Heh...I'm 34, and snussing since around February, 2002 (and very happy to see General loose available here in central Illinois at long last without needing to mail order!)
26 here. Been snusing for 2-3 years. Started smoking when I was 14-15 years old. Guess I was one of the bad guys hanging around the smokers shed behind my school :wink: :lol:
Welcome to the forums matwho Copenhagen's not too bad from what I remember. It seems like a lot of people come to snus from Cope, and it's been making me want to try it again LoL. I'm a pretty big fan of tobacco in general, I may have to pick up a can some time in the near future.
I didn't post this in the Snus and Health section because my question doesn't regard health. Snus doesn't have any adverse effects on health based on...
Important disclaimer: I'm just posting here to share something that I find humorous (tragically so, anyway) and in no way desire any debate over the relative...
I know we have plenty of members who have used snus to quit or reduce cigarette smoking, and some former/reduced cigaretter smokers who have added some...
YEAH! THATS RIGHT! My girlfriend, many months ago, said this whole snus thing was ridiculous, and said she would never try it. And I understood, I never...