Not that his message of safety isn't correct, but the claims that he predicted attacks are false.
He is a real guy, and he was on fox news, but he was on after the London bombings, not before, and he predicted within 90 days that there would be several big attacks in US cities.
Seing as he said this in 2005 I think we can write this off as a bad prediction.
He was basicly just a basic training drop-out and ended up as a gate guard, not a Mossad agent.
He is a real guy, and he was on fox news, but he was on after the London bombings, not before, and he predicted within 90 days that there would be several big attacks in US cities.
Seing as he said this in 2005 I think we can write this off as a bad prediction.
He was basicly just a basic training drop-out and ended up as a gate guard, not a Mossad agent.