Vast right wing conspiracy: do not enter

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Haha, I don't even know where to start... If I were to respond to each of your outrageous remarks I'd get fired for not doing any work lol. So I'll just address your final point: yes, the whole idea of racism in AMERICA is most definitely associated with the feelings and actions of white people toward black people and other minorities. That's because 75% of the US population last year was white, and we are only a few decades beyond a very long period of time when that number was not only much higher, but more importantly, racism against blacks was an institution -- as normal as patriotism one might argue. So yeah, for the most part, anti-white sentiment does not get very much attention here in the USA, because only recently in our history as a nation has any white person's feelings been hurt because someone was racist toward them. Previously, one could safely assume that yes, black people tended to not "like" white people, and it was pretty goddamn easy to understand why. If you haven't, you should go somewhere in the world where you stick out like a boner in a pair of sweatpants because you are white, and experience some racism. I'm not saying you never have -- by what you wrote about your upbringing I'm pretty sure you have been the target of racist remarks or worse.

    If you think that a black male would have an easier time getting hired wherever it is that you work than would a white male then you are insane.

    I cannot believe what this thread has gone through. Dental dams and fisting to terrorism and racism. You know, I had a thought in the shower this morning. I think the only time I ever learned about a dental dam was in fact in sex ed class at school. And why do they call it a dental dam anyway? If I was tossing salad the last thing I'd be worried about would be my teeth! Nasty.

    The black community heavily disliked Bush's policies, yet no one called them racists?
    Because racism in the context of disapproving of the President of the United States has never been an issue until now!!! Lol you are a piece of work sgreger. I must meet you next time I'm in Cali. The beer is on me.


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Originally posted by Roo
      I cannot believe what this thread has gone through. Dental dams and fisting to terrorism and racism. You know, I had a thought in the shower this morning. I think the only time I ever learned about a dental dam was in fact in sex ed class at school. And why do they call it a dental dam anyway? If I was tossing salad the last thing I'd be worried about would be my teeth! Nasty.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Roo
        Haha, I don't even know where to start... If I were to respond to each of your outrageous remarks I'd get fired for not doing any work lol. So I'll just address your final point: yes, the whole idea of racism in AMERICA is most definitely associated with the feelings and actions of white people toward black people and other minorities. That's because 75% of the US population last year was white, and we are only a few decades beyond a very long period of time when that number was not only much higher, but more importantly, racism against blacks was an institution -- as normal as patriotism one might argue. So yeah, for the most part, anti-white sentiment does not get very much attention here in the USA, because only recently in our history as a nation has any white person's feelings been hurt because someone was racist toward them. Previously, one could safely assume that yes, black people tended to not "like" white people, and it was pretty goddamn easy to understand why. If you haven't, you should go somewhere in the world where you stick out like a boner in a pair of sweatpants because you are white, and experience some racism. I'm not saying you never have -- by what you wrote about your upbringing I'm pretty sure you have been the target of racist remarks or worse.

        If you think that a black male would have an easier time getting hired wherever it is that you work than would a white male then you are insane.

        I cannot believe what this thread has gone through. Dental dams and fisting to terrorism and racism. You know, I had a thought in the shower this morning. I think the only time I ever learned about a dental dam was in fact in sex ed class at school. And why do they call it a dental dam anyway? If I was tossing salad the last thing I'd be worried about would be my teeth! Nasty.

        The black community heavily disliked Bush's policies, yet no one called them racists?
        Because racism in the context of disapproving of the President of the United States has never been an issue until now!!! Lol you are a piece of work sgreger. I must meet you next time I'm in Cali. The beer is on me.

        Lol, first, dentla dams. Who the **** invented it? Terrible idea, I doubt anyone actually uses those. Im sure it kills the pleasure anyways. And yes, this thread is, as always, off topic.

        Look, i'm not saying there's no reason for people to be racist agianst whites, given the whole hundreds of years of slavery and all, but I mean in our diffense, we weren't the only race that had slaves, even Africans had slaves in those days, and some countries still do today. It was kind of the status quo at the time.

