Yes, that would explain the KY jelly perfectly then wouldnt it. Sigh. They have prefab dental dams that planned parenthood gives out, this was a different kit that was multi purpose.
Like I said, I have no problem with sex ed, i'm not one of those abstinence only conservative types. But there were kids as young as 12 here, and several of the parents complained WHICH LED TO 3 PEOPLE GETTING FIRED. So obviousely the parents were not on board here.
1 got an std, none got pregnant. but that's irrelivant. I have no problem with planned parenthood or teaching safe sex. I have a problem with their presentation on whether it is polite to spit or swallow, and how to properly fist someone by working your way up from 2 fingers to the whole fist.
I guess our parenting methods are just different.
It was mentioned at the conference. I didnt just go find some pic off google images.

I guess we should ban the sale of matches, just to be safe.
Good god with the details, ****. They were there and part of the presentation, but the kit is not what the orriginal post was even about, it was the content of the lecture which was OBVIOUSLY innapropriate because people ended up getting fired over it, so I am not the only one who thinks its innapropriate for little kids.
Like I said, these people got fired because parents complained about it, so obviously the parents were not on board.
You either can't read or are purposely not paying attention. There is no homophobia here, like I said I have gay family members and dont care about anyone being gay, especially between consenting adults. It's a free country. What are you going to bring race into it next? Its about age innapropriate shit being showed to kids, by someone who is now the safe school czar.
This has nothing to do with some redneck derp derp they tuk ur jerbs!! shit. You must be a great parent Justin.
This topic is over, it's pretty much just a pissing contest between two people who have differing opinions on what is appropriate for school material in public school.
But save your homophobic card crap for someone else. If you want to disagree with me, don't make up fake shit. No one here is a homophobe.
Originally posted by sgreger1
Huh :?:
I see a picture of instructions how to make a dental dam for oral sex.
I see a picture of instructions how to make a dental dam for oral sex.
High schoolers are 14......15-16-17-18 years old. And most of them think abstinence means not having vaginal sex. So the thought of teaching them the consequences of unprotected oral and anal sex I guess is too scary a thought, huh?
Tell me sgreger1 how many of your high school classmates ended up pregnant and got STDs.
I guess our parenting methods are just different.
No mention of anything about fisting. I guess the guy that labeled that picture as a fisting kit also thinks a box of matches is part of a meth making kit.

I guess we should ban the sale of matches, just to be safe.
And those "kits" weren't handed out. You had to go to the Planned Parenthood table in the lobby to get one.
Back when I went to High School any field trip required a permission slip from the parents. This GLSEN sponsored conference was held at Tufts University which means the parents had to give permission for their kids to attend this event.
I see a bunch of scared homophobes twisting what really happened into a way to smear Kevin Jennings because......
" they want their country back" .... boo hoo, boo hoo :roll:
" they want their country back" .... boo hoo, boo hoo :roll:
This has nothing to do with some redneck derp derp they tuk ur jerbs!! shit. You must be a great parent Justin.
This topic is over, it's pretty much just a pissing contest between two people who have differing opinions on what is appropriate for school material in public school.
But save your homophobic card crap for someone else. If you want to disagree with me, don't make up fake shit. No one here is a homophobe.