Sad Day...

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  • blotgode
    • Apr 2009
    • 338

    Sad Day...

    It´s a sad day in Sweden, the f***ed up government has allowed hunting of wolves. 27 wolves will be shot (25 shot already), there is just about 225 wolves in Sweden....I don´t know what the hell they are thinking, the Wolves were completely eradicated, only 30 years ago...and now, same mistake again...when will they ever learn?

    [img]*mwkcPk.PIPYSkH%26c%3DVkrqT GlIir7Byer0B/item.JPG?rot=1[/img]
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    That's really lame. There's no sense in it.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Forgive me if this sounds dumb, but are they being hunted for food, "human safety" or sport?

      I will not kill anything unless it is going to be eaten.

      Killing for "human safety" or "overpopulation" is b.s. unless those animals killed are used as a food source.
      Killing for sport pisses me off...

      With that few in the wild, there is no justification for the killing of wolves even if they are for a food source.



      • blotgode
        • Apr 2009
        • 338

        They are killed because they are to many!! sigh....The organisation of hunters,are afraid that the wolves will kill to many deers,moose...some experts are afraid of to much inbreeding, that i can understand..but thats not the case this time, and it´s something that should be solved in a humane way. This is just plain slaughter...some wolves are in this moment just wounded by trigger happy hunters...we do have decent hunters in Sweden,and many of them are against this slaughter...


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          I do understand what they are doing.

          It's the way they are doing it that is idiotic.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by justintempler
            I do understand what they are doing.

            It's the way they are doing it that is idiotic.
            How so? Moving I could see, but if you're gonna kill them, shooting's as good as anything. I'm little surprised though, 225 wolves? That doesn't exactly sound like an epidemic. I'm generally against the culling of native species anyway. Deer, or something that can get eaten, and it's resources used is ok, but just to shoot them? I don't think so....


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              Originally posted by justintempler
              I do understand what they are doing.

              It's the way they are doing it that is idiotic.
              How so? Moving I could see, but if you're gonna kill them, shooting's as good as anything. I'm little surprised though, 225 wolves? That doesn't exactly sound like an epidemic. I'm generally against the culling of native species anyway. Deer, or something that can get eaten, and it's resources used is ok, but just to shoot them? I don't think so....
              They want to kill cull 27 wolves and they have 10,000 hunters.
              So it's real easy to get carried away and kill too many.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Yah it's all part of this new trend of man thinking they are the difinitive source of knowledge when it comes to "what's good for the planet", and we feel that by manipulating it it will make things better. Killing anything that your not going to eat is a waste, and this does not sound like some wolf epidemic where babies are being dragged through the streets by ravaging packs of wolves, but instead some hunters trying to make sure more deer are there to hunt. Trophy hunting should be outlawed. Gotta do it like the indians and use everything, carve knives out of their bones!


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Yah it's all part of this new trend of man thinking they are the difinitive source of knowledge when it comes to "what's good for the planet",...
                  I don't see any definitive knowledge. It's a balance of you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

                  If you outlaw hunting all together you have overpopulation and the farmers screaming about wild animals killing off their livestock. You also have safety issues with inbreeding and interbreeding with dogs.

                  I see lots of mistakes but not doing anything creates a different set of problems

                  Here in the states we have a problem with feral pigs
                  <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

                  You can't outlaw hunting and claim to be a libertatian.


                  • MasterGuns
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 312

                    Alaska has caught flack in the past for allowing the hunting of wolves. It's a different situation up there though. That place is still basically frontier, and wolves are still a dangerous predator that has yet to learn to steer clear of human settlements.
                    I used to hunt deer pretty regularly. It's a problem that we have created really. We move in, remove predators, and a species without a source of population control grows past sustainable numbers, harming other populations of animals. Hunting is like a correction for the destablization of the ecosystem. It works for the most part, if its regulated properly. We are required to report game killed on public lands (private lands if you want to, though I don't think you're required to report it), and only hunt certain game at certain times of the year and with certain weapons, blah blah blah.
                    I will never condone killing and animal when it's not in self-defense or to be used as a food source. Where the killing of woves in Sweden falls on that spectrum..I'm not sure. I just know how it is over here.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by MasterGuns
                      Alaska has caught flack in the past for allowing the hunting of wolves. It's a different situation up there though. That place is still basically frontier, and wolves are still a dangerous predator that has yet to learn to steer clear of human settlements.
                      I used to hunt deer pretty regularly. It's a problem that we have created really. We move in, remove predators, and a species without a source of population control grows past sustainable numbers, harming other populations of animals. Hunting is like a correction for the destablization of the ecosystem. It works for the most part, if its regulated properly. We are required to report game killed on public lands (private lands if you want to, though I don't think you're required to report it), and only hunt certain game at certain times of the year and with certain weapons, blah blah blah.
                      I will never condone killing and animal when it's not in self-defense or to be used as a food source. Where the killing of woves in Sweden falls on that spectrum..I'm not sure. I just know how it is over here.

