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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451


    Any college students here at Snuson?

    If so, I have a question. I want to know if the scenario I am about to describe is happening at your school also, or if this is strictly affecting CA schools only.

    My wife is a fourth year, and only needs like 8 credits to get her BS. She is a straight A student, has won the highest award for her research in chemistry in the nation, has been published once already, and does an extreme amount of extracurricular activities such as working ina research lab that is part of her school (UCSC).

    But they just announced that they are going to stop providing her with financial aid. Not just her, but most people in their fourth year. And they are announcing this MID YEAR, meaning you are ****ed because you have to finish or the last 4 years was for nothing.

    They are only allowing you to pull out loans to pay now, meanwhile redistributing the free financial aid to the newer students to suck them into the system, not alerting them that once they are a few years in they will be cutting off their aid and you will have to pay for it yourself.

    Is this happening at anyone else's school?

    They say its because of budget cuts that were dicated by the feds and therefore cannot be overriden, and that it was either cut students aid or stop paying teachers $300k per year and that of course can't happen.

    I'm just wondering how legal it even is for them to cut funding mid year on people like this. They say that she should be lucky she got any money from the gov anyways and not to complain.
    But the way I see it is that we pay taxes which fund these programs, and the agreement was that you would continue getting aid as long as you maintained a certain GPA etc. Well we pay taxes and she has met and exceeded all requirements. Why punish people who are doing good and bringing good credit to your school?
  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    That's some fascist bullshit right there. I have a sister and two cousins currently in college, one in their senior year, and have heard of nothing like this.

    My guess is that it's because CA is broke.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      I mean I am seriousely appauled at this whole thing. Especially MID YEAR?

      Theres widespred protests at the school but i doubt it'll do anything.

      If these hippies around here were real liberals they would unionize and just stop paying tuition and go on strike, cutting of all funding to the school untill their demands are met.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        i was thinking the same thing....or riot


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by texasmade
          i was thinking the same thing....or riot
          Ive been itching for a riot to break out for as long as I can remember. I've got my riot brick at the ready and i'm down to trash this place lol. I was present during the LA riot but too young to endulge in any looting fun :?

          no but seriousely rioting is bad,but this school thing really pisses me off because we're going to have to pay almost 10g's out of pocket to afford to finish her bachellors. And she HAS to finish it at UCSC, nt anywhere else, which means we cant just tell them "**** you, we are taking our money elsewhere"


          • VBSnus
            • Jul 2009
            • 532

            Originally posted by sgreger1
            I mean I am seriousely appauled at this whole thing. Especially MID YEAR?

            Theres widespred protests at the school but i doubt it'll do anything.

            If these hippies around here were real liberals they would unionize and just stop paying tuition and go on strike, cutting of all funding to the school untill their demands are met.
            Heh, funny you should say that. I was thinking to myself reading this that it's the most upper-management conservative crap I've heard in a while. Basically saying "You're lucky you've gotten this entitlement loan all this time, now you have to lose it so we can increase our lower AR pool".


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by VBSnus
              Originally posted by sgreger1
              I mean I am seriousely appauled at this whole thing. Especially MID YEAR?

              Theres widespred protests at the school but i doubt it'll do anything.

              If these hippies around here were real liberals they would unionize and just stop paying tuition and go on strike, cutting of all funding to the school untill their demands are met.
              Heh, funny you should say that. I was thinking to myself reading this that it's the most upper-management conservative crap I've heard in a while. Basically saying "You're lucky you've gotten this entitlement loan all this time, now you have to lose it so we can increase our lower AR pool".

              When it comes to entitlements I am not necesarily as right as many people. I believe if you pay into the system, than you are eligible for whatever benefits you get from it.

              My complaint is people who never work and are just always on welfare like so many people I unfortunately now. Like unemployment, I completely endorse it, it means you were working, had a rough time, so take some moeny till your back on your feet.

              Same thing with this, they are correct in saying that she is lucky to have recieved aid in the past, but at the same time, they have no basis to deny her. Its just they know that she will have to continue there if she wants a degree so she is the easiest to cut, thereby redirecting whatever aid money IS left to new 1st years who think they will get a free ride.

              (You know this is a scam because they are still taking in new students and offering them financial aid, while cutting those who have done well in school and they know will continue to goto school even if the money is cut off)

              I think if there is 1 government entitlement program, it should be for those wishing to seek a higher education. If we spend public money on helping anyone, for god's sake, lets help those that are are willing to get an education and maybe generate some money or invent something someday. At least with that we see a return on investment.


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090


                What is your solution, another non funded bailout? They're already laying off teachers, furloughs and reducing student enrollment.


                • VBSnus
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 532

                  Agreed, education to me is more important than healthcare. So I might not get it...but my kids are guaranteed healthcare, and if they're also guaranteed a good education from K through Masters, I know the country will get itself on the right track eventually.

                  With the amount I pay in taxes, I don't think it's much of a problem to ask for both.

                  I still see this as a model for why trickle down economics doesn't work. The people with the money are opting for increased bottom level income, poor retention, and high turnover instead of paying for good students who would increase the overall benefit of the college. Just like a corporation who fires experts and pays an ever changing stream of entry level people or foreigners who barely speak the language low salaries because they can.

                  I bet the college's upper management staff are getting paid well. :evil:


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by justintempler

                    What is your solution, another non funded bailout? They're already laying off teachers, furloughs and reducing student enrollment.

                    My solution is for congress to quit wasting our money on uneccesary things and balance the damn budget so we wouldn't be in this mess. Less pet projects and retarded ideas like shutting off the water to our farms to save some endangered fish.

                    The chancelor of the school said that it was either reduce the pay of their staff and admin or cut benefits to the students. The teachers make several hundred thousand per year while students go without education.

