Make it wordy

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  • VBSnus
    • Jul 2009
    • 532

    Make it wordy

    What: Post a simple sentence for translation, translate someone else's simple sentences.

    How: For instance, "I think that's great" could be "In frequent pontifications regarding the nature of erstwhile facets of existence, I have deduced, though not concluded as nothing may be in infinite possibility, that the current target of my sensory perception is duly magnanimous."

    Why: Because sgreger can't spell, so I'm assuming he'll avoid this topic like the plague.

    So...someone translate: That snuff tickled my nose.

    Or not.
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    *bashes head on desk*

    I kantt spelz dat bery well, i g3ts it. n0 needz 2 teaz plz.

    Sentence: "That snuff tickled my nose."

    Translation: The powdered derivitave of tobacco commonly referred to as Snuff, titillated my olfactory sense receptor which protrudes from my facial region.

    So... someone translate: VB Snus is hanging from Sgreger1's nuts.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      So... someone translate: VB Snus is hanging from Sgreger1's nuts.
      The rapacious rapscallion known heretofore as VBSnus delightedly yet diligently dangles from the dermis of sgreger's scrotal sac.

      Edited to fix quote
      Or not


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Outstanding Roo!! YOu have to pass it on and make your own for someone else to translate though


        • VBSnus
          • Jul 2009
          • 532

          Edited to fix quote
          Hastily withdrawn forthwith, antecedently untouched and unchanged, yet at this juncture requiring discombobulation and reconstruction.


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Originally posted by sgreger1
            Outstanding Roo!! YOu have to pass it on and make your own for someone else to translate though
            Wonderfully splendid Roo!! now that the aforementioned task has been thoroughly completed your persons must concieve a phonetic concoction of wordplay and hand it down to the gathering people of literate mind so that they may transcribe in length and complexity the meaning of your miniscule wording.

            sentence: when the cat's away the mice will play. :P


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Originally posted by texasmade
              sentence: when the cat's away the mice will play. :P
              Upon the time which the felis catus takes a sabbatical from the plane of existence in which it most commonly resides for any span of reasonable time, the peromyscus leucopus may begin activities which will stimulate said creature beyond the droll existence usually participated in when said felis catus is in his presence, which bars such creature from enjoying engaging aforementioned activities.

              SENTENCE: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                Originally posted by chadizzy1
                SENTENCE: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
                existing only with intentions of all consuming omnipresent labor within the time of his undetermined lifespan without the ever so often interruptions of gleeful indulgence has left Jack non reflective without the shimmer and shine of brightness like a brief glimpse of light striking off of a well polished surface.

                SENTENCE: if you dont use it, you lose it.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  I know I didn't edit the last one, but seeing how wordy you guys are, I'd like to see an interpretation of:

                  "That's what she said."


                  • texasmade
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4159

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1

                    "That's what she said."
                    that which emanates from the orifice resting below the nostrils locatated torwards the top of the skeletal system, in which the spoken linguistics originate from the female of the homosapien species, came her response.

                    SENTENCE: I like to move it, move it.


                    • Ainkor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1144

                      Originally posted by texasmade
                      SENTENCE: I like to move it, move it.
                      As I sit and ponder my like or dislike of personal locomotion, I find that I do indeed feel agreeable about said movements.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by texasmade
                        theres still this one

                        SENTENCE: if you dont use it, you lose it.


                        • Ainkor
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1144

                          Originally posted by Ainkor
                          Originally posted by texasmade
                          SENTENCE: I like to move it, move it.
                          As I sit and ponder my like or dislike of personal locomotion, I find that I do indeed feel agreeable about said movements.
                          I forgot to add one of my own:

                          Would you like some fries with that?


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            Originally posted by Ainkor

                            Would you like some fries with that?
                            would you happen to be interested in including with your current requests Julienne potatoes which are prepared by soaking in scalding oil until they are crisp and then doused with salt?

                            SENTENCE: WTF? We need more people in here.


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              LOL @ all of you. Nice work Tex, Ainkor, VB and and sdreadgerger1. Many points, all around.

                              You want fries with that?

                              Can I interest you in some half-cold, partly/once-used-to-be-fried, straight-cut French-friend pertaters? Thought so. NEXT.

                              Last time I drove to Portland from Seattle I stopped at a McDonalds in Napavine, WA. I said: " I'll wait for some fresh fries, thanks". She said, "them are fresh, I just pulled 'em".

                              They weren't fresh. And the only things she "pulled" were her own teeth.


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