Originally posted by tom502
One thing I noticed when reading the bible in the past, and in the orriginal translation not these new contemporary terms bibles, was it was surprisingly absent of Jesus claiming he was God's only son.
He mentions several times that we are all "sons" of God and that he too was the son of God but it seemed to sound more like "we are all brothers" or we are all God's "suns", as opposed to him being someone better or more magical than everyone else.
I believe in God, and from what I gather God does not like people worshipping other god's or false idols, so this new trinity thing sounds toomuch like idol worship. Same thing with praying to statues of mother teresa. The Catholics really used this whole Jesus thing to gain power and once in power there is no doubt in my mind that they probably altered some of the text as well. This is why religion is okay, but is not something that should be involved in government.