Terrorists plots?

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Terrorists plots?

    So I gather some atttempted terrorist attack occured over the weekend.

    Some guy tried igniting a bomb on a plane but instead just sparked a fire and burned himself (FAIL).

    Now he claims he was working with Al Quaeda and there are 25 others like him who are also planning attacks on Western Airliners.

    Okay, now this is a real question, and please no one take offense as it is only a hypothetical.

    Would it be cheaper to have a terrorist attack every 8 years or spend a trillion $ and the blood of thousands overseas in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks (which still may or may not occur during that time period)
  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    The cheapest option would be to withdraw all funding to Israel, divert a few mil to Palestine as a "good faith" bonus, close all military bases and completely withdraw from the Middle East, and build huge mosques in every major city and build an Islamic university in NYC and hand out student visas and government-funded scholarships to any maniacal dipshit who applies. Lol. That would get 'em off our backs for a while, and confuse the hell out of 'em too.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by Roo
      The cheapest option would be to withdraw all funding to Israel, divert a few mil to Palestine as a "good faith" bonus, close all military bases and completely withdraw from the Middle East, and build huge mosques in every major city and build an Islamic university in NYC and hand out student visas and government-funded scholarships to any maniacal dipshit who applies. Lol. That would get 'em off our backs for a while, and confuse the hell out of 'em too.

      lolol, it would definately leave them wondering wtf to do now. Then again they would probably hail it as a victory over the West and say their methods are working so keep up the good work


      • VBSnus
        • Jul 2009
        • 532

        I don't think we should rest until every soldier is dead, we have to be double strapped into airline seats with a monitoring device shoved up our ignoble behinds, and all our phones are tapped. Then we might finally, FINALLY, win the Crusades.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Originally posted by VBSnus
          I don't think we should rest until every soldier is dead, we have to be double strapped into airline seats with a monitoring device shoved up our ignoble behinds, and all our phones are tapped. Then we might finally, FINALLY, win the Crusades.

          Lol, well lucky for you we're halfway to accomplishing every single one of those goals! Hurrayz 4 freedums!!11!1one!!

          EDIT: Eurasia doesn't stand a chance!


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Funny how this attack occurs right as everyone is complaining about how they don't like the full body scanners. Now after the attack all of Europe is making it mandatory to use the full body scanners. And some guy videotaped the whole thing start to finish (random), plus the "terrorist" had some sharply dressed guy with him and got through security with a bomb in his underwear?

            Kinda strange story to be honest.


            • VBSnus
              • Jul 2009
              • 532

              Originally posted by sgreger1
              Funny how this attack occurs right as everyone is complaining about how they don't like the full body scanners. Now after the attack all of Europe is making it mandatory to use the full body scanners. And some guy videotaped the whole thing start to finish (random), plus the "terrorist" had some sharply dressed guy with him and got through security with a bomb in his underwear?

              Kinda strange story to be honest.
              While being on the terror watchlist and buying a one way ticket to the US in cash?

              No, nothing to see here, move along.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by VBSnus
                Originally posted by sgreger1
                Funny how this attack occurs right as everyone is complaining about how they don't like the full body scanners. Now after the attack all of Europe is making it mandatory to use the full body scanners. And some guy videotaped the whole thing start to finish (random), plus the "terrorist" had some sharply dressed guy with him and got through security with a bomb in his underwear?

                Kinda strange story to be honest.
                While being on the terror watchlist and buying a one way ticket to the US in cash?

                No, nothing to see here, move along.
                Lol, I hate to be conspiracy guy but it does seem kinda strange. It was a round trip ticket but he only brought a small bag with him. According to multiple witnesses he was a poorly dressed nigerian man accompanied by a guy in a suit who told the TSA guys he was a refugee from Sudan, and got him onboard the plane without a passport, (even though the guy was on a terrorist watch list), managed to get through security with a bomb, and someone was videotaping the whole thing from beginning to end for no apparent reason.

                Then eye-witnesses say both the Nigerian guy and the well dressed partner were detained but the officials say only 1 man was detained.

                It has also been revealed that Mutallab’s father contacted U.S. intelligence officials a month ago and warned them that his son was a threat, but nothing was done.

                The bomber’s father, Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, was a a former minister and chairman of First Bank in Nigeria. The bomber was basicly rich and does not fit the image of a disgruntled, rag-tag terrorist. His considerable wealth allowed him to live in luxury at an imposing London mansion.


                Hope they don't use this as an excuse to implement those shock bracelets when flying.



                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  ...The bomber was basicly rich and does not fit the image of a disgruntled, rag-tag terrorist. His considerable wealth allowed him to live in luxury at an imposing London mansion....
                  3 words... Osama Bin Laden.

                  The problem is people think terrorists fit some preconceived image.

                  Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, former chairman off Nigeria's First Bank, was said to be worried about his son's increasingly 'extreme' religious views, a Nigerian newspaper reported.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by justintempler
                    Originally posted by sgreger1
                    ...The bomber was basicly rich and does not fit the image of a disgruntled, rag-tag terrorist. His considerable wealth allowed him to live in luxury at an imposing London mansion....
                    3 words... Osama Bin Laden.

                    The problem is people think terrorists fit some preconceived image.

