Wait WTF, there are 10 people on this form who "love her and would vote for her?".
looks like there are 10 active female members here.
lol "female members"
I don't know any females that have a "member"
lololol, damn PP is someone spiking your breakfasts with viagra nowadays? Go look around your house for botttles your wife may be hiding from you.
sadly, due to my heart problems my doctor says no to Viagra. Luckily, I don't need them anyway...........yet. Needless to say..........the dog still refuses to sleep on the bed.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I can see the GOP conference where they picked Palin as a candidate.
"We need to someone to fight against Obama. People are saying he's young, good looking, and articulate. Do we have anyone like that?"
"What about Sarah Palin?"
"Anyone else...please?"
"Alright, screw it. Two out of three isn't that bad. Maybe people won't noticing she's winging it."
Whether I'd vote for her depends on her aim. If she shoots like Cheney, I'll vote for her, and tell her and Dick to take a GOP hunting trip on the country. Sure, it would cost a lot, but 75% of the politicians I hate in the US would be dead once the first duck took flight.
I can see the GOP conference where they picked Palin as a candidate.
"We need to someone to fight against Obama. People are saying he's young, good looking, and articulate. Do we have anyone like that?"
"What about Sarah Palin?"
"Anyone else...please?"
"Alright, screw it. Two out of three isn't that bad. Maybe people won't noticing she's winging it."
Whether I'd vote for her depends on her aim. If she shoots like Cheney, I'll vote for her, and tell her and Dick to take a GOP hunting trip on the country. Sure, it would cost a lot, but 75% of the politicians I hate in the US would be dead once the first duck took flight.
So who would you want as president; Stephen Hawking, or a Mexican concrete worker? The concrete worker sure does work hard....
No Stephen Hawking (while a brilliant scientist) is as radical in his religious views as the fundamental christians are, just he is ultra atheist instead of ultra christian.
At least the mexican worker would be willing to do a shit job, for cheap, and would actually work. I hate how politicians think they deserve a paycheck yet they are no-shows when it comes to voting for bills often times.
So who would you want as president; Stephen Hawking, or a Mexican concrete worker? The concrete worker sure does work hard....
The mexican.........it would save alot on the budget for the white house lawn and grounds.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
No Stephen Hawking (while a brilliant scientist) is as radical in his religious views as the fundamental christians are, just he is ultra atheist instead of ultra christian.
At least the mexican worker would be willing to do a shit job, for cheap, and would actually work. I hate how politicians think they deserve a paycheck yet they are no-shows when it comes to voting for bills often times.
Basing your worldview on reality and evidence, what a radical concept :!:
Wasn't Richard Dawkins the host of Family Feud that kissed everybody?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
No Stephen Hawking (while a brilliant scientist) is as radical in his religious views as the fundamental christians are, just he is ultra atheist instead of ultra christian.
At least the mexican worker would be willing to do a shit job, for cheap, and would actually work. I hate how politicians think they deserve a paycheck yet they are no-shows when it comes to voting for bills often times.
Basing your worldview on reality and evidence, what a radical concept :!:
Seriously what has he said or written that is so radical?
maybe you've confused him with Richard Dawkins?
I did confuse the name, you are correct. But both of them are the same in a sense. And I love both of their work, but wouldn't have them running my country
I am more a man of science than of faith, although I do believe in God but I am not part of any religion. I just think that going too far in the other direction can be equally as dangerous. Hating people for having faith or religion or hating on them by talking down to them is not very humble. People have to realize that we have had religion in every culture for all of mankind and only very recently has the concept even occurred that maybe on second thought religion may have been wrong all along.
But, basing your perception only on the facts you know right at this moment does not make for a very intelligent person. It would be like a kid assuming he knows everything based on his observations so far, when in fact there may be much more to discover. I love science and loved how it constantly corrects itself when new information becomes known. But todays perception of reality may be very different from that of the future. Science is still in it's infancy.
Not even defending religion, just my two cents.
Edit: Even in the first 5 min of his speech he is making fun of an African religion (which is based on a "stupid" premises) and then makes mention on how the pope says studying the universe is fine, but as for it's initial creation, he believes God started the whole thing.
Not sure what is so radical in thinking that, since there is nothing in science that would not leave room for that possibility. Perhaps it was created by some external force and he doesn't intervene? I mean theres nothing in science that says it couldn't have happened, since God is not something you can "disprove", like Bigfoot. But making fun of people who believe in their cultural/religious beliefs is not something that should be applauded.
What happened to tolerance?
On the other side of the coin, I feel there is a big future in store for the countries that invest the most in science, which is why i'm glad Obama is pushing for more science education. I think the first nation to be able to move around freely in space for mining etc will stand to profit big. Perhaps from harvesting useful resources or by the inventions and technology that tend to follow large scientific endeavors. Hell we invented some cool stuff just during the space race.
Anyways, back to Sarah Palin. She seems like a good regular american chick. Not presidential material. She's not too bright, she is gaffe prone, she stepped down from her post once already, I mean it's already a disaster and I hope to God they don't pick her as a candidate for the GOP in 2012, not that they will likely be getting my vote again this year anyways.
We're not talking about going in the other direction. Stephen Hawking is not anti-religion.
The choice was Stephen Hawking vs. a Mexican concrete worker
My bad I posting a huge :EDIT to my last post.
But he makes fun of religion everywhere he goes, even in the video you posted. Not that it matters, since he is a brilliant scientist and I do agree with him, but this country was founded by religious people from many different countries who came here to seek religious asylum amongst other things.
To have someone who is anti-religion would not play well with a religious people such as those in America. So thats why the mexican would be a better candidate. Just for the politics of it. Plus we've already had our first black President. Next up is first Latino president or female President.
Even Obama had to pretend to be a christian so he could get elected. America likes religion, or at least enough people do. Whether that's a good or bad thing I know not. But its just part of the game here in America when running for Pres.
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