Sage, Justin, i'm sorry for doing this again...

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Sage, Justin, i'm sorry for doing this again...

    Not even trying to spam with another political topic, but I just saw something that sickened me that makes me understand why so many people assume your some gay bashing racist if you lean more towards the conservative side.

    Multiple Conservative politicians endorsing the "Kill-The-Gays" bill in Uganda.

  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Yeah, but Rick Warren and Tom Coburn absolutely condemned it within the past 24 hours. I am sure I would still probably oppose Tom Coburn 99% of the time, but my respect for him went up 1000 fold today


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      The problems for the conservatives started when they courted the religious right. I remember when Pat Robertson championed getting his followers involved in politics and they started training people to get involved in politics and the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by justintempler
        The problems for the conservatives started when they courted the religious right. I remember when Pat Robertson championed getting his followers involved in politics and they started training people to get involved in politics and the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

        While I respect religion, and while I do believe in God, I personally do not like anything that is what one would deem "fanatic" or "extremism". I don't like it from Muslims, Christians, Scientologists or any other group. I listed to talk radio and I notice that a lot of their views are based on assuming you are a bible thumping cliche "family values" type person, but I don't think they are really preaching to the wrong crowd. A lot of us just think the gov should be more fiscally conservative, whereas it seems the modern day republican party is more about being socially conservative and spending like theres no time to waste.

        If someone would just be more carefull with our money, and honestly try to balanec the budget, I would vote for them regardless of what party they were with.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Yeah, but Rick Warren and Tom Coburn absolutely condemned it within the past 24 hours. I am sure I would still probably oppose Tom Coburn 99% of the time, but my respect for him went up 1000 fold today

          Just like with everything, it's usually a handfull of people within a group that bring shame to it. I think most republican politicians would disagree with this flat out hitler style genocidal law, and I am sure that most of those who vote republican wouldn't endorse it either. Lol, in twenty-o-nine I can't believe shit ideas like this even get brought to the table, yet alone find supporters somewhere.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Actualkly, it seems like most just don't give a sh**. Example from today...

            "I’ve got a fulltime job reading bills in Congress without reading the bills in another 190 countries,” - Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), asked if he would condemn the Uganda bill.



            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by sagedil
              Actualkly, it seems like most just don't give a sh**.

              Example from today...

              Every politician doesn't give a shit nowadays unless it somehow helps them.
              We should go back to having part time legislators and impose term limits on congress.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Also Sage. Not in any way endorsing this guy, don't know anything about him. But you're pulling a Glenn Beck on him here lol. "If you don't want to kill the gays than why not just come on the air and deny it? Did Grassley rape and murder a you girl in 1990? He hasn't denied it!"

                On Wednesday, Grassley finally responded to his constituents. However, he refused to condemn the legislation, saying he was too busy to be concerned about such matters:

                “I’ve got a fulltime job reading bills in Congress without reading the bills in another 190 countries,” Grassley said. “Surely nobody in Iowa expects me to keep up on issues that are in the parliaments of other countries. Besides I don’t know anything about it.”

                Again, not defending, but the guy is right. Not his job. Should have just said no i don't endorse it. But really he gave an honest answer in saying he doens't know anything about it and he has actual real work looking at US legislation, and no time to worry about what hundreds of other countries are involved in.

                This goes back to why are we meddling in other countries, trying to affect their legislation. The US's job is not police man, and our congress can't even keep our country straight, so let's focus on that first.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  I think it telling, the UN and others are going nuts because Switzerland has passed a law to not allow Muslim minarets to be constructed, yet no one raises the issue of religious freedom supression in the Islamic nations.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by tom502
                    I think it telling, the UN and others are going nuts because Switzerland has passed a law to not allow Muslim minarets to be constructed, yet no one raises the issue of religious freedom supression in the Islamic nations.
                    This is always how they do it. Like immegration. In Mexico they have very harsh immegration laws, yet they call us racists when we have anything short of an open border. The Muslims want to complain because a country bans full body suits and other religious garb. They cry racism and oppression, but try being a white blonde practising christian wearing the cross and a nun's outfit in Afghanistan or Iraq, and see how much they care about religious freedom.

                    They play our kindness against us, they know we have a weak liberal people who can be disarmed with word instead of bullets. All they need are the key words: Discrimination, racism.


                    • shikitohno
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1156

                      Originally posted by tom502
                      I think it telling, the UN and others are going nuts because Switzerland has passed a law to not allow Muslim minarets to be constructed, yet no one raises the issue of religious freedom supression in the Islamic nations.
                      Actually, it does get brought up, almost annually. Thing is, average Joe America doesn't care to learn about the outside world, so newspapers and programmes don't bother to include it most of the time. I realise I'm in the far minority reading newspaper articles in three languages on a semi-normal basis, but they're out there to be found. You just need to be fluent in every language to find them all.

                      Really, I think a solid blend of news sources will open a lot of eyes when people can be bothered to read. Not everyone has the time to browse articles from a US, European and Asian newspaper everyday, but if you can throw them in the mix once a week, and try to get a conservative, moderate, and liberal paper from amongst them, you'll see a lot of stuff you'd never hear about otherwise just from US sources.

                      I'd discourage using a Swedish or Norwegian source as your conservative one, though. Their far right is about on par with out left, with a couple policy differences.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Nice post shikithono. I would also add that countries like Switzerland and other Western nations are far more easily swayed by international pressure... Telling Iran to be more tolerant to Christians and Jews isn't going to accomplish much, and it's understood that religious freedoms are not to be expected in many countries no matter how much the rest of the world cries foul. Switzerland, on the other hand, should maintain the standards of religiously tolerant nations, and should be called out for not doing so. Also, it is not only Islamic nations that don't meet these aforementioned standards. In China it's illegal to give a bible to a stranger, or openly promote religious ideas of any kind to the public.

                        Off topic: watched a very good Mexican movie about immigrants and MS13 gang members. Sgreger it would be good to check out the immigration issue from the other side, and it's an excellent movie with a particularly badass scene involving a machete and people on top of a moving train. It's called Sin Nombre.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by Roo
                          Nice post shikithono. I would also add that countries like Switzerland and other Western nations are far more easily swayed by international pressure... Telling Iran to be more tolerant to Christians and Jews isn't going to accomplish much, and it's understood that religious freedoms are not to be expected in many countries no matter how much the rest of the world cries foul. Switzerland, on the other hand, should maintain the standards of religiously tolerant nations, and should be called out for not doing so. Also, it is not only Islamic nations that don't meet these aforementioned standards. In China it's illegal to give a bible to a stranger, or openly promote religious ideas of any kind to the public.

                          Off topic: watched a very good Mexican movie about immigrants and MS13 gang members. Sgreger it would be good to check out the immigration issue from the other side, and it's an excellent movie with a particularly badass scene involving a machete and people on top of a moving train. It's called Sin Nombre.

                          Ill have to check it out but I am very familiar with MS13, having lived most of my life in Los Angeles. In a previous life I knew several members who used to run the major cocaine ring along with CPA in the Hollywood/San Fernando Valley area.
                          What do you mean see the immigration issue from the other side? Other side as in from the perspective of the immigrants or from the other side as in Mexico's battle to stop Salvadorian drug cartels from immigrating onto their lands?


                          I agree with you. I never wanted to believe it, but in the past several months I have been reading a lot of news sources from outside the USA and I now realize that here in America our content is very, well not state controlled or censored, but certainly it slants things a certain way.

                          Its easy to find english versions of foreign language news publications, and if all else fails google translate usually works pretty well.


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