                    Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, former chairman off Nigeria's First Bank, was said to be worried about his son's increasingly 'extreme' religious views, a Nigerian newspaper reported.

                    Yah, while a majority of "terrorists" do fit a certain stereotype if you will, I think there are obviousely a lot who don't. Like you said, Osama Bin Laden being the biggest example. Ex CIA operative from a very wealthy background, turned worldwide terrorist leader according to US officials. Kind of an odd turn of events.

                    What gets me is that this guy's dad was warning them about this, yet it was allowed to happen. His calls went unheard. People warned about the Ft. Hood shooter (including the shooter himself), yet despite all those red flags no corrective action was taken. On 9-11 there were warnings from several other countries that terrorists were planning to attack the WTC, yet the red flags were ignored and it was allowed to happen.

                    So either gov is incompetent, which I can buy into, or extremely corrupt, which I can also buy into. I suppose it is hard to introduce things like the patriot act without some type of threat to warrant it's implementation.

                    Oh well, business as usual.


                    "Abdulmutallab appeared to be 'in a trance', he added.
                    'He was staring into nothing. The whole plane was screaming, but the suspect, he didn't say a word.'"



                    • adm
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 240

                      The main cause of religious terrorism is ignorance.

                      The best (and cheapest) approach would be to simply carpet bomb the entire middle east once a week with honda generators, laptops, solar panels, broadband routers and satellite comms.

                      As soon as the majority of people in ignorant-**** countries have continual free access to information and the ability to educate themselves, there will no longer be any dumb-as-shit, no-reference-to-reality, hick mutha****ers that will believe anything a charismatic "religious" leader tells them.

                      Oh. Wait a minute....


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by adm
                        The main cause of religious terrorism is ignorance.

                        The best (and cheapest) approach would be to simply carpet bomb the entire middle east once a week with honda generators, laptops, solar panels, broadband routers and satellite comms.

                        As soon as the majority of people in ignorant-**** countries have continual free access to information and the ability to educate themselves, there will no longer be any dumb-as-shit, no-reference-to-reality, hick mutha****ers that will believe anything a charismatic "religious" leader tells them.

                        Oh. Wait a minute....
                        Are you advocating that we bomb the bible belt with a bunch of cell phones with access to twitter? lol.

                        Your right though, I hope that we can keep the internet free and open long enough so that everyone in the world will have access and we can all exchange information and opinions and realize how much alike we all really are. ( I know you were being sarcastic, but still)

                        The muslims in the middle east are constantly bombarded with stories about how in the US American's kill their own grandmothers for the country etc and in America we are constantly bombarded with how evil Muslims everywhere are. It's more of an information war than an actual war.

                        Some of the Iraqi's near the Baji oil refinery where my unit deployed last believed that we all wore red berret's because we had to kill a family member to prove our allegiance to the unit before you could be a paratrooper, and that the red was actually the blood of said family member. And they also believed that we always wore eye protection or night vision goggles because we were some kind of cyborgs engineered by the US government to exterminate Muslims.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          geez, the guy tries to blow up one little airliner one time and all of a sudden hes a BAD guy and labeled an terriorst?!?
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • jtwh20
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 833

                            I voted OTHER:

                            We need to close every military base overseas - Germany, Korea, Middle East etc, bring all the troops home.

                            We need to stop propping up so called governments, and let their own civil wars play out without outside intervention.

                            We also need to stop sending billions of dollars to our so called allies. Maybe some of the hate for the WEST is due to the fact that their own corrupt governments use the money to pad themselves (say it isn't so).

                            All international airports will have Military Police Patrols that have FULL search, seizure, and detainment powers.

                            Or we could go Special Forces on anyone who is believed to harbor, help or look away from terrorist training camps - Kill'em all let God sort'em out
                            It'll only take a few bombs we've already paid for, and some jet fuel that's probably paid for already too...


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by jtwh20
                              I voted OTHER:

                              We need to close every military base overseas - Germany, Korea, Middle East etc, bring all the troops home.

                              We need to stop propping up so called governments, and let their own civil wars play out without outside intervention.

                              We also need to stop sending billions of dollars to our so called allies. Maybe some of the hate for the WEST is due to the fact that their own corrupt governments use the money to pad themselves (say it isn't so).

                              All international airports will have Military Police Patrols that have FULL search, seizure, and detainment powers.

                              Or we could go Airborne - Kill'em all let God sort'em out
                              I agree with all of that except the military presence at every airpot with unchecked power.

                              We are in way too many countries that we don't need to be in, we have a weak defense, we can't even secure our own borders.

                              We need to stop with the foreign aid, spending millions for bith control in 3rd world countries, propping up Israel, not sign on to giving 100b a year to 3rd world countries to combat global warming etc.

                              We need to do what people do in bad economic times, cut the fat and budget our money wisely. It's that simple.

                              Want to stop global warming? Tax the polluters. That simple.
                              Want to stop our soldiers from dying? Stop going to war and focus on defense unless provoked to do otherwise.

                              If someone like hitler wants to try to take overthe world, than by all means we must stop it. But to fight ideology is to fight an enemy that cannot be defeated.

                              We have gone full retard in this country with our spending, as well as how much trust we afford to the federal government.


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