I just wanna know what happened to the plane at the Pentagon.
It crashed into it. If you've ever been near or to the Pentagon, it is situated next to a busy expressway. The plane that hit the Pentagon flew low and slow (low enough that you could see the passengers faces in the window) directly over morning rush-hour traffic and slammed into the building. Plenty of people were sitting in their cars and watched it hit.
Notice the American Airlines colors on that twisted piece of fuselage?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I just wanna know what happened to the plane at the Pentagon.
It crashed into it. If you've ever been near or to the Pentagon, it is situated next to a busy expressway. The plane that hit the Pentagon flew low and slow (low enough that you could see the passengers faces in the window) directly over morning rush-hour traffic and slammed into the building. Plenty of people were sitting in their cars and watched it hit.
Notice the American Airlines colors on that twisted piece of fuselage?
This is the most likely example.
I mean a conspiracy of that proportion would be so immensly difficult to pull off. not that it couldn't be, but it seems that if one DID want to orchestrate such an event, it would be easier to just have the CIA pay their connections to hire 10 guys to go steal some airplanes and crash them into buildings as opposed to shooting missiles/laser beams (lol) at the buildings, using hologram planes, space death cannons etc like so many have postulated.
Most likely= not conspiracy
If conspiracy= still involved planes crashing into things, not missiles.
The Muslims have been immegrating to other countries by the millions and once theres enough of them they call for the establishment of Sharia law in their communities etc. Back at home they are still killing people with dissenting religious views, corrupting governments, and building armies that if left unchecked could prove to be a real problem.
Dude you have a very warped view of the Muslim world. Sharia Law is applied to all court matters in only a handful of countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lybia, and the parts of Sudan and Afghanistan currently under the control of hardline fundamentalists. In other Islamic countries, it is used in matters pertaining to marriage and land ownership, while secular courts handle criminal matters. Either you know better and you don't say it enough, or you truly have some twisted view of Muslims all over the world beheading each other and stoning women to death and shit. Yes, that still happens in many places, but the sheer number of Muslims on this planet versus the fraction who behave the way that you characterize all of them is akin to saying South Americans are head-shrinking, canibalizing savages.
Originally posted by sgreger1
Then they want to go everywhere and play the weak liberals by demanding tolerance and appreciation for their cultures lack of civil (especially women's) rights etc.
Where is this happening and how? I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
at the buildings, using hologram planes, space death cannons etc like so many have postulated.
Most likely= not conspiracy
If conspiracy= still involved planes crashing into things, not missiles.
I was just kidding about the hologram thing. Did someone actually speculate that it could have been a hologram???
that was freaking real, no doubt about it.
now the moon landing....that could have been staged.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Then they want to go everywhere and play the weak liberals by demanding tolerance and appreciation for their cultures lack of civil (especially women's) rights etc.
Where is this happening and how? I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
The swiss for example have banned the Minarets which has the Muslim community saying it is discrimination. Italy has also banned certain religious clothing that covers the womans face. They are saying they are being descriminated against, because they know that's how the rest of the world thinks. They can play our tolerance against us. As a soverign nation, the Swiss or Italians can do as they please.
Just like I say for middle eastern countries, they are sovereign nations so they can make whatever laws they want and we have no authority to say they should be doing things a different way.
Dude you have a very warped view of the Muslim world. Sharia Law is applied to all court matters in only a handful of countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lybia, and the parts of Sudan and Afghanistan currently under the control of hardline fundamentalists. In other Islamic countries, it is used in matters pertaining to marriage and land ownership, while secular courts handle criminal matters. Either you know better and you don't say it enough, or you truly have some twisted view of Muslims all over the world beheading each other and stoning women to death and shit. Yes, that still happens in many places, but the sheer number of Muslims on this planet versus the fraction who behave the way that you characterize all of them is akin to saying South Americans are head-shrinking, canibalizing savages.
Muslim groups have called for full Sharia law to govern the muslim population in the UK and elsewhere.
“We hereby request all Muslims in the United Kingdom …,” the group says, “to join us and collectively declare that as submitters to Almighty Allah, we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture. On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah in Britain.”
I have only a few muslim friends and they are very American, not really practicing muslims so I gues they can't be compared to anything from other countries. However, I realize that many muslims are not extremists, and I welcome anyone of any religion who is not an extremist.
But what I DO also notice, is that the section of extremists amongst the Muslim community is growing by the day and their fear and destruction is felt all over the world.
I don't have against anyone who is Muslim, as long as they are not anti-western extremists who are willing to commit jihad etc, like so many hundreds of thousands, if not million are.
In the Koran Mohamad details how to get into other cultures and take them over from within. You must first use legal means to migrate to said country, then once there is a large muslim community begin erecting mosques, then once the muslim population is large enough you rally for sharia law to be used in the muslim cities, then it's all gravy from there.
