Vast right wing conspiracy: do not enter

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by sgreger1

    Huh :?:

    I see a picture of instructions how to make a dental dam for oral sex.
    Yes, that would explain the KY jelly perfectly then wouldnt it. Sigh. They have prefab dental dams that planned parenthood gives out, this was a different kit that was multi purpose.

    High schoolers are 14......15-16-17-18 years old. And most of them think abstinence means not having vaginal sex. So the thought of teaching them the consequences of unprotected oral and anal sex I guess is too scary a thought, huh?
    Like I said, I have no problem with sex ed, i'm not one of those abstinence only conservative types. But there were kids as young as 12 here, and several of the parents complained WHICH LED TO 3 PEOPLE GETTING FIRED. So obviousely the parents were not on board here.

    Tell me sgreger1 how many of your high school classmates ended up pregnant and got STDs.
    1 got an std, none got pregnant. but that's irrelivant. I have no problem with planned parenthood or teaching safe sex. I have a problem with their presentation on whether it is polite to spit or swallow, and how to properly fist someone by working your way up from 2 fingers to the whole fist.

    I guess our parenting methods are just different.

    No mention of anything about fisting. I guess the guy that labeled that picture as a fisting kit also thinks a box of matches is part of a meth making kit.
    It was mentioned at the conference. I didnt just go find some pic off google images.

    I guess we should ban the sale of matches, just to be safe.

    And those "kits" weren't handed out. You had to go to the Planned Parenthood table in the lobby to get one.
    Good god with the details, ****. They were there and part of the presentation, but the kit is not what the orriginal post was even about, it was the content of the lecture which was OBVIOUSLY innapropriate because people ended up getting fired over it, so I am not the only one who thinks its innapropriate for little kids.

    Back when I went to High School any field trip required a permission slip from the parents. This GLSEN sponsored conference was held at Tufts University which means the parents had to give permission for their kids to attend this event.
    Like I said, these people got fired because parents complained about it, so obviously the parents were not on board.

    I see a bunch of scared homophobes twisting what really happened into a way to smear Kevin Jennings because......

    " they want their country back" .... boo hoo, boo hoo :roll:
    You either can't read or are purposely not paying attention. There is no homophobia here, like I said I have gay family members and dont care about anyone being gay, especially between consenting adults. It's a free country. What are you going to bring race into it next? Its about age innapropriate shit being showed to kids, by someone who is now the safe school czar.

    This has nothing to do with some redneck derp derp they tuk ur jerbs!! shit. You must be a great parent Justin.

    This topic is over, it's pretty much just a pissing contest between two people who have differing opinions on what is appropriate for school material in public school.

    But save your homophobic card crap for someone else. If you want to disagree with me, don't make up fake shit. No one here is a homophobe.


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      Yes, that would explain the KY jelly perfectly then wouldnt it. Sigh. They have prefab dental dams that planned parenthood gives out, this was a different kit that was multi purpose....
      KY jelly is normally used with a dental dam. It's not there for a dual purpose to be used as a fisting kit.

      ● Step 1: Many dental dams come flavored. If you have a non-flavored dam, rinse the powdery talc from the dental dam, pat dry with a towel or let air dry.
      ● Step 2: Place water-based lubricant (i.e. K-Y jelly®, WET®) on the side of the dam that will face either the vagina or the anus. Like a condom, oil based lubricants damage the effectiveness of the dental dam as they can break down the latex, which most dental dams are made of.
      ● Step 3: Place the dental dam over the vagina or anus. Do not move the same dam back and forth between the vagina and anus as this can cause infection and defeat the purpose of using a dam.
      ● Step 4: Handle the dental dam carefully so it does not rip. Like condoms, dental dams work on the concept of being a barrier to block the exchange of bodily fluids. Even a small hole could cause much damage. Therefore, do not chew or bite on the dam during oral sex or a hole will develop.
      ● Step 4: Throw away the dam after each use. Do not share or reuse dams. Only use one side of the dam.

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      ....You either can't read or are purposely not paying attention. There is no homophobia here, like I said I have gay family members and dont care about anyone being gay, especially between consenting adults...
      Your source article...

      The word gay mentioned 4 times
      The word lesbian mentioned 4 times
      The acronym GLSEN mentioned 15 times

      The article tags.

