Borderlands for Xbox 360

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Borderlands for Xbox 360

    Has anyone else bought this? It just came out yesterday, I got the last copy in town. But now my wife's kinda pissed because I wouldn't even talk to her yesterday, I was glued to the xbox untill 1 am.

    This game ****ing rocks, anyone else playing this yet? Any Fallout 3 fans will appreciate this game as they are very similar. Borderlands is more of a looting game but still equally as fun.
  • Choice
    • Oct 2009
    • 32

    I waited for Fallout 3 for 10 years.

    The Vanilla verson of the game is OK...

    I waiting till recently to actually play it..

    The community mods for that game make it so much better... but those are a pc thing.

    Is this game on PC?


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by Choice
      I waited for Fallout 3 for 10 years.

      The Vanilla verson of the game is OK...

      I waiting till recently to actually play it..

      The community mods for that game make it so much better... but those are a pc thing.

      Is this game on PC?
      Yah it's on PC.

      I miss community mod's an PC gaming in general, but i don't have the money to constantly upgrade my computer to keep up with all the games. At least with xbox I know it will work properly.

      Fallout 3 is my all time favorite, but this game is the closest any other game i've played has come to fallout 3. Kind of a post-armageddon feel to it, lots of loot collecting, mission.

      This game has thousands of weapons though, it's intiresting, I mean there are literally endless uncountable numbers of weapons. And I like any game that has character progression.

      Badlands is more of a first person shooting with some character progression/rpg elements to it, but it's relaly fun.

      And the graphics are amazing imo


      • cyrax777
        • Jun 2009
        • 290

        I am sorry i had to laugh at xbox and working properly in the same sentence.

        but yeah I am going to rent it granted at face value it looked like a fallout knockoff.


        • Mullolley
          • Aug 2009
          • 213

          lol. Fallout was a complete and total looting game for me. I stole EVERYTHING.


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            Haven't played it, but I'm on Live right now, and 6 of the 7 friends I have online now are playing it.


            • daruckis
              • Jul 2009
              • 2277

              god i cant keep up with fall game releases. havent even gotten brutal legend yet. but borderlands looks sweet. i really want dragon age and mw2 next month. damn my broke ass.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by cyrax777
                I am sorry i had to laugh at xbox and working properly in the same sentence.

                but yeah I am going to rent it granted at face value it looked like a fallout knockoff.

                Ive had 2 xbox's for several years each and they never had any issues, and i've never heard of any friends not working properly. The only problem is that after a couple of years they tend to get the red ring of death and then you have to send them to microsoft to replace them but other than that it's a solid game console for the most part.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by daruckis
                  god i cant keep up with fall game releases. havent even gotten brutal legend yet. but borderlands looks sweet. i really want dragon age and mw2 next month. damn my broke ass.

                  Everyone is wanting to play brutal legends, it looks like another cheesy movie kind of game and it has jack black, can it really be that good?

                  Borderlands is fat it's all ive been playing since I bought it even though I bought 2 other games with it as well. It's different than fallout 3 most notably because it's a first person shooter more than it is an rpg. Lots of fetch missions etc but the carnage is sweet.

                  BTW if anyone lives near a hollywood video check and see if they are closing, I stumbled into one the other day and they said they were closing 200 hollywood video/game crazy stores and they were selling every game 50% off, I picked up all kinds of shit, including a used game for 9$.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    brutal legends awesome i bet. did you play psychonauts? it was sweet.

                    ive had my 360 for going on 3 years with no problem. though i dont know anyone else still on their first console.


                    • cyrax777
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 290

                      to be fair ms is quick to fix them just they shouldn't be rrod hell my nes still works so does my ps1 and saturn. theres games i want on the xbox im just relectant to get one even with the decent warranties.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by cyrax777
                        to be fair ms is quick to fix them just they shouldn't be rrod hell my nes still works so does my ps1 and saturn. theres games i want on the xbox im just relectant to get one even with the decent warranties.

                        Yah RROD sucks, but in their defense they will fix it for you, so I mean its not the worst thing ever. I didn't realize this and went out and bought a new one after my first got RROD Dumbass.


                        • TheDonk13
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 43

                          Brutal is an epic game...pretty lame that the replay value is simply to get the random achievements...none the less a solid rental, with an amazing sound track...

                          Borderlands spanks Fallout 3 hands down....I loved fallout 3 for about an hour and then I got bored...I hate having the option to play online but am limited games with death matches only...i love campaigns!

                          anyways, Blands has it all....epic fights, strange story, solid humor, and a great drop in and out campaign that everyone can play...there is no need to worry about your progression because you can always go back....

                          Bottom line, Borderlands will most likely be game of the year and it definately deserves it....on another note, google the borderlands claptrap episodes, they are friggin hilarious...


                          • TheDonk13
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 43

                            I had my first console over 2 years and finally went RROD on me...i have a laptop fan that i sit my console on for extra works great...the RROD happened when I took my console on vacation to Alaska and didn't bring my laptop fan....BUT, MS was good about fixing it and getting back to me....


                            • daruckis
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2277

                              alright my interest is much piqued now. but nothing


                              is better than fallout 3.


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