Originally posted by justintempler
I agree to an extent, the republicans are doing a god job of saying no to stupid things, but I don't see that they have any plan to do anything better. Doing nothing is retarded either way because whether AGW is as big a threat as advertised or not, going green is a good idea. Going green does not mean setting up a new carbon trading scheme and forcing people to buy carbon credits to offset their existence as a carbon dioxide breathing being though.
It looks like there is a good chance republicans will win back some seats this year, but I think they are making the same mistakes the democrats did. The democrats got into congress because people were voting agains Bush/republicans, not for democrats. Now people are upset with the democrats so they (like in MA) are voting against democrats, but not necessarily for republicans. So when the republicans get in, I hope they don't stick to their normal "lets just do nothing" routine. If we could find a balance between "lets do nothing" and "omg the sky is falling" that would be great.