      Tags: Fisting, fisting kits, Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, GLSEN, GLSEN 2000 Conference, GLSEN 2001 Conference, Kevin Jennings, Mass Resistance, Media Matters, office of safe and drug free schools, Planned Parenthood, Safe Schools Czar, taxpayer funding, Tuft's University
      So it's not about being gay and homophobia... ya right. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Of course gay was mentioned, it was a GLSEN presentation. It does not mean I have anything against gays. Have I personally been mentioning anything about how them darn gets took ur skoolz?

        Whatever, believe what you want. Everyone is a racist homophobe. Feel better?


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          Everyone is a racist homophobe. Feel better?
          No they aren't, but many of people that watch Fox and visit the right wing blogs are. Let me know when it makes the mainstream media.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by justintempler
            Originally posted by sgreger1
            Everyone is a racist homophobe. Feel better?
            No they aren't, but many of people that watch Fox and visit the right wing blogs are. Let me know when it makes the mainstream media.

            Well you are probably right. It's like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. I admit that not all republicans are racists/homophobes, but most racists homophobes are republican.

            Not sure why you are waiting for mainstream media to validate anything. They are usually late to catch on. Like with Van Jones. Plus this was already handled in court and the corrections were made so not really much of a news story worthy of competing with headlines like "octomom smokes heroin" and "Brittney and K-Fed are back together!"

            God I love the MSM.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759


              ● Step 1: Many dental dams come flavored. If you have a non-flavored dam, rinse the powdery talc from the dental dam, pat dry with a towel or let air dry.
              ● Step 2: Place water-based lubricant (i.e. K-Y jelly®, WET®) on the side of the dam that will face either the vagina or the anus. Like a condom, oil based lubricants damage the effectiveness of the dental dam as they can break down the latex, which most dental dams are made of.
              ● Step 3: Place the dental dam over the vagina or anus. Do not move the same dam back and forth between the vagina and anus as this can cause infection and defeat the purpose of using a dam.
              ● Step 4: Handle the dental dam carefully so it does not rip. Like condoms, dental dams work on the concept of being a barrier to block the exchange of bodily fluids. Even a small hole could cause much damage. Therefore, do not chew or bite on the dam during oral sex or a hole will develop.
              ● Step 4: Throw away the dam after each use. Do not share or reuse dams. Only use one side of the dam.

              dam [pun intended] I sure glad I grew up in the 50's. We didn't need to use protection and "fist f*cking"?!?!?! WTF would you want to do that for. I had to use a condom once in my life. and dam thing broke.

              guess I learned something tonight. not sure what tho.........

              carry on
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • Liandri
                • Jul 2009
                • 604

                Good thing I grew up in prison. We never used condoms, Zip-lock baggies were all the rage *cough*

                WTF are you guys talking about again?


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Well you are probably right. It's like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. I admit that not all republicans are racists/homophobes, but most racists homophobes are republican.
                  Hmmm, I don't agree with this. I actually think it's the other way, and the dems and libs always want to segregate and classify people based on their skin, and then patronize them, and use them for political gain by promising them extra perks because of their skin. And many lib dems, seem to have an anti-hetero stance, where progressive equals gay, and they think to push a pro-gay agenda, and a race patronizing agenda, equals progressive liberal. I find the communist/socialist partys in the US also do this. It's like their strategy. It all boils down to, an agenda that is anti-hetero, and anti-white, while pounding the oppressed victim mentality for votes and promises of government freebies. Which, I believe, has hurt the nation more than anything, socially. Special privilages and freebies only lowers one's self worth, and self respect, and care about one's community, and plays into the confusion when one seeks to judge one's character, and not their hue or orientation.


