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  • adm
    • Oct 2009
    • 240

    Hi There

    Hi All,

    Just a short post to introduce myself. I'm in the UK and have just given up smoking.....but taken up snus.

    I lived in the US for a year about 20 years ago and used Skoal and Cope dip a bit when out hunting. Then when back in the UK I travelled to Sweden a fair few times and had a few snuses with work colleagues and enjoyed it.

    Anyway, I've been smoking for about 25 years, but in the end just had to kick it so I thought why not try Swedish snus for the nicotine instead? When I looked online for it I was shocked to see it was illegal in all of Europe apart from Sweden and Norway (and yet american style chewing tobacco and dip is legal - go figure!)

    So - pleased to see that plenty of places in Sweden will ship to the UK so I ordered 5 cans of General Portion to see how it went. These arrived in 2 days and I'm working my way through the first tin and loving it! So far, no cigarette cravings, plus I don't have to go out in the cold to smoke anymore!

    I've already ordered a roll each of Skruf white portion and General Onyx to try those next. Sticking with the portions for now, but will buy some los too...

    Anyway....hi all - great forum!
  • Snusophile
    • May 2008
    • 531

    Hi, Adm! Welcome to SnusOn!

    Glad to see you've taken a liking to snus. Skruf is some good stuff.

    Would like to clarify, Swedish snus and moist snuff are legal for personal importation across Europe, should be no trouble, just don't order so much that customs sticks it's filthy paws into your parcel and levy's a giant tax on it.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Welcome to SnusOn!


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        Welcome aboard.

        You gonna like the snus.


        • adm
          • Oct 2009
          • 240

          Originally posted by Snusophile
          Hi, Adm! Welcome to SnusOn!

          Glad to see you've taken a liking to snus. Skruf is some good stuff.

          Would like to clarify, Swedish snus and moist snuff are legal for personal importation across Europe, should be no trouble, just don't order so much that customs sticks it's filthy paws into your parcel and levy's a giant tax on it.
          Ah. Interesting...that kind of makes sense as to why it was so easy to buy it online.... Thanks.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Welcome to the fold.


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Welcome aboard, adm. Snus has been working well for me WRT stopping the cigs, but more than that it's a genuine pleasure in its own right.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Welcome to Snuson adm

                Definitely keep branching out and trying new things. You have a wonderful adventure ahead, enjoy!!


                • adm
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 240

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Welcome to Snuson adm

                  Definitely keep branching out and trying new things. You have a wonderful adventure ahead, enjoy!!

                  I just couldn't help myself tonight and ordered 4 cans each of O2, Nick and Johnny Black and Claq Qui, plus 2 cans of Gotelandskt Julesnus....

                  So that's 5 cans of General on hand (3 in my bag for a trip to California I am making tomorrow), plus 34 cans of various others that should be here by the time I get home.


                  That should be my nicotine needs taken care of until after Christmas!

                  Now I just have to get hold of some of the Kardus and I'll be a happy bunny.

                  The taxes here in the UK are a killer though - it works out at about $6.50 per can by the time I have it shipped and pay the bloody tax. Anybody know if there is anywhere that sells Swedish snus near to Anaheim where I can buy a few rolls at a decent price in the US?


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Originally posted by Snusophile
                    Hi, Adm! Welcome to SnusOn!

                    Glad to see you've taken a liking to snus. Skruf is some good stuff.

                    Would like to clarify, Swedish snus and moist snuff are legal for personal importation across Europe, should be no trouble, just don't order so much that customs sticks it's filthy paws into your parcel and levy's a giant tax on it.
                    No customs worries for him as long as he purchases from another EU country. All the taxes and duties are collected at the point of sale.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by adm
                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      Welcome to Snuson adm

                      Definitely keep branching out and trying new things. You have a wonderful adventure ahead, enjoy!!

                      I just couldn't help myself tonight and ordered 4 cans each of O2, Nick and Johnny Black and Claq Qui, plus 2 cans of Gotelandskt Julesnus....

                      So that's 5 cans of General on hand (3 in my bag for a trip to California I am making tomorrow), plus 34 cans of various others that should be here by the time I get home.


                      That should be my nicotine needs taken care of until after Christmas!

                      Now I just have to get hold of some of the Kardus and I'll be a happy bunny.

                      The taxes here in the UK are a killer though - it works out at about $6.50 per can by the time I have it shipped and pay the bloody tax. Anybody know if there is anywhere that sells Swedish snus near to Anaheim where I can buy a few rolls at a decent price in the US?
                      Uhh, will NOT save you much money. Tobacco taxes in California are killer. but maybe a buck a can. Go to Swedish Match's site, or General's sit, and use their store allocator to see if ether is anything near.

                      Now what COULD save you a bunch is have an order sent to you from getsnus to the hotel you will be at, if you have a big enough window, then NO taxes paid


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        Welcome adm!


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Welcome To Snuson!


                          • JPono
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 415

                            Hi adm,
                            Great to have you aboard!

