PP: I'm trying to figure out if a small sized commercial day care center could be etablished for an initial investment of 300k or less. The problem here is that you are required 40 sq ft per child of indoor spaec and same for outdoor space.
Ive gone over a lot fo the startup costs and it would take at least 35 just for materials and items for the building, however almost all of it can be written off to a certain extent on the taxes. Does your wife know anyone who owns/operates a commercial child care center in your area?
Problem is that CA, like always, has the most regulation and highest startup cost since they hate small businesses here.
About the only way to find out what you need in calipornia is to get a copy of the building and zoning laws from your local building dept and to get a copy of the rules/regulations/guidlines etc from your local DCFS. There are alot of variables between one state to another and one town to another.
If you own your home then your start up costs are minimal. Our place is similar to having two homes joined together. I can go days without even seeing a kid here. My MIL lives with us and her room is in the DC portion of the building and I only see her at night at the dinner table. Its great.
If you decide to do home day care or group home day care then you won't have to rent or buy a building solely for the day care operation. You can run it out of your home. The parents will end up paying for it for you. . That will certainly keep your overhead down. Another perk with home day care is that you can deduct just about EVERYTHING you buy/use for the household. I love deducting toilet paper, dog food, people food, lawn care, and just about everything else. lol. If you have a commercial day care you won't be able to deduct your household items/repairs/bills.
I suggest that you set the wife up so she can make the $ and keep buzy and then you can go fishing everyday........ blue worms
Then start yourself a business that you can do yourself where your customers pay stricly cash. Make it legal tho, and pay some taxes.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
About the only way to find out what you need in calipornia is to get a copy of the building and zoning laws from your local building dept and to get a copy of the rules/regulations/guidlines etc from your local DCFS. There are alot of variables between one state to another and one town to another.
Yah I am researching that as we speak. The Small Business Administration has a great pretty inclusive PDF on what all is entailed and tax laws etc.
If you decide to do home day care or group home day care then you won't have to rent or buy a building solely for the day care operation. You can run it out of your home. The parents will end up paying for it for you. . That will certainly keep your overhead down. Another perk with home day care is that you can deduct just about EVERYTHING you buy/use for the household. I love deducting toilet paper, dog food, people food, lawn care, and just about everything else. lol. If you have a commercial day care you won't be able to deduct your household items/repairs/bills.
The problem right now is that we don't own a house, but are looking into buying one posibly a year from now depending on what area we find has the most reasonable prices. Owning a house at my age in CA in virtually unheard of, but the market is good right now for people with cash down payments so I am hoping we can get something, and not lose money to renting for years like my parents did. Writing things off is a great perk, since ou could claim just about anything.
The reality of it is that I would like to create a business that I can manage rather than buying myself a job so to say. If my wife was unemployed than I would have her do the babysitting and hire 1 employee but unfortunately it's just me for now and having some GUY take care of your little girl in their house isn't attractive to most customers I would imagine.
I could obtain 200k in cash and finance the rest through a commercial loan from a bank or credit union but there are so many variables that I will have to wait untill a year or so from now when I am able to actually put this all into play.
I suggest that you set the wife up so she can make the $ and keep buzy and then you can go fishing everyday........ blue worms
I wish! lol that would be sweet but i'm really the kind of person that has to be constantly busy working on things. When I am just sitting at home I get bored real quickly and end up just blowing lots of cash on videogames which serves me no real long term value.
Plus, having a kid at 23, my wife's family etc is all betting on us failing so I am working tirelessly to prove all those bastards wrong.
Believe me, simply owning a day care will keep you buzy enough even though you wouldn't have to care for the kids yourself. Theres lots of paperwork, errands, supplies etc. and don't forget building repairs and keeping the environment safe. It all takes time and $.
nothing is easy in this life. maybe the next life will be better
get yourself a 2 story house with a big basement. Live upstairs, set the wife up with the day care on the main level and set the basement up with weeds and grow hydroponicly. You might need some air fresheners. lol
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Believe me, simply owning a day care will keep you buzy enough even though you wouldn't have to care for the kids yourself. Theres lots of paperwork, errands, supplies etc. and don't forget building repairs and keeping the environment safe. It all takes time and $.
nothing is easy in this life. maybe the next life wil be better
I don't even think it would be to profitable in a house in CA, I mean they need 40 sq ft of room inside and out PER KID. For god's sake they must not realize how expensive land is in CA when writing these rules. First step is to obtain the house then try to write off as much of it as possible as part of a daycare business. It's amazing how much tax they take out here in CA. If you own a day care center 34% is the MINIMUM tax and it is unlikely you will pay that low if you turn any kind of decent profit.
40 sf inside and 40 sf outside is pretty much standard thruout the country I think.
pm sent
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.