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    ● Step 1: Many dental dams come flavored. If you have a non-flavored dam, rinse the powdery talc from the dental dam, pat dry with a towel or let air dry.
                    ● Step 2: Place water-based lubricant (i.e. K-Y jelly®, WET®) on the side of the dam that will face either the vagina or the anus. Like a condom, oil based lubricants damage the effectiveness of the dental dam as they can break down the latex, which most dental dams are made of.
                    ● Step 3: Place the dental dam over the vagina or anus. Do not move the same dam back and forth between the vagina and anus as this can cause infection and defeat the purpose of using a dam.
                    ● Step 4: Handle the dental dam carefully so it does not rip. Like condoms, dental dams work on the concept of being a barrier to block the exchange of bodily fluids. Even a small hole could cause much damage. Therefore, do not chew or bite on the dam during oral sex or a hole will develop.
                    ● Step 4: Throw away the dam after each use. Do not share or reuse dams. Only use one side of the dam.
                    :idea: I didn't even know such a thing existed. My mind is going 100 mph atm. ops:


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by Liandri
                      Good thing I grew up in prison. We never used condoms, Zip-lock baggies were all the rage *cough*

                      WTF are you guys talking about again?

                      **** all of this safety nonesense. Seran wrap babby.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Well you are probably right. It's like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. I admit that not all republicans are racists/homophobes, but most racists homophobes are republican.
                        Hmmm, I don't agree with this. I actually think it's the other way, and the dems and libs always want to segregate and classify people based on their skin, and then patronize them, and use them for political gain by promising them extra perks because of their skin. And many lib dems, seem to have an anti-hetero stance, where progressive equals gay, and they think to push a pro-gay agenda, and a race patronizing agenda, equals progressive liberal. I find the communist/socialist partys in the US also do this. It's like their strategy. It all boils down to, an agenda that is anti-hetero, and anti-white, while pounding the oppressed victim mentality for votes and promises of government freebies. Which, I believe, has hurt the nation more than anything, socially. Special privilages and freebies only lowers one's self worth, and self respect, and care about one's community, and plays into the confusion when one
                        Well we're both right on this one. I find that most of the southern redneck types that i've met in my life are all very much to the right, but you are correct that the left is the ones who exploit these boogymen to get votes. There will always be some racists and biggots, but in 2009 we are as close to equal as ever, infact non white citizens have the luxury of having many benefits that are not afforded to heterosexual white people. Just by the numbers, white people have the fewest oppertunities in America today when it comes to jobs, college funding etc.

                        The left plays the race card or the homophobe card whenever they run out of arguments. No way to explain why Obama's policies seem strikingly close to Bush's in many aspects? Well you must be a racist if you say anything about it.

                        They aren't ACTUAL racists or anything but they know how to play hate against other people to demonize those whom they don't agree with.

                        It's sad, but both sides have their tactics for this and at the end of the day it's just politics.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          . It's like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. .
                          WTF???? Umm, have you ever heard of the IRA. Last I heard, they were Catholics, not Muslims. You know, before the birth of Israel, there were even Jewish Terrorists.


                          There are even Hindu terrorists in India.



                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            in 2009 we are as close to equal as ever, infact non white citizens have the luxury of having many benefits that are not afforded to heterosexual white people. Just by the numbers, white people have the fewest oppertunities in America today when it comes to jobs, college funding etc.
                            Are you serious? Then do you mean to say that non-whites simply don't take advantage of all these so-called opportunities? Here are some "numbers" from last Spring:

                            Black Male Worker Jobless Rate Jumps To 17.2% in April

                            The official "seasonally adjusted" unemployment rate for Black male workers over 20 years-of-age in the United States increased from 15.4 percent to 17.2 percent between March 2009 and April 2009, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

                            The official seasonally adjusted jobless rate for Black female workers over 20 years old also increased from 9.9% to 11.5% between March 2009 and April 2009; and the official "seasonally adjusted" jobless rate for all Black workers increased from 13.3% to 15% during this same period.

                            The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for white male workers increased from 8% to 8.5% between March 2009 and April 2009

                            The seasonally adjusted rate for all Hispanic or Latino workers in April 2009 was 11.3%.

                            For all U.S. workers over 20 years old, the seasonally adjusted jobless rate increased from 8.5% to 8.9 %between March 2009 and April 2009.

                            The seasonally adjusted jobless rate for Black youth between 16 and 19 years old increased from 32.5% to 34.7% between March 2009 and April 2009, while the unemployment rate for Hispanic or Latino youth increased from 24.9% to 26.5% during this same period.

