Tobacco for Christmas!

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  • Liandri
    • Jul 2009
    • 604

    Tobacco for Christmas!

    So friends, family, and co-workers asked me what I would like for Christmas, because I'm just the type of person that asks, gives, and receives this time of year. We all think its fun, especially at work when all the co- workers, despite of financial hardships of a lot of people there we still get gifts for everyone. I really don' say much, normally when pinned to a wall I used to say "eh just throw me a gift card for anywhere and I'll be happy!" This year I asked for Tobacco, doesn't matter what kind and under 10-15 dollars (The normal max for co workers). A few of the contractors and myself did a big grand "Cigar swap" no more than 4 of your favorites also.

    So needless to say I have damn near every kind of skoal, timberwolf, grizzly, kodiak, and copenhagen and a few doubles sitting on my microwave. The cigar swap was a success as well! 16 total of all different kinds in my small-medium sized humidor type box (Which was a grand gift from the companies pipe fitter contractor president that I've been great friends with ever since he came on board). A few thought they'd play a trick on me and get me nasal snuff. Just your Ozona's, which I happily snorted in front of their surprised face without so much of a gag. And a couple packs of cigarettes.

    I say this because it'll be a nice change of pace for a while, my upper mouth has been long too leathery and sore lately and it's probably better if I take a nice break from snus for a while.

    I was nice in my giving as well, gift cards and certificates to places that people would use the most. A few workers had children recently so plenty of child care store cards and everyone was EXTRA generous of those lower on the totem pole that were struggling with paying this or that off while trying to put food on the table after being laid off for god knows how long.

    Moral of the story? If you ask for "tobacco" for Christmas, expect everything and the kitchen sink!

    Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and have a safe and happy new year.
  • cj
    • Jul 2009
    • 1563

    wow thats awsome


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