Vast right wing conspiracy: do not enter

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  • AtreyuKun
    • Aug 2009
    • 1223

    Originally posted by sgreger1

    However I don't like the fact that the schools have been filled with pro-global warming songs, how they are selling school supplies with Obama logos and trademarks on them, how they sing pro-obama songs
    Seriously. Why?


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      Goddamnit I love this forum. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I tend to lurk in this section a lot. Because it gives me a chance to talk to people like sgreger1 and Judge and wingbat Tom and all of you about whatever the hell we want. Thank you one and all. I live in Seattle for Christ's sake, and I work downtown, so I rarely get the opportunity to discuss a lot of this crap. Some people might hate it, but I don't. Unfortunatley I'm kind of bored with talking about snus, and I don't dare to seek out other forums (especially politcal forums), so you people are all I've got for online distractions with real individuals, and I thank you one and all.

      And "FISTGATE"?? In the words of sgreger1, LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLL. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Where's VB when we need him? Probably outside smokin a cig.


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        Personally, I find myself at opposite ends of the spectrum from sgreger on most political topics he posts. When I don't feel like I have the energy to argue it out, and I see he's started the thread, I just ignore it.

        And sgreger, I feel like for the most part the reason people chase you through threads and post angry responses is because you just throw one up after another. Looking at the last couple of weeks topics, you've definitely slowed down, but over the summer you'd put up one after another, blaming Obama for all the woes of America. If anyone disagreed, for the most part we'd have better luck convincing a wall than changing your mind.

        Yes, you have the right to express yourself, freedom of speech. I'm just saying, slow it down a bit. If I opened up a new thread every day blaming a president you liked for everything I don't like about my life, how the country's being run, or problems with the world in general, you'd probably get annoyed with me. Moreso if I flat out reject anything you say against my point.

        And guys, if you don't like sgreger's threads, stay out. If no one's posting in them and they're clogging up the boards, or it's considered enough of an issue for some other reason, the mods will take care of it. Opening his threads and jumping on him every time is only going to get you and him pissed off. You already know you don't like his political threads, so save yourself the raging.

        Not trying to jump on you too sgreger, although most of your political/PC/anti-PC threads do tend to irk me. Just saying, you might find people more tolerant if you limited things to one call per week for the villagers to make a torch and pitch fork raid on Castle Obama to take back the country from those damn anti-American liberals. Couldn't really hurt.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Originally posted by shikitohno
          Personally, I find myself at opposite ends of the spectrum from sgreger on most political topics he posts. When I don't feel like I have the energy to argue it out, and I see he's started the thread, I just ignore it.

          That's about how I feel.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by shikitohno
            And guys, if you don't like sgreger's threads, stay out.
            ^^^Words to live by here. I don't get involved in political threads much, as I can't be arsed. There's no point in arguing with anybody over this stuff as I doubt anyone has EVER had their mind changed from an internet post ;^)

            If want to engage someone in a controversial topic for the exercise, go ahead. I suggest you don't say anything on the web that you wouldn't say in person. If your getting ready to write something you'd get punched for in the pub, perhaps a rephrase is in order ;^)


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Pretty sure I've said enough already, but I think in the case of sgreger1 in particular, he likes to bounce ideas off people, and it usually works. If the thread goes somewhere (and we all it know they go everywhere), then obviously someone wants to talk about it. I also think it's fun to bounce ideas off us wackos here on snuson. Where else? It just works a lot better when the debates are more respectful of each other, and sgreger1, I think you do a fine job of that. It's all in good fun, and for the most part, it shows. I dig it, I don't mind.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Okay is everyone done getting their punches out?

                1)First of all, i know half of you on here are liberals. That's fine, it's why I post here. I would never hear the other side otherwise.

                2)This post was not about being anti-gay, I made that point several times. It's that I think it's sick that they are discussing the proper way to "fist" your male partner or whether it is polite to "spit or swallow", to 14 year old children. Maybe I am just out-dated.

                3)As soon as people stop posting in one of my threads, I don't bump it back up to the top 9 times out of 10. I let it die because I realize no one has any further intirest in the topic.

                3) My threads are clearly marked

                4) I post on many other subjects, and I don't drag my political opinions outside of a political thread.

                5) Lighten the **** up. I get it that no one here can be convinced that Obama is the same as Bush, I get it that your allegiance to the left is the same as my allegiance to the right because we all lived different lives and have different viewpoints. Embrace it. If I was posting left leaning stuff than no one would be making these complaints against my threads.

                6) Extreme (orriginal) thread title was in hopes I could lure VBSnus back.

                But the fact is. That I did not lie, and this did happen. And I am voicing that I think it's sick, as a parent. I don't care about groups that teach diversity and tolerance of gays, there is nothing wrong with diversity or tolerance. But there are certain things that are not age appropriate, and that's all i'm saying.

