First tattoo, awwww

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  • weeg3
    • Nov 2009
    • 153

    Originally posted by sheilalynn
    Originally posted by weeg3
    Originally posted by sheilalynn
    I just went with the daughter to get her first one...she says it WILL be the last one. She actually passed out during it! Knew I should've given her one of my xanax before we went, hehe. She did have it finished though!
    gah! my ex used to steal vics from me to get his work done, and if he couldn't get a hold of that then his brother would give him oxy. i'm not a huge fan of using prescriptions to manage tatt pain - the pain is part of the experience! however, if it gets too bad, i have found that 2 extra strength excedrin 45 mins prior does really well.
    I didn't take anything before mine...figured that I survived natural childbirth twice with no meds that I could handle a half hour of being stabbed with a needle :wink: But I'll admit, it wasn't exactly like being tickled!
    i've never had the pleasure of childbirth as of yet. :bow:


    • Skimo
      • Mar 2009
      • 204

      One of my tatts is within an inch of a nipple, not too bad. One is within an inch of the inside of my arm, that one stung! Third tatt was on my shoulder, pain, what pain? Fourth was on my upper back, I can't remember if there was pain or not, so I'll say it was mild pain at the worst.

      Soon I want to tatt my daughters names, just need to find the right spot.


      • sheilalynn
        • May 2009
        • 1103

        Already have the next one picked out for around the ankle...probably will do a little ouching with that one :? That's IF I get another one in the future before I'm too old :wink:


        • wadetheblade
          • Jul 2009
          • 572

          Pain. The inside of my arms, my collar bone, and my sternum hurt like mf.


          • sheilalynn
            • May 2009
            • 1103

            Originally posted by wadetheblade
            Pain. The inside of my arms, my collar bone, and my sternum hurt like mf.
            I heard that the inner arm is sister told me all about that when she got her tribal armband done. I'll stay away from that spot, and the ones you mentioned too :wink:


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