I am currently in another category entirely, which is "Currently working on own government". That's right kids, VBSnus will deliver salvation unto you, and it shall be called:
One day I will be done. On that great day, my fellow Snusocrats, we will be liberated.
I have a nagging suspicion that the political parties are meant to divide folks rather than unite, I know very few people that are cut and dry right or left even though this is the way the media portrays people. It seems to me that if they keep people bickering over minute differences and engaged in endless and often dogmatic debate people fail to see the real problems which in my opinion is government itself. Cannot see the forest due to being so close to the trees. I'll just go put my tin foil hat back on
I have a nagging suspicion that the political parties are meant to divide folks rather than unite, I know very few people that are cut and dry right or left even though this is the way the media portrays people. It seems to me that if they keep people bickering over minute differences and engaged in endless and often dogmatic debate people fail to see the real problems which in my opinion is government itself. Cannot see the forest due to being so close to the trees. I'll just go put my tin foil hat back on
Haha, save some foil for me!!! YOu are right though, both parties play against each other but I think most Americans fall closer to the middle than is advertised.
Like Lxsklr said, most people are far left or far right depending on the issue, and are very rarely 100% left or right on everything all the time.
We need a more centrist party to represent the rest of us.
herb should be legalized
dont take my guns(i can and will get them illegally if you do)
good health care is more important than good health
government regulation doesnt mean it will be better quality
I guess I'd think of myself as the Love Child of an Eisenhower Republican and an FDR Democrat.
To be more detailed, maybe I'd say that I am a *very* moderate conservative who does not view the term 'Government Program' as a profanity, and has a firm grasp on the concepts of 'Community' and 'Public Good'.
Let me know if that doesn't confuse you enough, and I'll try harder.
i'm a long haired gun toting socialist commie that's out to legalize herb and reform health care. :twisted:
Herb should be legalized. Not because I want to start smoking again but because if we are going to have alcohol and tobacco be legal, it would be unfair to ban MJ. Plus the additional revenue is needed.
I also want health INSURANCE reform even though i am verry happy with my current low cost insurance plan. But when i hear deomocrat and reform in the same sentence I tend to read as: tax. I don't mind reform as long as it doens't end up costing me more money just so those who are not working get free or subsidized coverage. (Not meaning those who are unemployed, I mean deabeats... who smoke herb :lol: )
I also believe local government choices are just as important as what the big boys in Washington choose.
We need to goback to having states be the policy makers and the fed gov just stay in it's lane. We are a diverse people in America, and with 50 states I don't see why we can't all have our perfect havens like we want. California can be an uber liberal state where gays are welcome, Alabama may not want gay marriage. No guns in New York but guns ok in Texas. That way everyone can just get in where they fit in.
Probably would never work but it just seems kind of hard to come to an agreement on anything when you have 350 million people spread across 50 states, all trying to fight for their own ideological views. That's why nothing ever gets done in this country anymore.
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