Hello everyone, a newly new newbie here

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  • markcat
    • Oct 2007
    • 50

    Hello everyone, a newly new newbie here

    Just want to introduce myself to the board. My name is Mark from Buffalo, NY USA. I've been lurking around here for the last couple days now. I'm basically a long term dipper, mainly Skoal, who is tired of spitting. I've been contemplating snus for awhile and decided to take the plunge. The board has been quite informative and helpful.

    I ordered the try out portion box (the one that comes with 24 cans) from the Northerner, and the shipment is expected to arrive tomorrow 25 Oct. I'm in deep anticipation. I'm truly a newly new newbie--I've never cracked open a snus tin before. Which leads to my first question. Which snus should I try first from the Northerner try out box? Here's the list : http://www.swedish-snus.com/en/usd/s...us_mix_portion

    I have a storage question too. Seeing that I'm getting twenty four cans right off, should I freeze some of them (how many?), or will refrigeration keep them fresh?

    Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the board.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Hiya, welcome to the forums. The first snus I would try is the Roots Wintergreen since you're coming from Skoal. The taste is much milder, and not really dip like, but you'll get a little familiarity while having something new at the same time. There's nothing that says you can't try a few at the same time though. Just go through the box and pick one that looks interesting. I don't want to give recommendations because I don't want to prejudice you against one you may otherwise like. There's no accounting for taste, and it'll be fun checking them out with a clear mind :wink:


    • Stargazer
      • Aug 2007
      • 225

      storage depends on how much you use and how fresh it is when it arives.

      I have never put snus in the freezer, but then again I have never owned
      more than 15 cans at a time.
      But at least refrigirator is a must do.


      • darkwing
        • Oct 2007
        • 415

        I would say to start with Ettan and/or General is a safe bet, they are straightforward and authentic. G R portions are one of my faves for real taste and impact, Catch Dry Eucalyptus for a refresher and a discrete way to snus in public. They tend to stay in place, not slip or show in your mouth, and not produce too much juice over time. The only thing that I find, as a 3-week veteran of snus, is that the actual sensation and act of snusing can take a bit of time to get comfortable with - the portions can get slimy and slip across your mouth, they can ooze tons of tobacco juice and can be salty. It takes patience to get your own technique that makes it all comfortable. Try folding full-sized portions lengthwise to give them volume to stay firmly against the gum and lip.


        • markcat
          • Oct 2007
          • 50

          Thanks for the tips, everyone. I was actually thinking of going with Ettan first, based on its tradition. Sort of the ambassador of the snus world I think.
          With all the different sizes, flavors, brands, etc. I think it will just come down to experimentation and experience.

          In the snus world, does one usually find a brand they like and stick with it, or do snusers usually go with variety? I'm asking this because it seems here that a lot of people snus many different kinds.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            The impression I get is that people from traditional snus countries stick with a couple of brands, while foreigners tend to use many. Personally I have 5 favorite brands, and buy individual cans of snus for a little change.

            My favorites:

            Lucky Strike Original
            General Onyx
            Metropol peppermint
            Catch eucalyptus
            LD Black Salmiak


            • markcat
              • Oct 2007
              • 50

              The impression I get is that people from traditional snus countries stick with a couple of brands, while foreigners tend to use many. Personally I have 5 favorite brands, and buy individual cans of snus for a little change.
              I basically want to find my brand, and then buy singletons of others, as well, to mix things up once in awhile. But first things first! I have to dive into that Northerner try out box! Christmas is coming October 25 this year for me, and Santa is bringing me snus!


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I've actually been thinking about this recently, and wondering why some products I like a few different kinds, and others I like only one. With cigarettes I was always one brand at a time. I'll get something different for a change, but I'm always happy to get back to my favorite brand (American Spirit). I very rarely use chewing tobacco, but when I do it has to be Levi Garrett. I just don't like other brands I've tried.

                Pipe tobacco and snus are different though. I like different flavors for different moods. I haven't smoked a pipe in awhile, but when I did I always had at least 3 different brands on hand. I consider all my favorite snus' essential except for the peppermint (the Catch is close enough to fill the gap). With my favorites I have something for every mood, and I can then have the perfect snus for the occasion.


                • markcat
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 50

                  Interesting. I've mainly dipped Skoal, and hardly ever smoked or used other tobacco products myself. I hardly ever jumped around outside of Skoal, not even outside of the flavor I dipped--Cherry. (As I'm typing this I'm dipping Red Man Long cut straight--go figure!) A lot of people pan Skoal Cherry as candy or cough syrup, but it worked for me for 15 + years.

                  But that makes sense about having different kinds of snus for different moods. God knows, there's enough out there. Maybe that's the way I'll go, find a selection of favorites for different moods and occasions or put them in some kind of rotation or whatever.

                  I'm all giddy right now--I'm tracking my shipment from Northerner via UPS tracking and my package is in Buffalo! I get my goods today!!!!

                  The dipping ends and the snusing begins today . . .


                  • markcat
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 50

                    The impression I get is that people from traditional snus countries stick with a couple of brands, while foreigners tend to use many. Personally I have 5 favorite brands, and buy individual cans of snus for a little change.

                    My favorites:

                    Lucky Strike Original
                    General Onyx
                    Metropol peppermint
                    Catch eucalyptus
                    LD Black Salmiak
                    Yeah, I have to say, I'm loving Lucky Strike Original. I haven't tried the other four yet. General regular is very good. I tried Roots Wild Berry--I have to say, didn't like it-- seemed like the portions were dried out. Definitely on the Lucky Strike bandwagon though, snusing one this very moment. They are not kidding about the toasty flavor. Good stuff.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I'm not a big fan of either Roots snus I tried. The berry really didn't do much for me, and I hate wintergreen in general :P I got really sick from Skoal years ago, and to this day the smell of tobacco and wintergreen makes my stomach turn :shock: Even if it weren't for that, I just don't care for that flavor. It's my least favorite mint by far.


                      • markcat
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 50

                        I hate wintergreen. That's one flavor I always despised. Unfortunately, I got a Roots wintergreen in my box. Bastards! :x Yeah, I have just now, as I speak, retired Skoal, and dip in general. I was barely using it anymore. It has becoming disgusting to me. The pleasure has all gone, but I still needed that nicotine hit.


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