Wish Destroyer

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  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    Wish Destroyer

    if you never played before...you read the person above you's wish or dream, then reply with something nasty and disappointing. then, you leave a wish for the person below you to corrupt.

    I wish the mail would get here.
  • ShaulWolf
    • Jan 2009
    • 495

    You know that with the holiday season around the mail will probably take twice as long to arrive. That is if it isn't crushed, shredded, completely forgotten, or all of the above. Hell, knowing your luck, it'll be crushed, ripped open a little, and sent to someone else by mistake. And why? Because you touch yourself at night!

    I wish NJ would stop being a bunch of douchebags with their gun laws.


    • Veganpunk
      • Jun 2009
      • 5381

      Well I heard it's just a matter of time and NJ is going to ban all guns AND knives. Yep sho' nuff!.

      I wish I was off work by now.


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        Off work? Let me tell you something: You are never off work until you quit, get fired, laid off, or die. Your sorry ass won't get the chance to retire, because you'll never amount to nothin, and you'll be slaving away for all your days 'til one day you go tits up, all to keep shoveling food into your greedy piehole, and shoveling money out the door. (just kidding around, by the way)

        I wish my stomach didn't hurt so bad


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by Veganpunk
          Well I heard it's just a matter of time and NJ is going to ban all guns AND knives. Yep sho' nuff!.

          I wish I was off work by now.
          Well lucky for you most companies let everyone off the day before christmas with half days. But at the bottom of the email from HR it also mentions

          "Please note: due to business reasons some employees and departments may be required to work through normal hours on the early closing days."

          You will be one of the employees that has to work the full day, and probably a little extra since all of your co-workers managed to use a vacation day that day so you'r the only one left in the department to pick up the slack.

          I really wish it would warm up around here, the country is facing record low temperatures and blizzards on most of the east coast.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Roo
            Off work? Let me tell you something: You are never off work until you quit, get fired, laid off, or die. Your sorry ass won't get the chance to retire, because you'll never amount to nothin, and you'll be slaving away for all your days 'til one day you go tits up, all to keep shoveling food into your greedy piehole, and shoveling money out the door. (just kidding around, by the way)

            I wish my stomach didn't hurt so bad

            If you want your stomach pain to go away than take a few steps closer and i'll kick you in the nuts. That oughta make you forget all about your little tummy owie.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              Originally posted by sgreger1

              I really wish it would warm up around here, the country is facing record low temperatures and blizzards on most of the east coast.

              to bad global warming was a hoax. say hello to ice age.

              i wish my ex would lose her voice and have her fingers fall off.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by texasmade
                Originally posted by sgreger1

                I really wish it would warm up around here, the country is facing record low temperatures and blizzards on most of the east coast.

                to bad global warming was a hoax. say hello to ice age.

                i wish my ex would lose her voice and have her fingers fall off.
                Lol, I could get real nasty on this one but for the sake of the forum I won't take it there. Instead:

                Maybe if you could make your girl scream out in pleasure when your in bed she'd have a fighting chance of losing her voice, untill then she will continue quietly gabbing away like some catty high shcool girl about all the reasons why she doesn't like you, and her nails won't come off because she's gonna keep hitting you up for money to get manacures every week because she knows you're a chump and she has you wrapped around her little finger like the tool you are.

                I wish people would like me this christmas.


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  to bad you have no soul.

                  i wish santa would lose weight. i dont have a chimney


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    Originally posted by sgreger1
                    .....I wish my stomach didn't hurt so bad
                    If you want your stomach pain to go away than take a few steps closer and i'll kick you in the nuts. That oughta make you forget all about your little tummy owie.[/quote]

                    I see you harbor the same heartfelt compassion as my wife
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Christmas time is my favorite PP, because I am a giver at heart. And apparently so is your wife. Wait.. does that make you the reciever?


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by texasmade
                        to bad you have no soul.

                        i wish santa would lose weight. i dont have a chimney
                        Well Santa's not going to lose weight because he is a socialist pig who distributes gifts equally amongst all the people. But how does he reduce costs? By elf slave labor. And as the operator of his fascist commie gift redistribution ponzi scheme he has become rich and he will remain fat as long as he maintains his steady diet of unicorns and puppy dogs.

                        I wish Tiger woods would have picked me


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          well if you got a sex change, bleached skin and blonde extensions he might have.

                          i wish i could get a handsky from the neighbor


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            Originally posted by texasmade
                            well if you got a sex change, bleached skin and blonde extensions he might have.

                            i wish i could get a handsky from the neighbor
                            You could have gotten a handsky from the neighbor, EXCEPT, your wish that your ex's fingers would fall off came true but not for her, your neighbor's fingers fell off. Guess you'll only be getting a nubby handsky along with an ex that won't shut up.

                            I wish Santa was real so I didn't have to fork out so much frickin' money during Christmas!

                            *I really hope we are seeing eye to eye on what a 'handsky' is implying..if not, I just got a gutter-brain!!!


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by desirexe
                              Originally posted by texasmade
                              well if you got a sex change, bleached skin and blonde extensions he might have.

                              i wish i could get a handsky from the neighbor
                              You could have gotten a handsky from the neighbor, EXCEPT, your wish that your ex's fingers would fall off came true but not for her, your neighbor's fingers fell off. Guess you'll only be getting a nubby handsky along with an ex that won't shut up.

                              I wish Santa was real so I didn't have to fork out so much frickin' money during Christmas!

                              *I really hope we are seeing eye to eye on what a 'handsky' is implying..if not, I just got a gutter-brain!!!

                              If Santa was real than you wouldn't get a break either way because it'd be magic deer season and i've got enough ammo to make it a good one!

                              I wish people would stop calling me "Stewart Little" because my name is Stewart...


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