I work part time at the university computer lab as an IT work study for my school. I happened to be in the lab today while I wasn't working, so I didn't have a key. A lady recognized me and asked me to unlock the cabinet to get her some more staples. She's a really nice lady, so I meant to apologize and say, "Sorry, I don't have a key today, I'm not working now. If you'll be here in half an hour, they'll give me one and I can help you."
Naturally, what came out was quite different, and demonstrated my eloquence quite finely. "Sorry, I'm not actually here right now." The stupidity of what I said was so pervasive, it hung in the air for a moment before it hit me. Anyone else get caught off balance, and have such a blunder?
Naturally, what came out was quite different, and demonstrated my eloquence quite finely. "Sorry, I'm not actually here right now." The stupidity of what I said was so pervasive, it hung in the air for a moment before it hit me. Anyone else get caught off balance, and have such a blunder?