Is it just me, or does new music suck?
Not really saying techno isn't good, but musically speaking, it offers very little innovation compared to most genres. Of course, I have a turntable solely because I think techno sounds better on vinyl, but still. Oh well, I listen to my share of simple stuff, so I can't really criticise it.
I like most music, but techno doesn't make the cut :^D
Here's what I don't like in music(quicker than likes)...
Any kind of computerized dance music(Techno, house, whatever)
Rap, or any kind of modern urban music
Modern country
Smooth jazz
Modern pop/R&B
Metal- I don't listen to metal, but I find some of it interesting, and can appreciate some of it. The metal I like is folk metal, and the more orchestrated forms of black metal.
My dislike of rap, is a generality based on what I see on MTV everyday, and hear from people's car stereos, where it's just BOOM BOOM BOOM, nigga this nigga that, ho, got mah gat.... that type of crap, and I know we all heard it, as it for some reason it's popular, and marketed as the voice of the black race often. Knowing many black people, including my wife, who hates this crap too, she likes jazz, and .... Britney Spears, but that's another topic. Of course not all rap is like that, but I think in terms of popular music, rap and black music in general has devolved, as it used to be really good, with talent and performances. Now about anyone can get a drum machine and a sampler and grunt non ryhming profanities and be an "artist". Not saying some might have actual talent, I know it takes some effort to contruct any music. But you get my point, or should. But pop music in general has declined. Now there still are some, many I would think, in reality, but not promoted or popular, blacks that do play instrument based music. I do know there are a few blacks, and ever race, in the metal scene. I am glad to see this, as there is a mentality among many blacks, that believe they must only like rap, as it's the black people's music, I know this is a dumb view, but many really think like this, not all of course. There is also Jimmy Hindrix, which is an oddity for today, though Lenny Kravitz had some good songs too. That band Living Color also has made a reunion too I read. So, we know there is lots of good black musicians, even today, it's just this procrime racist thug crap that seems to be most popular and promoted, that I think sucks and has a negative social impact for glorifying criminal and immoral behaviour and promotes a negative black image. Many blacks, also oppose this crap.
The blame for the plight of modern music can be lain squarely at the feet of the consumer (not individuals, but consumers as a whole). If the majority of consumers don't buy a certain artist or genre, there will be less of said music available.
That being said, there's no accounting for tastes. :lol:
As for mainstream modern war/societal ill songs, how about BYOB - System of a Down, Megalomaniac - Incubus, American Idiot - Green Day or Vicarious - Tool? Whether any of these are "good," however, is wholly in the ear of the listener.
Originally posted by Redbeard
As for mainstream modern war/societal ill songs, how about BYOB - System of a Down, Megalomaniac - Incubus, American Idiot - Green Day or Vicarious - Tool? Whether any of these are "good," however, is wholly in the ear of the listener.
Originally posted by Redbeard
As for mainstream modern war/societal ill songs, how about BYOB - System of a Down, Megalomaniac - Incubus, American Idiot - Green Day or Vicarious - Tool? Whether any of these are "good," however, is wholly in the ear of the listener.
Lol those are all excelent songs. And System of a down is the shit, i've been listening to them for forever. Oddly enough they are all armenian if I remember correctly lol.
Originally posted by UlstermanOriginally posted by sgreger1lol I guess it's going to be another one of these threads. I don't think he meant he doesn't like any music from black people, just that modern black music that is promoted (rap) sucks.
You can't expect to try and finger somebody, even marginally, as a racist and not expect some shit back. Maybe it's because every fecking day we're bombarded with the fact that we're all racists by our governments feeding us all this politically correct bollocks - then you get people like Roo who suck it all up and start accusing anybody that merely mentions the word 'black' like some self-righteous dick, whilst completely ignoring the meaning behind the words in the sentence he was attacking. I'm sick of that shit Roo "buddy". You need to grow up pal.
......and Daruckis -Not much to say here - I'm just sick of pricks like you on internet forums.
Now don't start bleating girls - if you had kept it civil in the first place......................
"Sucks big time. I don't listen to the main radio stations because they keep pushing c rap and black music in general - and no, I'm not racist, it's just untalented shit." Forgive me for not quoting you exactly, but I think that's pretty close.
My response was not in defense of black people, and I did not call you a racist. My response was in defense of black music. If you are going to use such wildly broad terms as "black music" when describing the kind of music you don't like, you should be prepared for someone to interject and point out the vast spectrum of musical styles that such a term would encompass, as well as the undeniably massive influence that so-called black music has leveraged on popluar music of all styles.
Then, you lost your shit and cried foul because someone objected to your comment, and you said I was calling you a racist. So in my response, it occured to me that your initial comment technically was, indeed, a racist qualification of what you consider bad music, but I specifically said that I still was not calling you out for being a racist, and specifically said that my point was about black music. Here is exactly what I said:
But I said "racist implications aside" because you mentioned that your comment implied racism, but that it's not the case. Fair enough. I don't care one way or another if you're a racist, that was intentionally not my point. I didn't want to start an argument or make you think I was calling you a racist, but instead wanted to point out that "black music" has been the single most poweful influence on all music in the last 100+ years, in my humble opinion
So in my mind, you laid the groundwork for a much nastier discussion but I chose not go that route, because I didn't think your initial comment was actually about race. I initially though it was just a poor choice of words, but as it turns out, you incidentally don't like any music that black people have contributed over the years. Odd, but OK. I'm still not calling you a racist. Had you just responded with "I like techno" it would have explained everything lol. (just kidding - that was for the 2 watt lightbulb on a power cut jab)
I am not out to make enemies or misconstrue what anyone is saying. I am going to make an effort to just keep my trap shut when someone says something that I think is completely outrageous. What's the point? I just end up getting someone's knickers in a knot, and the thread gets more and more ridiculous (see most of the previous posts). Cheers
I propose we take the next leap into the digital age. Have congress have every session on, and each bill will have a seperate thread.
The flame wars would be epic. I mean if even a music thread can turn into a race discussion, I'd love to see what the HC debate would turn into.
Roo, I know you've been playing culture warrior lately, and everything you posted on this thread is accurate, but some people just don't like black music. Racist? Maybe. Not racist but don't like certain types of music? Most likely.
Re: Is it just me, or does new music suck?
Originally posted by sgreger1I dont know if i'm just not with the times or what but it seems to me that whenever I throw my IPOD on while i'm riding my street-bike I find myself just listening to older shit. It seems that there has been no good music for at LEAST 5 year, and even then it's only 1 or two bands. Most of the decent music was before I was even born (86) or shortly then-after.
Does anyone else feel this too or am I just some oddball?
Once you realize this, you'll learn to appreciate some of today's offerings. Like, I currently really like Lenka's - Trouble is a friend and most of Lady Gagas songs (and yeah, I'm a guy, and no, I'm not gay ^^).
That said, I've always been rather eclectic in my choice of music. It goes from Cradle of Filth, Amon Amarth, Children of Bodom etc. through Johnny Cash (he was the man I tell ya) all the way to Happy Hardcore dance music. Maybe I'm the oddball?