Mr. Eyeball, you're fired.

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  • Karanya
    • Oct 2009
    • 402

    Mr. Eyeball, you're fired.

    As of Nov. 25th, I have it on good authority that you have definitively ceased all productive activity and are no longer a useful member of this body.

    Yes, yes, I know... for 31 years, you served me well, providing a level of natural insight that few eyeballs do. Certainly, your test scores from only a year ago are impressive -- 20/15, better than "perfect" -- and you did an excellent job as the leader of your two-man team. So good, in fact, that I held a rifle awkwardly just to let you handle the sighting personally.

    But that's history, isn't it? First it was just an unpleasant twinge here and there, then full-on complaining every time you were asked to perform a task. You still did as you were asked, though under duress.

    Your performance, however, has become shockingly poor. In a matter of days, you went from stellar productivity to marginal to disruptive. To prevent you from interfering with your teammate's performance, I've had to barricade you in a small dark office, allowing you only brief daily contact with the outside world as I once again check to see if you've decided to do your job again.

    Considering how small your salary is -- a quick wipe of tissue, a few seconds in the shower -- it wouldn't be a hardship to keep you on, regardless of how poor your performance might be. But you see, the endless nagging, whining and pestering is downright painful and I'm sick and tired of it.

    It doesn't help matters that you've just started the inevitable process of phthisis bulbi, and in a matter of months or years, you'll be not only useless and annoying but ugly as well.

    So, Mr. Eyeball, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go.

    How will I find a replacement? I don't think I will. Much to my surprise, it seems that Mr. Other Eyeball is perfectly competent to do your job and his, alone. Sure, there are cosmetic considerations, and I could hire a pretty face to meet others' expectations of a two-man team but eh... so much less expensive and less hassle to simply close off your office and let Mr. Other Eyeball take on both the responsibilities and the limelight you once shared.

    As to the effective date, well... with the economy being what it is, I'm afraid that's a wee bit up in the air. After all, I can't send you home without your severance package, and as you know, that's coming directly out of pocket. With luck, it'll be a few months. Meanwhile, it's back to the small, dark office we're keeping you in. Surely we'll both be happier when you've moved on to greener pastures.

    I'd wish you luck in your future endeavors, but I think we both know you'll wind up in the biohazard bin.


    ...because everyone deserves a bit of public self-indulgence once and awhile.
  • badlands
    • Jul 2009
    • 297

    I have an extra.


    • MojoQuestor
      • Sep 2009
      • 2344

      Geez, I don't really know what to say to this, except "boo, Mr. Eyeball, you slacker!"


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I always thought it would be fun to have a wacky glass eye, maybe a few of them to change up on occasion. I bet spares could be had fairly cheaply since realism doesn't have to be taken into account.

        You seem to be taking it all pretty well Karanya :^)


        • Karanya
          • Oct 2009
          • 402

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          I always thought it would be fun to have a wacky glass eye, maybe a few of them to change up on occasion. I bet spares could be had fairly cheaply since realism doesn't have to be taken into account.

          You seem to be taking it all pretty well Karanya :^)
          I'm not sure if they give a discount for amusing fake eyes, but if they do, I'd be tempted. My husband suggested an eight ball. I'm really tempted to get one made up in solid blood red to wear under the patch... then if anyone makes a snarky comment, I can just lift up the patch and shock them into silence :twisted:

          That said, I'm under the impression that the (yikes!) $3,000 a fake eye costs is mostly for the fitting and such rather than the paint job. Keep in mind that they're not really spherical but more like a rounded bottle cap made to fit an individual's socket.

          There's apparently a fake eyeball cartel, complete with price fixing and families that have been in the business for centuries. Every now and then a company shows up and starts undercutting other eyemakers drastically, does a great job making eyes and then... disappears. Paid off maybe?

          I find all of this greatly annoying but it bugs me more that people actually pay thousands of dollars and go through all kinds of unpleasant things (including ongoing surgeries) to make an artificial eye look more realistic. Well, sort of. Their wallet and all that. But geez, the damn thing isn't going to see no matter how pretty it is. I do not comprehend.

          Note: For a woman, I'm utilitarian as hell. I haven't worn makeup in years and never more than once or twice a year at that. I own exactly one pair of shoes, and I'm considering replacing them in the next year or two as they are beginning to get worn out... I pretty much wear black exclusively because it doesn't show stains.