                For those of you with kids I don't see why you would want the school to discuss how to fist your partners anus or several other graphicly sexual things. In my day we had sex ed, they tought us how it worked, but they didn't pass out the karma sutra and discuss anal beads and shit.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Parents: Seriousely think about this. this is not about hating gays or anything even really related to gays. A year after 3 people were fired over this, they had the same conference and handed out "fisting kits"

                  Is this something 14 year olds need to be having? I don't see why everyone is trying to paint it like this is anti-gay, it's not, it's anti-innapropriate age related material.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I'm mad I missed those classes.
                    It took me years of self practice to get it right.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by tom502
                      I'm mad I missed those classes.

                      Come on over and I can teach you everything you need to know about this glove.
                      You got a purdy mouth

                      Hitler wouldn't have used a glove


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by shikitohno
                        Personally, I find myself at opposite ends of the spectrum from sgreger on most political topics he posts. When I don't feel like I have the energy to argue it out, and I see he's started the thread, I just ignore it.

                        And sgreger, I feel like for the most part the reason people chase you through threads and post angry responses is because you just throw one up after another. Looking at the last couple of weeks topics, you've definitely slowed down, but over the summer you'd put up one after another, blaming Obama for all the woes of America. If anyone disagreed, for the most part we'd have better luck convincing a wall than changing your mind.

                        Yes, you have the right to express yourself, freedom of speech. I'm just saying, slow it down a bit. If I opened up a new thread every day blaming a president you liked for everything I don't like about my life, how the country's being run, or problems with the world in general, you'd probably get annoyed with me. Moreso if I flat out reject anything you say against my point.

                        And guys, if you don't like sgreger's threads, stay out. If no one's posting in them and they're clogging up the boards, or it's considered enough of an issue for some other reason, the mods will take care of it. Opening his threads and jumping on him every time is only going to get you and him pissed off. You already know you don't like his political threads, so save yourself the raging.

                        Not trying to jump on you too sgreger, although most of your political/PC/anti-PC threads do tend to irk me. Just saying, you might find people more tolerant if you limited things to one call per week for the villagers to make a torch and pitch fork raid on Castle Obama to take back the country from those damn anti-American liberals. Couldn't really hurt.

                        Look I get it man, I certainly don't post things here expecting really anyone to agree with me. But imo some of the threads i've started have turned into some really good discussions,a nd often times off topic but still fun.

                        I really don't care if you or anyone doesn't read them because not every post must be tailored to whatever content you are in the mood for reading.

                        For the most part, usually only 3 or 4 people actually engage in discussion with me on political threads, and therefore my posts are created expecting to have a discussion with the 4 or 5 people here who like to discuss politics. All others need not apply.

                        For the most part, most of you who don't want to engage simply don't post in political threads, some of you decide to come rant on my thread about your dislike for my content, which adds nothing to the discussion.

                        On the front page, I have only 1 thread that discusses political content, and it is clearly marked. After the first page, there is 2 others, also clearly marked, and begining with "Political:". Additionally, I post on several other topics, ranging from parent issues, to tech stuff, to science etc.

                        If you are not one of the 5 or so people who like to hash out controversial topics such as politics, hitler, or conspiracy theories about the moon etc, than there is no need for you to engage in the discussion on my threads, as there are many other threads to explore on various topics.

                        Thank you for your input, and the advice. I have tried to slow it down so as not to offend anyone with my content. But at the end of the day, well... welcome to the internet.


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          But you don't get it. I'm not saying you have to tailor to my tastes. Like I said, if I don't feel like arguing with you on a particular day, I don't bothering posting. I'm not the guy who comes into your threads posting, "STFU, fascist scum!" Most of my post was intended to tell other people that they should just stay out if they don't feel like reading whatever your scandal of the day/week happens to be. You have slowed down, and I was telling you that was a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. But there's no need to try and cut me down for standing up for you, and telling others to leave me alone.

                          And welcome to the internet to you too. If you post something controversial, you can expect to get flamed, and you can expect to only have two to five people capable of holding a rational discussion of it. Now learn the rules of the internet. Specifically, rules 11,15, 20, 38, and 42 might help. That's all I'm posting in this thread, I'll wait until you start another to see if I feel it's worth arguing with you. Until then, I'll be waiting in your other thread to help if you need it with your ubuntu installation.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by shikitohno
                            But you don't get it. I'm not saying you have to tailor to my tastes. Like I said, if I don't feel like arguing with you on a particular day, I don't bothering posting. I'm not the guy who comes into your threads posting, "STFU, fascist scum!" Most of my post was intended to tell other people that they should just stay out if they don't feel like reading whatever your scandal of the day/week happens to be. You have slowed down, and I was telling you that was a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. But there's no need to try and cut me down for standing up for you, and telling others to leave me alone.

