how was the pain level? i promised my parents i wouldn't get any tatts on my arms, chest, back, or any other part not covered by a wedding dress until i'm married.
It wasn't too bad...kinda felt like someone taking a knife and carving it out I guess? Hurts, but wasn't so bad that I couldn't handle it.
taking a knife and carving it out???? lol, i totally had to get my sides done - it's the worst kind of pain, and i hear that all tattoo pain is downhill from there.
still, if you've ever had a blemish on your back... those KILL.
actually, it didn't hurt real bad until the last 10 or so mins. my left side was pretty painful, but i got my right side done not too long ago and that was the worst pain i've ever been through in my life :S
Originally posted by sagedil
That doesn't have to be too limiting....
haha! i want to wear a strapless gown, i have nice shoulders.
I'm just glad I didn't pass out! That was my biggest worry since I have done that when getting blood taken at the doc's before and all. But I was ready! Had a bottle of water, one of those all-purpose Walmart bags in case I tossed cookies, and my Nintendo DS ready to go if I really had to distract myself, hehe. Yes, I'm a wuss when it comes to needles, which is why it took me 25 years to finally get it done!
OK, obviously wandered into the wrong department..…looking for sporting goods…. ops:
Nice tat Sl
these gals are good sports.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I'm just glad I didn't pass out! That was my biggest worry since I have done that when getting blood taken at the doc's before and all. But I was ready! Had a bottle of water, one of those all-purpose Walmart bags in case I tossed cookies, and my Nintendo DS ready to go if I really had to distract myself, hehe. Yes, I'm a wuss when it comes to needles, which is why it took me 25 years to finally get it done!
i think it helps when you can't see it being done - sometimes i get queasy watching the needles go in.
A drunken night out in Sydney's Kings Cross left Rachel Vance with a tattoo on her arm - two tiny stars and a spade. The experience cost her $100 and...