so what's SO drinking tonight?

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  • srhoades2talk
    • Nov 2009
    • 95

    Originally posted by weeg3

    i get worried about messing up my sex cells. someday, i'd like to have children, and god only gave me a certain number of eggs :S
    I dunno, weeg3, my husband and I tried to get pregnant for nearly 2 years, then when I went to my annual training back in Aug. and Sep., I stayed high for 2 weeks, the day after I got back, had some "missed you honey" time with the hubby, 3 weeks later, 2 little pink lines! I swear that pot was my fertility drug!


    • weeg3
      • Nov 2009
      • 153

      Originally posted by srhoades2talk
      Originally posted by weeg3

      i get worried about messing up my sex cells. someday, i'd like to have children, and god only gave me a certain number of eggs :S
      I dunno, weeg3, my husband and I tried to get pregnant for nearly 2 years, then when I went to my annual training back in Aug. and Sep., I stayed high for 2 weeks, the day after I got back, had some "missed you honey" time with the hubby, 3 weeks later, 2 little pink lines! I swear that pot was my fertility drug!
      lol. unfortunately, i'm built like a gaia-type figure, and have always been told by old women that i'm going to have a lot of children. i've always been careful... a kid right now would ruin my career.


      • adm
        • Oct 2009
        • 240

        Home made Stout......this pisses all over Guinness and goes great with N&J Black


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          Wow adm. Nice work!


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            Originally posted by bakerbarber
            STRAUB LIGHT

            I had spiced rum and cokes all night last night.

            I got kinda violent and aggressive.

            When I drink bourbon I chill.

            Gin makes me violent too.

            Tequila I don't even want to talk about.

            I'll stick to beer and bourbon.
            jesus... tequila.


            never ends well for me. last time i drank tequila i drove home blackout wasted, the time before that i threw a chair at a dudes face, the time before that i busted a window.

            im layin off the tequila, possibly forever. its the devils brew.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I drink to get drunk. Always have. As a beverage, I don't care for it. But I only binge drink maybe once or twice a month, and sometimes not even that. As I have gotten older, it's not as fun as it used to be, but still sometimes is. Now I like the effect of pot, and have had my time with it, but these days, I find it more so makes me tired, and gives me a pot hangover. Plus, these days, I am just not around it, and it's very rare if I am around it. My 2 closest friends don't smoke it, and my wife would not approve. If it was legal, I might be more inclined. I do think pot and alcohol are very different. I never acted recklessly or like a total fool on pot, like I have on alcohol.


              • nathancipher
                • Nov 2009
                • 72

                Sipping on some Brooklyn brown ale currently.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  I'll tell you if you swing on through to my alcohol thread. It's not dead so don't kill it! :wink: :wink:


                  • Redbeard
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 390

                    Originally posted by adm
                    Home made Stout......this pisses all over Guinness and goes great with N&J Black

                    That's a gorgeous work of art right there. Making me thirsty just looking at it.

                    I drink almost everyday. That being said, I don't get drunk that often. It's usually a couple of drinks after work, more on the weekend. Almost always beer or whiskey of some sort. I've never had alcohol make me violent or stupid. I can do that all by myself, not that it happens often.

                    Overall, I drink not to get drunk, but for the beverage itself. The buzz is a nice bonus. I think that's why I hardly ever drink cheap alcohol if I can help it. Life's too short to waste on bad booze.


                    • adm
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 240

                      Thanks for the compliment!

                      I hear you on the quality issue.....and as Hunter S. Thompson said, "Good people drink good beer"

                      I drink beer every day. Not to get drunk, but because it's my beverage of choice. Yeah - sometimes I do get drunk on it though!

                      I brew 90% or so of my beer consumption myself, from the best ingredients money can buy (grain, hops, yeast and water) and it's amazing the difference between craft brewed, high quality beer and the fizzy chemical piss that most places try to sell to the public.

                      I now only buy beer that is particularly special - typically from small microbreweries. Then I figure out how to clone that recipe myself :twisted:


                      • groverthesnake
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 172

                        Tonight its St. Pauli Girl.
                        I love German pilsners and my fav is Spaten. But I have to drive a few miles to get it. St. Pauli girl is working tonight.


                        • AtreyuKun
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 1223

                          Woodchuck Apple Beer. Good stuff.


                          • deadohsky
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 625

                            Wild Turkey 101


                            • Redbeard
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 390

                              I thought about picking up some Wild Turkey for Turkey Day, but decided against it.

                              Drinking Sam Adams and Elijah Craig.


                              • deadohsky
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 625

                                Wild Turkey wasn't necessarily for the holiday; it's my preferred 'everyday' whiskey/bourbon, just gives an extra excuse to have some lol. I do enjoy the Wild Turkey Rare Breed as well, but a little to pricey to get it all that often.

                                Edit: Forgot to ask, any particular reason you decided against it, Redbeard?


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