                            And welcome to the internet to you too. If you post something controversial, you can expect to get flamed, and you can expect to only have two to five people capable of holding a rational discussion of it. Now learn the rules of the internet. Specifically, rules 11,15, 20, 38, and 42 might help. That's all I'm posting in this thread, I'll wait until you start another to see if I feel it's worth arguing with you. Until then, I'll be waiting in your other thread to help if you need it with your ubuntu installation.

                            I certainly didn't mean to cut you down if that was how you interpreted it.

                            As for your hilarious reference to the rules of the internet, lol. I think #20 applies most here

                            20. Nothing is to be taken seriously

                            Anyone who has ever read an Sgreger1 thread should obide by this rule. I posted a picture of the "fisting" kit that allows you to use the glove for fisting, or you can follow the instructions to make a dental dam out of it and use the thumb hole for your tongue. Now that's ****ing hilarious no matter which way you cut the pie.

                            Everyone should just lighten up. Take it for what it is, an internet forum. And at the end of the day, if you don't agree with it, than don't agree with it, move along. Thanks for the help with the Ubuntu thing which has for some reason exploded in my face and won't work at any step of the process. Such is my fate as always.

                            Hey on the bright side, at some point in time a republican will (unfortunately) get elected again, and the tides can shift in the other direction, with liberals slandering the president and trying to catch him on every little thing, and republicans saying how unfair it is to treat our commander in chief that way. It's just how things work. I'll be here for those days too :lol:


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              Originally posted by shikitohno
                              But you don't get it. I'm not saying you have to tailor to my tastes. Like I said, if I don't feel like arguing with you on a particular day, I don't bothering posting. I'm not the guy who comes into your threads posting, "STFU, fascist scum!" Most of my post was intended to tell other people that they should just stay out if they don't feel like reading whatever your scandal of the day/week happens to be. You have slowed down, and I was telling you that was a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. But there's no need to try and cut me down for standing up for you, and telling others to leave me alone.

                              And welcome to the internet to you too. If you post something controversial, you can expect to get flamed, and you can expect to only have two to five people capable of holding a rational discussion of it. Now learn the rules of the internet. Specifically, rules 11,15, 20, 38, and 42 might help. That's all I'm posting in this thread, I'll wait until you start another to see if I feel it's worth arguing with you. Until then, I'll be waiting in your other thread to help if you need it with your ubuntu installation.

                              I certainly didn't mean to cut you down if that was how you interpreted it.

                              As for your hilarious reference to the rules of the internet, lol. I think #20 applies most here

                              20. Nothing is to be taken seriously

                              Anyone who has ever read an Sgreger1 thread should obide by this rule. I posted a picture of the "fisting" kit that allows you to use the glove for fisting, or you can follow the instructions to make a dental dam out of it and use the thumb hole for your tongue. Now that's ****ing hilarious no matter which way you cut the pie.

                              Everyone should just lighten up. Take it for what it is, an internet forum. And at the end of the day, if you don't agree with it, than don't agree with it, move along. Thanks for the help with the Ubuntu thing which has for some reason exploded in my face and won't work at any step of the process. Such is my fate as always.

                              Hey on the bright side, at some point in time a republican will (unfortunately) get elected again, and the tides can shift in the other direction, with liberals slandering the president and trying to catch him on every little thing, and republicans saying how unfair it is to treat our commander in chief that way. It's just how things work. I'll be here for those days too :lol:


                              • justintempler
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 3090

                                Originally posted by sgreger1
                                Parents: Seriousely think about this. this is not about hating gays or anything even really related to gays. A year after 3 people were fired over this, they had the same conference and handed out "fisting kits"

                                Is this something 14 year olds need to be having? I don't see why everyone is trying to paint it like this is anti-gay, it's not, it's anti-innapropriate age related material.
                                Huh :?:

                                I see a picture of instructions how to make a dental dam for oral sex.

                                High schoolers are 14......15-16-17-18 years old. And most of them think abstinence means not having vaginal sex. So the thought of teaching them the consequences of unprotected oral and anal sex I guess is too scary a thought, huh?

                                Tell me sgreger1 how many of your high school classmates ended up pregnant and got STDs.

                                No mention of anything about fisting. I guess the guy that labeled that picture as a fisting kit also thinks a box of matches is part of a meth making kit.

                                I guess we should ban the sale of matches, just to be safe.

                                And those "kits" weren't handed out. You had to go to the Planned Parenthood table in the lobby to get one.

                                Back when I went to High School any field trip required a permission slip from the parents. This GLSEN sponsored conference was held at Tufts University which means the parents had to give permission for their kids to attend this event.

                                I see a bunch of scared homophobes twisting what really happened into a way to smear Kevin Jennings because......

                                " they want their country back" .... boo hoo, boo hoo :roll:


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