                      You nailed it on the head. We come in and take over the territory and mess with the ecosystem so the predators are eating less, which leads to overpopulation. For natural selection and the circle of life to work, we need to become the predators and pick a few off with a rifle every now and then so the population doens't get too big to the point where they start starving to death. Whether it's us killing them or nature, they will die eventually if their numbers grow unchecked for too long.


                      • CM
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 329

                        Lemme ask, how are there too many animals, excuse me, whats the race called of 7 billion and all the time chopping down Earth and whining HOW THEY'RE COMING TO OUR "TERRORITORY"?

                        Sounds like a big joke to me, like humans are. And wtf the hunters, they kill for fun anyways these days, why should they kill more animals for fun. They should be hunted for food, like in the old days, imo, my point is that we should really start to respect the nature&animals again aswell. If you alone **** up, you can escape it to other country, but if WE ALL **** up, we cant escape to another planet.

                        E: Maybe they need more space for the immigrants? =P


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by CM
                          Lemme ask, how are there too many animals, excuse me, whats the race called of 7 billion and all the time chopping down Earth and whining HOW THEY'RE COMING TO OUR "TERRORITORY"?

                          Sounds like a big joke to me, like humans are. And wtf the hunters, they kill for fun anyways these days, why should they kill more animals for fun. They should be hunted for food, like in the old days, imo, my point is that we should really start to respect the nature&animals again aswell. If you alone **** up, you can escape it to other country, but if WE ALL **** up, we cant escape to another planet.

                          E: Maybe they need more space for the immigrants? =P

                          While I agree they should only be hunted for food... I don't see how you see humans as a big joke. If we are equals with the animals than we are all on the same playing field, right. And what do animals do? They claim certain territory as their own and eat all the food and resources there, kill others who come in their space who are not invited or who are a threat to them.

                          We are at the top of the food chain. The animals are free to launch an attack at any time they please, but their resistance will be futile (ST FTW!).

                          We should be more respectfull of nature, but if we have a problem with wolves coming in to town and eating our pets and children, than we go kill all the wolves in the area. Problem solved. Circle of life.


                          • CM
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 329

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            Originally posted by CM
                            Lemme ask, how are there too many animals, excuse me, whats the race called of 7 billion and all the time chopping down Earth and whining HOW THEY'RE COMING TO OUR "TERRORITORY"?

                            Sounds like a big joke to me, like humans are. And wtf the hunters, they kill for fun anyways these days, why should they kill more animals for fun. They should be hunted for food, like in the old days, imo, my point is that we should really start to respect the nature&animals again aswell. If you alone **** up, you can escape it to other country, but if WE ALL **** up, we cant escape to another planet.

                            E: Maybe they need more space for the immigrants? =P

                            While I agree they should only be hunted for food... I don't see how you see humans as a big joke. If we are equals with the animals than we are all on the same playing field, right. And what do animals do? They claim certain territory as their own and eat all the food and resources there, kill others who come in their space who are not invited or who are a threat to them.

                            We are at the top of the food chain. The animals are free to launch an attack at any time they please, but their resistance will be futile (ST FTW!).

                            We should be more respectfull of nature, but if we have a problem with wolves coming in to town and eating our pets and children, than we go kill all the wolves in the area. Problem solved. Circle of life.
                            I do see humans as a joke, just think about what we've done to earth. Not only animals/nature.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by CM
                              I do see humans as a joke, just think about what we've done to earth. Not only animals/nature.

                              You don't strike me as the type who would have children.

                              How are we a joke? Because we took what nature gave us and came out on top? Because we hunted with spears and used tools, then learned to plant our own crops, how to build shelter and buildings that will last for a thousand years?

                              What is such a joke about human culture, rich cultures from many different places all over the globe. What of the things we've created, don't just look at the bad, look at the rest of it too.

                              We were put here basicly on the same plane as monkeys, covered by nothing but grass or desert or trees. We studied and observed our habitat and used nothing but what the earth has given us to make medicine, trick stem cells into regrowing organs, fixing defects in people like their eyesight, we've ripped apart particles in giant hedron colliders, the accomplishments of man are many and great. The technology used by the average middle class person today would have been seen as the power of a God not but a few thousand years ago.

                              Now along the way we have made quite a mess since we have advanced so exponentially quicker than any other living organism, our evolution is measured in decades instead of millenia like the other animals. We need to address pollution and garbage, deforestation etc, but it does not mean man is a joke.

                              Let me guess, your one of those poeple who thinks we should all commit mass suicide for the benefit of the planet huh?

                              Can you look your mother or your loved on in the eyes and say you are a joke just for having been born?


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