Canadians here??
Originally posted by blotgodeOriginally posted by sgreger1****ing hosers...
When I was in NC I saw the Fire Ants play and I have to say if it were not for the epic amounts of beer I drank it would have been one of the most boring experiences ever. Then again, i'm not really a sports guy at all.
Originally posted by nottinI'm from Norway, lived in Hong Kong for 5 years, moved to Edmonton 2 years ago and I'm a permanent resident. Close enough? :roll:
I live 1/2 south of edmonton. Have you tried those horrible du maureier (spelling is off, wants my bramd of smoke and i don't speak and french) snus flavors, sick shit!
U know any snus users in Edmonton?
A domestic source of mail order snus would be a brilliant idea. My heart goes out to anyone who would want to try to sell tobacco and navigate the tobacco laws in this country. Best would be if, say, Swedish Match decided to sell their stuff here in tobacco shops. The DuMaurier snus is grim, but it is all we have here - in Edmonton and Ottawa only, I think.
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