                    Also, quit accepting and funding new kids if you can't allocate enough money to even finish up THIS YEARS financial aid that you promised to those currently enrolled. Be honest with the new kids "Hey this money is already allocated for other already in the system, you will have to pay out of pocket".

                    Instead they cut off everyone who is just about to finish, and force them to pay out of pocket, mid year. While giving financial aid to new students, not warning them that they will probably end up getting ****ed in the future.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Or justin, even better. Allow competition. Allow my wife to finish her degree somewhere else, as she only has like 2 more classes she needs to take. But the UCSC rules are that if you have less than 30 credits, you hav eto finish at their school. So they target those with less than 30 credits and cut off thier money, because they know they are already locked in, and will have to either pay out of pocket or not graduate and waste everything they've worked for.

                      In a free market, we would be able to say **** YOU, we are taking our money elsewhere, to someone who is more competitively priced.

                      If CA would just be more responsible with our money and not waste it on environmental crap or saving endagered species, other pet projects, constant raises for our elected officials etc, this wouldnt be a problem.

                      We pay extremely high taxes here, even our sales tax is just under 10%, so even if your self-employed your still getting hit when you buy your materials/lunch. We are the 7th largest economy if CA were to be considered a nation. We should be able to make it work.

                      My solution is kick out the liberals that have ruined this for years, and more importantly, kick out all the two faced lying republican's who let them get away with it, especially arnorld and that Adam's **** who let them raise taxes this last year.

                      Im all about policing up your own people, the dems will be dems, but the republicans are supposed to be the check and balance for these radicals, instead they promise they willbe good fiscally conservative republicans but instead after getting elected they sell us out to the lobbyists like everyone else.


                      • VBSnus
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 532

                        This is the most Republican sounding problem around and you're blaming liberals??


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by VBSnus
                          This is the most Republican sounding problem around and you're blaming liberals??

                          As I said, I blame liberals for wasting our states money, and I blame republicans for lying to us and really being liberals in disguise. Like the governator.

                          How is this a republican problem? The point is our entire elected body is at fault. I paid my ****ing taxes and was promised programs in return, I was forced to pay into the liberal redistribution fund. Where areall these programs I was promised in return? Oh wait, they spent the money on other bullshit as always in CA. My state is where Pelosi and Barbera Boxer call home, I see this as an extremely liberal problem.

                          They say well we spent it on roads, but then decide to put toll booths on the bridges and roads and raise it by a dollar this year. Every time you goto work in SF over the bay bridge it costs you 5$ each way.

                          They say we spent it on police, but the crime rate gets worse every year, and police focus most of their time on writing tickets.

                          They say we spent it on schools. Ever time ive voted they ask for another 10 billion$ bond to make schools better. But they get worse each year. We have the worst k-12 education system in California, yet it costs quadruple what others cost.

                          I will be back in 40 years to bitch about the same issue with my social security. I paid into it all my life, where is it?


                          • VBSnus
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 532

                            I didn't say it's a Republican problem, it's a Republican SOUNDING problem.

                            You know, the wealthy CEO that approved laying off 500 people and bringing in an Indian call center.

                            The one that suspends bonuses for the year but goes on a $500,000 retreat.

                            The guy who drives the company into the ground and then demands a bailout and a pension plan.

                            The one who, instead of allowing their wealth to trickle down to the middle class, squanders their wealth, sets up hiring freezes, and gets rid of employees that cost too much. Cuts health plans, cuts retirement programs, hires out of country instead of in city.

                            Did you think those folks were liberals?

                            EDIT: You should move to VA. Looks like we got us a new Republican Governor, and this state is Republican as all hell. I live about a mile from Pat Robertson and within 50 miles of a Navy Base, Amphibious Base, Army Base, and Air Force Base. Oh, and PETA. They don't fit in so well. =D


                            • Judge Faust
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 196

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              Originally posted by VBSnus
                              This is the most Republican sounding problem around and you're blaming liberals??

                              As I said, I blame liberals for wasting our states money, and I blame republicans for lying to us and really being liberals in disguise. Like the governator.

                              How is this a republican problem? The point is our entire elected body is at fault. I paid my ****ing taxes and was promised programs in return, I was forced to pay into the liberal redistribution fund. Where areall these programs I was promised in return? Oh wait, they spent the money on other bullshit as always in CA. My state is where Pelosi and Barbera Boxer call home, I see this as an extremely liberal problem.

                              They say well we spent it on roads, but then decide to put toll booths on the bridges and roads and raise it by a dollar this year. Every time you goto work in SF over the bay bridge it costs you 5$ each way.

                              They say we spent it on police, but the crime rate gets worse every year, and police focus most of their time on writing tickets.

                              They say we spent it on schools. Ever time ive voted they ask for another 10 billion$ bond to make schools better. But they get worse each year. We have the worst k-12 education system in California, yet it costs quadruple what others cost.

                              I will be back in 40 years to bitch about the same issue with my social security. I paid into it all my life, where is it?
                              Oh, you can't be serious.

                              You're complaining about a state government cutting a non-essential social program? As a self-proclaimed conservative, you should be jumping for joy and begging the idiots to cut other programs...

                              Also, we nasty little liberals did not magically make your tax dollars disappear down the proverbial rabbit hole. You want to know where the money went? Last time I checked, the Empire is currently engaged in 2 major wars. 2 VERY EXPENSIVE wars. It costs a lot of money to slaughter innocent civilians in distant lands, you know. Sure, we could have funded education (and healthcare, and social security, and any other number of worthy programs)... But your beloved Texan redneck wanted to play with all the shiny bombs and missiles, instead...

                              Oh, and the Bay Bridge is $4. One way (coming into San Francisco). Not $5 both ways.


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