so what's SO drinking tonight?

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  • weeg3
    • Nov 2009
    • 153

    so what's SO drinking tonight?

    yeah i've got me some rum and coke (cheap college drink FTW) - no pics because my digital camera broke, but i'll bet i could upload a video if anyone gets too curious.

    snuson, what are you drinking on this saturday night? are you as lame as i am?
  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    I am in luck tonight since a friend of mine is throwing a party for a buddy of ours that is shipping off to boot tomorrow so I will most likely be drinking on some skyy, grey goose, patron, and most importantly jager :twisted:

    BUUUUUUUUUUT it doesnt start for a couple hours blowing that time on snuff, snus, facebook and here


    • weeg3
      • Nov 2009
      • 153

      Originally posted by texasmade
      I am in luck tonight since a friend of mine is throwing a party for a buddy of ours that is shipping off to boot tomorrow so I will most likely be drinking on some skyy, grey goose, patron, and most importantly jager :twisted:

      BUUUUUUUUUUT it doesnt start for a couple hours blowing that time on snuff, snus, facebook and here

      you HAVE to try some patron coffee when you get the chance... it's completely and utterly epic, and i drop quite a bit getting drunk singularly off of this at my favorite bar. i hate tequila, but this has a very special soft spot for me.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        thats a new one to me....ima have to call them and tell them to look for a it like an expensive kahlua?


        • weeg3
          • Nov 2009
          • 153

          Originally posted by texasmade
          thats a new one to me....ima have to call them and tell them to look for a it like an expensive kahlua?
          no, not in the least. it's mostly clear, has a very smooth taste, but not overly sweet. if you can imagine a chilled glass of espresso with just a little bit of sugar, and warm in the end, that's kind of what it's like. finishes very clean, i prefer it shaken with some ice and then strained into a whiskey glass. much too good to mix with.

          can you tell there is nothing to do here but drink? :lol:


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I really don't drink, maybe one beer every 4 months. I have smoked pot every day for 19 years. But being jobless and looking for work, gotta stay mostly dry right now. And yes, it really, really sucks. :wink:


            • weeg3
              • Nov 2009
              • 153

              Originally posted by sagedil
              I really don't drink, maybe one beer every 4 months. I have smoked pot every day for 19 years. But being jobless and looking for work, gotta stay mostly dry right now. And yes, it really, really sucks. :wink:
              so yeah everyone's gonna think i'm strange, but in my 22 years of existence i have NEVER tried pot. the op just never presented itself in the right way :S


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                so if somebody dropped a pound in front of you would that be the right opportunity?


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Well I will tell you my story then.

                  I had first tried it when I was 14, did it a few times in high school a few more times my first year at Berkeley, and maybe once very two years the next few years.

                  But when I was your age, 22, I almost killed myself one night when I made the stupid mistake of getting very drunk one night when I was very depressed. Next morning, when I sobered up, it scared the sh** out of me how badly I had reacted. I got incredibly lucky I hadn't hurt myself or someone else.

                  So it dawned on me that day that maybe alcohol was a dangerous drug for me. And pot had never done that to me, so I made a conscious decision at that moment that I would no longer drink, and seek pout pot more. Over the next few years, I made some good friends I used to smoke with, met my now ex-wife two years later and she too smoked. Not long after Laura and I moved in together, I was in my last year of school, I could see just how healthy pot had been for me. It really made me a much better person Pot allowed me to step beyond the nasty type A personality traits I used to have, the things that made most people not like me much, I simply was a better, more relaxed, nicer person after I started smoking on a regular basis.

                  So at age 25, I made the decision that this was something I was going to do every day, and have for the last 19 years.

                  I take a break every few years to re-evaluate. Sometimes when I am looking for a job, sometimes just because.

                  But I have learned that it is still very healthy for me. Pot allows me to break from my past. Without it, I can get trapped in constantly thinking about what was, like a loop. But when I smoke, that just drops away, and all I focus on is the now and what is coming ahead. I am grateful that I have learned my lessons so well, in many ways I don't really need it any more. I can be as healthy and forward focused even when I am not smoking, just because I trained myself to do that over the years. Still, I would prefer that I could.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    Not drinking tonight. Last night it was Jim Beam and Old Style...



                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      im gonna make tonight my last night drinking. it does get old and the fun aspect has kinda worn off


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947

                        STRAUB LIGHT

                        I had spiced rum and cokes all night last night.

                        I got kinda violent and aggressive.

                        When I drink bourbon I chill.

                        Gin makes me violent too.

                        Tequila I don't even want to talk about.

                        I'll stick to beer and bourbon.


                        • bakerbarber
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 1947

                          weeg3 my wife went to Kent State, her sister is at the Akron University now.

                          There might not be anything but drinking to do around there.

                          Be safe.


                          • weeg3
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 153

                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            weeg3 my wife went to Kent State, her sister is at the Akron University now.

                            There might not be anything but drinking to do around there.

                            Be safe.
                            ^_^ i got home safe, i'm alright.

                            i think eventually i'd like to kick my drinking habit, tonight i was able to go out and enjoy myself without getting drunk. milk thistle will ease the morning.


                            • weeg3
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 153

                              Originally posted by sagedil
                              Well I will tell you my story then.

                              I had first tried it when I was 14, did it a few times in high school a few more times my first year at Berkeley, and maybe once very two years the next few years.

                              But when I was your age, 22, I almost killed myself one night when I made the stupid mistake of getting very drunk one night when I was very depressed. Next morning, when I sobered up, it scared the sh** out of me how badly I had reacted. I got incredibly lucky I hadn't hurt myself or someone else.

                              So it dawned on me that day that maybe alcohol was a dangerous drug for me. And pot had never done that to me, so I made a conscious decision at that moment that I would no longer drink, and seek pout pot more. Over the next few years, I made some good friends I used to smoke with, met my now ex-wife two years later and she too smoked. Not long after Laura and I moved in together, I was in my last year of school, I could see just how healthy pot had been for me. It really made me a much better person Pot allowed me to step beyond the nasty type A personality traits I used to have, the things that made most people not like me much, I simply was a better, more relaxed, nicer person after I started smoking on a regular basis.

                              So at age 25, I made the decision that this was something I was going to do every day, and have for the last 19 years.

                              I take a break every few years to re-evaluate. Sometimes when I am looking for a job, sometimes just because.

                              But I have learned that it is still very healthy for me. Pot allows me to break from my past. Without it, I can get trapped in constantly thinking about what was, like a loop. But when I smoke, that just drops away, and all I focus on is the now and what is coming ahead. I am grateful that I have learned my lessons so well, in many ways I don't really need it any more. I can be as healthy and forward focused even when I am not smoking, just because I trained myself to do that over the years. Still, I would prefer that I could.
                              i get worried about messing up my sex cells. someday, i'd like to have children, and god only gave me a certain number of eggs :S


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