Happy Holidays Greeting Opinions

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by tom502
    What personally irks me about Christianity, and I mean no offense to Christians, I respect everyone's right to believe as they choose, as long as it's one's personal faith, and does not harm others, and respects other's freedom of the same, but I find what Christian's "believe", is not, or has anything to do with what Jesus taught. I think Jesus was a great teacher of spirituality, and very enlightened, and taught a nobel path. But the Christian church teaches one to believe in stuff that Jesus never taught, and even goes against what Jesus taught. I think it's a shame, because most everyone is missing out on the real Jesus, instead to cling to this Paulist mythology, which was formulated after Jesus died, and I don't think Paul even met Jesus in person. He just exploited the name and made up his own cult around it.

    One thing I noticed when reading the bible in the past, and in the orriginal translation not these new contemporary terms bibles, was it was surprisingly absent of Jesus claiming he was God's only son.

    He mentions several times that we are all "sons" of God and that he too was the son of God but it seemed to sound more like "we are all brothers" or we are all God's "suns", as opposed to him being someone better or more magical than everyone else.

    I believe in God, and from what I gather God does not like people worshipping other god's or false idols, so this new trinity thing sounds toomuch like idol worship. Same thing with praying to statues of mother teresa. The Catholics really used this whole Jesus thing to gain power and once in power there is no doubt in my mind that they probably altered some of the text as well. This is why religion is okay, but is not something that should be involved in government.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Well, being Advaita Vedantist, there is ONLY God, of which everything is a reflection or manifestation of.

      When asked if Jesus was the "son of God", he said, "ye are all sons of God, all that I do do, you can do, and better than I". And "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", and "Our Father who art in Heaven", and "I and my Father are One".

      Jesus basically taught Advaita Vedanta, though in his time and place using words and stories to relate to the people.

      Another thing, regarding the trinity idea, I find it similar to Satchitananda, or Brahman, Bhagavan, Atman. The Holy Ghost is the all pervasiveness of God, God the Father is a personalized aspect to connect with, and the Son, is the God within all of us.

      There is only God, nothing else. If God is absolute, then there can be no "other", the concept of "other" is called maya, or "that which is not", sometimes referred to as illusion. It is said when one breaks the veil of maya they reach enlightenment. It is the mind, that designates "other" and the "I, ego" that separates man as a material mortal from immortal soul realization.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by tom502
        Well, being Advaita Vedantist, there is ONLY God, of which everything is a reflection or manifestation of.

        When asked if Jesus was the "son of God", he said, "ye are all sons of God, all that I do do, you can do, and better than I". And "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", and "Our Father who art in Heaven", and "I and my Father are One".

        Jesus basically taught Advaita Vedanta, though in his time and place using words and stories to relate to the people.

        Another thing, regarding the trinity idea, I find it similar to Satchitananda, or Brahman, Bhagavan, Atman. The Holy Ghost is the all pervasiveness of God, God the Father is a personalized aspect to connect with, and the Son, is the God within all of us.

        There is only God, nothing else. If God is absolute, then there can be no "other", the concept of "other" is called maya, or "that which is not", sometimes referred to as illusion. It is said when one breaks the veil of maya they reach enlightenment. It is the mind, that designates "other" and the "I, ego" that separates man as a material mortal from immortal soul realization.

        In my study of Kabalah I noticed that they to hold a similar outlook on things. The goal really is to realize that man's ego is the driver for all things and that recognizing and not letting one's ego or will to recieve overcome you should be your main mission. And of course the world is within, and is only experienced as something external of you, painted with the brush of your perception. This is why when you change your perception, you change your reality as well.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          That's a common idea, even in Scientology, which is based on the eastern philosophy, and gnosis.

          I am far from having reached perfection, I do think my next life should be a higher progression from this one though.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by tom502
            That's a common idea, even in Scientology, which is based on the eastern philosophy, and gnosis.

            I am far from having reached perfection, I do think my next life should be a higher progression from this one though.

            According to many religions it can take several if not dozens of lifes to reach your final correction. I for one hope there is re-incarnation because as crappy as life can be sometimes, I would hope that my reward for my actions in life is for me to be able to play it lal over again.

            I've had a great life even though it is peppered with lots of terrible periods, but I think overall I would love to do it again!


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Well, the idea of reincarnation, or better called transmigration, is a continuing progression through the various lives. I don't think you'd "do it all over again", but would continue on where your current life left off, all determined by your degree of consciousness development and accumulated karma. Which is what brought you to your present life from your past one, and so on and so on.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by tom502
                Well, the idea of reincarnation, or better called transmigration, is a continuing progression through the various lives. I don't think you'd "do it all over again", but would continue on where your current life left off, all determined by your degree of consciousness development and accumulated karma. Which is what brought you to your present life from your past one, and so on and so on.

                Right I understand how it works, but the reality is that I would get to live a human life cycle all over again. Just being able to live your younger years over and over again seems like heaven to me. But yet the ultimate goal is to make corrections as you go and pick up in the next life where you left off, untill your Tycoon (different for each faith) is completed and you have no corrections left to make.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Well, you would get to do all that again, but where, and what type of body it will be, is all determined by the causes you make now.


                  • Christi
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 2104

                    Y'all are well educated in these area's. I like to believe the Paul version of the Bible personally, but to each their own. And as for the Trinity, I do believe in the 3, Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That is just me tho.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by tom502
                      Well, you would get to do all that again, but where, and what type of body it will be, is all determined by the causes you make now.

                      I must dedicate my life then to studying what the right combination of things are to make me be re-incarnated as a domestic house cat for a rich person. I swear they have the chillest life of any living creature.


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