Global Warming, Not Asteroids Caused Planet's Mass Extinct..
Global warming is an integral part of the cyclical nature of Earth. Both global warming and global cooling have happened several times in the past and has dramatically affected the inhabitants of Planet Earth.
Even if we eliminated our carbon footprint to 0, it would still occur. That is, unless dinosaurs had SUV's and factories.
Global warming and terrorism are government wet dreams -- nebulous, endless threats that can only be fixed by more government power.
EDIT: Now Glenn Beck, infamous for flip flopping on every subject, is even on the AGW train.
Global warming is an integral part of the cyclical nature of Earth. Both global warming and global cooling have happened several times in the past and has dramatically affected the inhabitants of Planet Earth.
Even if we eliminated our carbon footprint to 0, it would still occur. That is, unless dinosaurs had SUV's and factories.
Global warming and terrorism are government wet dreams -- nebulous, endless threats that can only be fixed by more government power.
EDIT: Now Glenn Beck, infamous for flip flopping on every subject, is even on the AGW train.