So basicly, no beef with muslims, but there are far to many radicals that seem willing to act on their radical beliefs = this is bad.
at the buildings, using hologram planes, space death cannons etc like so many have postulated.
Most likely= not conspiracy
If conspiracy= still involved planes crashing into things, not missiles.
I was just kidding about the hologram thing. Did someone actually speculate that it could have been a hologram???
that was freaking real, no doubt about it.
now the moon landing....that could have been staged.
Oh yes there is a whole movement of people who claim to have proof that the planes were holograms, superimposed on missiles so that they wouldn't look like ICBMS. Others say they used plasma beams from space to plow it down which is why it fell so perfectly. Lol
I'm pretty dam sure it was a plane. and it crashed because some pilot left his bubble gum stuck to the controls and everything got all gummed up. makes sense to me and its as good of a "theory" as any other.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Attention: Premium Parrots is a disinformation agent planted on Snuson by the controlling Elite under operation "Ettan Prime".
Disregard his theories about the bubble gum and wake up to the fact that 9-11 was ordered and carried out by Smurfs from the planet Nibiru with help from the Plaidian alliance. it was used to give the government power to attack the occupiers of hollow earth, the lizard people. Alienbigfootchemtrail.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I tend to think it's the ultra left that is based on racial hate, especially towards European and European American culture, as they love it when Muslims come, or Mexicans, and do not adapt, or try to, but instead try to mold their host nation into where they came from. You can see this by the little barrios, and high Muslims segments. Yet, they support the Talibans because they don't want the "invaders" in their home countries, yet deride the Swiss from wanting to protect their culture by a benign vote to curb minaret constructions. It's like it's fine and dandy for foreign invaders under the guise of "immigration", legal or not, to not adapt and try and mold their host nation into their native land, yet it's bad, when the "occupiers" in a war try and stablize a barbaric and corrupt nation that is bent on suicide bombing school children. It's such a wacky world. Being here must be a sentence of some kind.
Your thinking is twisted and bizarre.
You find it problematic that people bring their own cultures with them when immigrating? Why? This is nonsensical. I note that you live in Kentucky and speak English. Why don't you speak solely in the language of indigenous Kentuckians? Why have you failed to integrate into the culture?
And your minaret example is a textbook-perfect case of xenophobia and anti-Islam sentiment currently being spewed by Westerners everywhere. You call it "benign?" It is benign to prohibit people from erecting symbols necessary to their chosen faiths? Can I take it that large crosses and stars of David have likewise been banned? Hmmm...
Now your condoning 9-11 as a rational act, yet us retaliating is not rational to you.
Justified retaliation with a specified goal can, in fact, be rational. In order for this to work, you need two things:
(1) You must retaliate against the responsible party.
(2) Your retaliation must be limited.
The Empire failed both. Let us assume that Mr. bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. Did the Empire retaliate against him? No - he's still safe and sound. Instead, Little Bush targeted the sovereign governments of Iraq and Afghanistan. Epic fail.
Now let's throw the assumption out the window. What makes you think that Mr. bin Laden actually had anything to do with 9-11? Where is your proof? Sure, Little Bush told you that he was responsible... but he also told you that Iraq had enough WMDs to destroy the world several times over. Why do you believe this assertion? As a lawyer, I want to see proof before I sign on to this propaganda.
The Muslims have been immegrating to other countries by the millions and once theres enough of them they call for the establishment of Sharia law in their communities etc. Back at home they are still killing people with dissenting religious views, corrupting governments, and building armies that if left unchecked could prove to be a real problem.
Dude you have a very warped view of the Muslim world. Sharia Law is applied to all court matters in only a handful of countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lybia, and the parts of Sudan and Afghanistan currently under the control of hardline fundamentalists. In other Islamic countries, it is used in matters pertaining to marriage and land ownership, while secular courts handle criminal matters. Either you know better and you don't say it enough, or you truly have some twisted view of Muslims all over the world beheading each other and stoning women to death and shit. Yes, that still happens in many places, but the sheer number of Muslims on this planet versus the fraction who behave the way that you characterize all of them is akin to saying South Americans are head-shrinking, canibalizing savages.
I completely agree, Roo. His thinking processes are very dogmatic and inflexible, tending to come down to pure ignorant xenophobia. His views on Islam could have been copied whole-cloth from Bush's playbook - and this worries me. If his views represent those of the average American soldier in the Middle East, no wonder both wars are such unmitigated disasters... You simply cannot expect to win the "hearts and minds" of people that you consistently assume to be sub-human...
I think if these people love Islam so much, and their tolerance and welcomeness, they should go to live in Afganistan, and open a godless Communist HQ, so the Taliban will welcome them.