          As for handling it well, I've been getting that a lot. Apparently most people are more attached to their eyeballs than I am. After a few weeks, I really stopped noticing that I had no depth perception and my field of view is reduced. Besides, I always liked pirates...



          • srhoades2talk
            • Nov 2009
            • 95

            Originally posted by Karanya
            Originally posted by lxskllr
            I always thought it would be fun to have a wacky glass eye, maybe a few of them to change up on occasion. I bet spares could be had fairly cheaply since realism doesn't have to be taken into account.

            You seem to be taking it all pretty well Karanya :^)
            I'm not sure if they give a discount for amusing fake eyes, but if they do, I'd be tempted. My husband suggested an eight ball. I'm really tempted to get one made up in solid blood red to wear under the patch... then if anyone makes a snarky comment, I can just lift up the patch and shock them into silence :twisted:

            That said, I'm under the impression that the (yikes!) $3,000 a fake eye costs is mostly for the fitting and such rather than the paint job. Keep in mind that they're not really spherical but more like a rounded bottle cap made to fit an individual's socket.

            There's apparently a fake eyeball cartel, complete with price fixing and families that have been in the business for centuries. Every now and then a company shows up and starts undercutting other eyemakers drastically, does a great job making eyes and then... disappears. Paid off maybe?

            I find all of this greatly annoying but it bugs me more that people actually pay thousands of dollars and go through all kinds of unpleasant things (including ongoing surgeries) to make an artificial eye look more realistic. Well, sort of. Their wallet and all that. But geez, the damn thing isn't going to see no matter how pretty it is. I do not comprehend.

            Note: For a woman, I'm utilitarian as hell. I haven't worn makeup in years and never more than once or twice a year at that. I own exactly one pair of shoes, and I'm considering replacing them in the next year or two as they are beginning to get worn out... I pretty much wear black exclusively because it doesn't show stains.

            As for handling it well, I've been getting that a lot. Apparently most people are more attached to their eyeballs than I am. After a few weeks, I really stopped noticing that I had no depth perception and my field of view is reduced. Besides, I always liked pirates...

            Karanya, you remind me a lot of myself...And the original post was funny as hell


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9758

              I think just about any eyeball will long as there is no hair on it. I'll keep an eye out for one.

              bummer bout your eye dear. that suck bigs time
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • Karanya
                • Oct 2009
                • 402

                Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                I think just about any eyeball will long as there is no hair on it. I'll keep an eye out for one.
                No smelly brown eyes, please. Even if they ARE shaved. :P

                Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                bummer bout your eye dear. that suck bigs time
                It's dead, mourned, and (hopefully) soon buried. Really, the hardest part now is convincing the doc I don't want an evisceration (a more painful, risky and expensive surgery that can make a prosthesis move a little).

                Still, thank you



                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

         sounds like you are a bit of a wild woman.

                  edited to add a beard.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Karanya
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 402

                    Originally posted by Premium Parrots
           sounds like you are a bit of a wild woman.
                    Really need to get a picture taken of me in my new custom-made patch. The old one looks like part of a bad costume! :P

                    Now I just need a beard...



                    • RedMacGregor
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 554

                      great GOOGLY MOOGLY


                      • Bigblue1
                        Banned Users
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 3923

                        How old are you? (yes I know this is a taboo question for a woman) But you seem so well adjusted...... I didn't think you'd mind. Also why(how) did this happen? Was it an accident, genetics, or a congenital thing? Man, I've had a few health problems in my life, some chronic(asthma, allergies) some not but I did have the bottom lobe of my left lung removed when I was seventeen, and a freak case of rhabdomyolysis when I was 27 (I am now 33). Those being the case, I've always fallen back on my eyesight as my strongpoint(health wise". So I really want to know how this ocular calamity came about.
                        Also I wish you the best, and think that your dealing with this more than admirably. And nobody can say you belong on the whiners thread. That is for sure. BTW hope you get the "8" ball, that would be sweet....


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I think some people who lose an eye, get a fake eye, and you can't even tell.


                          • ddandb
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 570

                            You have a great attitude and are taking this well.

                            I too think I would rather have an eye patch if I lost an eye. (and why do we call it 'losing an eye'? You know right where it's going to be.

                            I'd want to keep mine in a jar at home. Maybe carry it around with me so when people asked.. 'Oh, did you lose an eye?' I could take it out and say, 'No, it's right here'.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985


