How to get the cops to your house
Lol it's so true. The police response time where I used to live in LA was so horrible I mean they could move every piece of furniture out of your house ebfore the cops came. But god forbid should you tell them your going to defend yourself they'll be there stat.
Im going to remember this trick incase someone ever breaks into my house.
9-11: Sir whats the emergency
Me: Theres some guys in my house
9-11: Sit tight untill someone gets there
Me: No, i've got a snipers nest set up in my bedroom. I'm using a guille suit made out of old bed sheets and i've got a barret 50 cal rifle. As soon as that door opens it's going to look like a dirty harry movie in this place. I can taste the blood
9-11: Sweet jesus, i'll send out an APB to every cop in the country.