                            Some more data, from one year ago:

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            The left plays the race card or the homophobe card whenever they run out of arguments. No way to explain why Obama's policies seem strikingly close to Bush's in many aspects? Well you must be a racist if you say anything about it.
                            LOL you have got to be joking... Has anyone accused you or anyone else you can think of for being a racist because you don't like Obama? Does that really happen? Wait, what was my argument? Nevermind, you must hate gays and probably black people too, that's your problem :wink:


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by sagedil
                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              . It's like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. .
                              WTF???? Umm, have you ever heard of the IRA. Last I heard, they were Catholics, not Muslims. You know, before the birth of Israel, there were even Jewish Terrorists.


                              There are even Hindu terrorists in India.


                              Sigh.. Even when I use an anology to bash republicans as being racist I am somehow in the wrong.

                              Sage, of course there are terrorists from christians, to PETA, muslims, and everyone else.

                              However, 90% of terrorism going on today has muslim roots. Keyword today, we know about the crusades and about all the abortion clinics etc being destroyed. But to deny the fact that a clear majority of terror attacks are commited by muslims at present time is to be blind.

                              But the analogy was used in the context of saying that while not all republicans are racist, it seems that racists to tend to gravitate towards the republican party. At least nowadays, used to be the southern democrats that wanted slavery but the parties have changed so much they've almost switched places with each other.


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Are you serious? Then do you mean to say that non-whites simply don't take advantage of all these so-called opportunities? Here are some "numbers" from last Spring:
                                Lol, Roo. Please don't drag me down this road. But yes, you have to take into account what goes into those numbers. The fact is that a lot of low income areas tend to be minorities, and by low income I mean people in the ghetto living on welfare. Not saying this is there fault because i'm sure it was white oppression that placed them there and forced them not to get jobs, but still, a large part of those statistics include those who do not work and just stay at home on welfare.

                                But look at the facts here. If I want a job, equal oppertunity provides an advantage if you are a minority, but no such advantage if your white. If I apply for college grants, being a minority will offer more financing advantages when going to college. There is no grant for being a straight white male.

                                Minorities are allowed to have college clubs like the black pride club here in SC, or the asian pride, or the gay pride, but white pride would be deemed as racist. Anything involving white pride is seen as racist, as we are taught not to be proud of ourselves if we are white because of all the evil we've done in the past. The whole "white guilt" thing is pushed heavly in America.

                                Also, this differs depending on where you live, some places are better to whites than others. And some are better to minorities than others.

                                Black people can go around callinge everyones crackers or whiteboys and be as racist as they want, even in rap songs, but if I made a song that went "man **** all you black ass ******s" as my chorus it would not be a chart topper on the radio.

                                Perhaps my view is tainted since I have spent most of my life in low income areas where minorities seem to have the upper hand, but this is just my experience and I am sure others have had different experiences during their life. Please do not confuse this as being racist agianst minorities,I was simply trying to point out how I feel like white people are slowly losing advantages and equal oppertunity has tilted the scale in the other direction.

                                Also, my orriginal comment was saying that gays are just about equal with hetero's. All except marriage, which is a religious institution anyways (therefore the government shouldn't have shit to say about it), they are equal in many ways. Not all ways, but in a few short years they have come much closer to being complete equals. Maybe it's because I live near san francisco but I sure don't see gays being oppressed anywhere around here, that's for sure.

                                Gays have giant gay pride parades where they shut down entire sections of san francisco for parades and naked men (and women) can dance naked in the streats jacking each other off and doing other things that I thought were illegal to do in public but apparently not. That's fine with me, we run a booth that makes a lot of money at these festivals so that's all good, more money for us.
                                But what if we were to have a White Pride parade where we all got together and marched on the streets declaring it a white pride festival. Think of how much backlash we would get.

                                LOL you have got to be joking... Has anyone accused you or anyone else you can think of for being a racist because you don't like Obama? Does that really happen? Wait, what was my argument? Nevermind, you must hate gays and probably black people too, that's your problem :wink:

                                Lets see, Jimmy Carter, everyone on CNN, MSNBC etc tries to play it off as though we are just opposing Obama because of his race etc. But let me ask you this: When Bush had a 21% approval rate, between the liberals AND the conservatives, when the entire nation was against him, no one was claiming republicans were racist for opposing him. The black community heavily disliked Bush's policies, yet no one called them racists?

                                See this is what i'm saying, you can only be racist if your white.


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