So I gather some atttempted terrorist attack occured over the weekend.
Some guy tried igniting a bomb on a plane but instead just sparked a fire and burned himself (FAIL).
Now he claims he was working with Al Quaeda and there are 25 others like him who are also planning attacks on Western Airliners.
Okay, now this is a real question, and please no one take offense as it is only a hypothetical.
Would it be cheaper to have a terrorist attack every 8 years or spend a trillion $ and the blood of thousands overseas in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks (which still may or may not occur during that time period)
Some guy tried igniting a bomb on a plane but instead just sparked a fire and burned himself (FAIL).
Now he claims he was working with Al Quaeda and there are 25 others like him who are also planning attacks on Western Airliners.
Okay, now this is a real question, and please no one take offense as it is only a hypothetical.
Would it be cheaper to have a terrorist attack every 8 years or spend a trillion $ and the blood of thousands overseas in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks (which still may or may not occur during that time period)