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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436


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  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    i like when he cut the tree and made the rabbits cry :twisted:


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      Cute propoganda piece. :roll: 1996 was a La Niña event so of course you're going to have a decline. They aren't hiding anything. Deniers play on people's fears so they don't have to face the facts. A bunch of airchair climatologists that think they know more than the professionals.

      You can always data mine a small slice of time or a small geographic area to deny global warming but it falls apart when you widen out your data set.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        JT, just curious Do you believe in preventing globalwarming or do you see it as something that happens in cycles and is going to happen regardless of what we do.


        • RRK
          • Sep 2009
          • 926

          Originally posted by justintempler
          Cute propoganda piece.
          Have you read through the excerpts from the "hacked emails"? There is certainly evidence of illegal activity, scientific suppression, deceit, intimidation, corruption...


          • shikitohno
            • Jul 2009
            • 1156

            I'd doubt the validity of "hacked emails." I can type up something that I say is from the pentagon if I learn one email address from there, and say that the governments by hiding the fact that Hitler's alive and living in Miami selling coke. Doesn't mean it's true. Let's see these so called hacked email posted with full header info, and have the validity of the header info verified as coming from the alleged source by a computer professional with some credentials to back up his statements.

            And most of the data there in the video only covers maybe twenty or thirty years. As was said, look at a wider range, and the graph changes quite a bit.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Well, it has been proven that it's a myth that Hitler killed himself.


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                Yes some of global warming happens because of natural cycles but 6 billion people burning fossil fuels has accelerated it.

                Governments have to deal with the consequences, How about New Orleans, do you spend billions more on canals, pumps, dykes? Do you build that multibillion dollar ice cutter for the artic if there is no ice? Do you spend billions building a water pipeline for Las Vegas to deliver water from mountain snowfall runoff that isn't there? How about pest control affecting our food crops? How about the spread of disease under a changing climate?

                No I haven't. that's human nature though, it happens on both sides. I've seen plenty of lies and deceit from the deniers, it wouldn't surprise me the "other" side is guilty of some of it too. I'm not a big fan of Al Gore but that doesn't change the underlying facts.

                When NOAA and NASA change their minds about global warming I'll be happy to follow along. Until then I'll let the professionals handle it. 8)


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Originally posted by RRK
                  Have you read through the excerpts from the "hacked emails"? There is certainly evidence of illegal activity, scientific suppression, deceit, intimidation, corruption...


                  • texasmade
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4159

                    regardless of acceleration or not wouldnt we have to deal with those problems eventually?


                    • RRK
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 926

                      Originally posted by justintempler
                      Originally posted by RRK
                      Have you read through the excerpts from the "hacked emails"? There is certainly evidence of illegal activity, scientific suppression, deceit, intimidation, corruption...
                      They debunk one point. Reading through the discussion there are many points brought up that no one will touch. The poster neilperth quotes other points and everyone starts trying to shoot him down without addressing the them and call for the discussion to be closed. I don't buy into either side of this discussion but to completely dismiss this information is the opposite of skepticism.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        justintempler, I didn't have the energy. It's Thanksgiving. Once again, thank you.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090


                          I didn't spend any time on it, it's just a link I ran across.

                          I get tired of digging through this crap because the deniers always zero in on little details that they want to argue about all the while ignoring the overall picture. It reminds me of when creationists try to disprove evolution because they can find problems with 5-6 fossils. They somehow think that 5-6 examples disproves the other millions of perfectly fine fossils.


                          • MojoQuestor
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 2344

                            People seem to tend to believe what they want to believe, then go looking for reasons to back it up. "Searching for truth" is often actually folks gathering stones to throw at each other during "conversations". This appears to me to be human nature, perhaps happening without full conscious awareness. This isn't to say there aren't those who are carefully objective and weigh the evidence; it's just not necessarily the way the human animal is wired by default.

                            MQ, master of the obvious


                            • RRK
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 926

                              Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                              "Searching for truth" is often actually folks gathering stones to throw at each other during "conversations".
                              It's true, I fight against anything Al Gore is involved with. :wink:


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