Originally posted by c.nash
Some members I miss.
I may be coming back from the abyss of the internet with texasmade. I've found myself heading back here more and more lately. I suppose I dropped out for a while just from getting tired of being one of a handful of members defending the left side of the political spectrum in our many heated political threads back in the day, on a board were 75% of folks seem to range from just conservative to über-reactionary. Probably didn't help morale that I'd wind up on the same side of an argument as Faust....
Anyway, for the time being I'll be back, as I'm sure some of you guys have seen. Hopefully we can see some more of those long, involved threads like the "Evolution v. Creationism" one from way back. I'll just have to try and pick a topic where Snusdog can't come in and drop one of his intellectual nukes to kill the thread. I had fun with that one for a while, and then one of the big kids showed up and left both sides without a response. Maybe I'll even manage to drag visiON up from the IRC channel and get him back. Texasmade, feel like helping me bring that crazy bastard back?