        At my company I have seenthe direct result of equal oppertunity and what it does to a company. We had a perosn ina certain position that was homosexual and was a terrible employee but it took them over 6 years to fire him sine he constantly claimed he'd sue, then we had a nurse who won the position over a more qualified applicant because she was black. She ended up not even being qualified for the job, and lied about her qualifications, but they were unable to fire her for quite some time, during which she spend months and months on paid medical leave etc before they finally canned her once they discovered her credentials were fake.

        But if the true goal is equality, lets focus on equality instead of just making white people the minority and giving more advantages to everyone else, that would be the opposite of the equality that was the orriginal goal in the civil right smovement. Equality, not "we are the new whites, so suck it cracker". lol

        And hate crime laws are the same. If I get into a bar fight with someone, it's no a big deal. But if I get into a bar fight witha gay person, because of new hate crime legislation, they could opt to claim it was based on ahte for their sexual orientation and I could be charged witha felony that holds some pretty serious penalties. Not exactly fair.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I think all racially specific groups should not be allowed in schools or politics. We have to rise up above skin identity. I don't think white racists are so much more republican, than they don't agree with the pandering and patronizing divisive tactics if the dems. I do think it seems in todays world, black racism is somehow OK, with whites and blacks, but white racism is vast majorily denouced by whites and others. When the KKK has a rally, the largest protestors to them are white, yet when the Nation of Islam(NOI) has an even, and they have the same racial goals as the KKK, no one protests them(that I know of). Black rappers make many anti-white remarks, and yet are sold in all the top stores. Any white band that makes any racial remarks, are sold underground, and stores won't touch them. Some blacks, and white libs, misuse slavery, as some excuse to lack of black progress, or to give credence to anti-white feelings, but the fact is, it was blacks in Africa that had the slave trade, enslaved and sold other blacks. It was "capitalists" that saw these slaves as cheap labor, for the new world, much the same as US companies opening factories in Vietnam, it was all about proft and exploitation. The largest slave owner in the south, also happened to have been black. The slavery topic has been misused by far left radicals to be some point to divide the nation by race, and try to push for special status based on skin. It was also whites, mainly republicans that fought for the end of slavery, and civil rights, while it was the dems that fought this. Blacks that "blame" whites for past things, is just as racist as a white who blames "all blacks" for the high crime rates. There is also a black racist mentality that sees working a job, or doing well in school, as bad, as acting white, and selling out the hood. Now this is what many blacks have said too, that reject this racist mentality. This subject on race in America is very interwinding, and often misused and miscontrued for political agendas. But I think the way out of this, which should have happened long ago, is to stop dividing and classifying people by race, and stop organizing by race, race loyalty, and political agendas that pander and patronize by race.

          Alas, I don't see it happening. It seems our national politics is based on division and exploitation.


          • Harry
            • Dec 2007
            • 213

            I believe that it is the left that has a far more dangerous racism than that of the idiotic, ridiculous hicks that people usually think of when they envision a racist.

            Shelby Steele is flat out brilliant and about as honest as anyone on the topic of race:






            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Tom, I couldn't have said that better myself. We need to rise above color, it's 2009 for God's sake. Lets but the fake alliances (racial, political) aside and tackle the real problem which is our government becoming as corrupt as those in third world countries. And i'm not talking about this administration, it's been going on for decades, nearly 100 years especially after the creation of the Fed reserve.

              Slavery was commonplace at the time when Americans also had slaves. Democrats like to pretend that we created slavery, but in fact we did not. Just like we didn't create cheap labor, yet we use illegals to fill underpaying jobs.

              I am half puerto rican and half Norwegian, and I am married to a woman who was born and for the most part raised in the Philipines. I am not racist, and I don't think most people are. But race is being used to divide us against each other. This needs to stop, obviously. We are all American's here and this is the only country we've got, unless you plan to defect to China like JudgeFaust.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Change of subject, maybe there is another thread already about this, but I went with this one.

                Did anyone happen to see on TV the new show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura last night? It was about 911, and was pretty good.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Lol, in an odd turn of events my roomate decided to move out a month early, and we will now be having a lesbian couple living with us to fill his spot.

                  Take THAT Justin! lol


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