Sad Day...

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    I think as you get older you start to really earn a respect for nature and want to get closer to it and even protect it from other humans.
    Animals cannot protect themselves and that is why I have full respect for the people that do try and help them out.
    We should be protecting more habitat and building are cities up instead of out. The more populations get educated the less children they will have which will also help balance things out.

    I think there was a time when humans really lived in a sustainable state with nature but since then we have turned into a cancer to this earth and once nature has had enough it will shake us of off like a bad case of FLEA's like George Carlin said.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by truthwolf1
      I think as you get older you start to really earn a respect for nature and want to get closer to it and even protect it from other humans.
      Animals cannot protect themselves and that is why I have full respect for the people that do try and help them out.
      We should be protecting more habitat and building are cities up instead of out. The more populations get educated the less children they will have which will also help balance things out.

      I think there was a time when humans really lived in a sustainable state with nature

      Your absolutely right. I think the peak of technology would be to have a more biological/organic tech as opposed to using metal etc, but we are still young and have a ways to go before we get there. I believe it is possible for us go back to the time where we live in harmony with nature, as we should, but I think we are going through sort of a dark ages at the moment. I respect animal rights activists (not the crazy ones who would kill humans for animals) and I think we need to really stop deforestation and use technology to better blend in with nature, but by no means do I see humans as a joke or a cancer. I will not fall into this new trend of humans hating humans for being humans. It seems to be the new chic thing to hate humanity. What a culture we have here....

      I'll bet viruses and diseases don't think like us, and that's why they will win when the zombie apocalypse comes!

      but since then we have turned into a cancer to this earth and once nature has had enough it will shake us of off like a bad case of FLEA's like George Carlin said
      The immune system of mother nature is strong, she has weathered things far worse and more destructive than humans. She will be fine.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        The Anti-Human movement. It's psychological warfare.

        It's all part of an age old technique used to get people to fight against themselves. It's a mind game.

        An example of how this has been used in the past, for those who care to learn from History: (It's long but very relevant)

        During the Korean war, our American POW's collaborated with the enemy more times than any other time in our history. How come? Because the Chinese communists understood the power of identity. They understood that you can only get a person to do something by force for so long, but if you can change their perceptions, their philosophy, if you can change what they’re thinking, if you can get them to change their belief of who they are, you can change their behavior permanently.

        The American fighting man knew who he was, he had an identity, and he also knew if someone tried to torture you, you only give them your name rank and serial number. But the Chinese used something called the leniency policy. They decided that they wanted to try a different approach.

        They would bring the pow in and say “listen you don’t have to be afraid of us, we’re only your enemy because your government is attacking us, we are just caring people, we’re only defending ourselves. We don’t want to hurt you. Here have a cigarette...."
        They would sit and talk with the gentleman instead of torturing him. At first the POW would be very suspicious, but after 4 or 5 or 6 hours of talking and having a nice conversation, he began to get a little tired, exhausted, worn down. But these people were so cordial, they’d say “look your government doesn’t care about you, don’t you understand the kind of unrest that’s happening in your nation right now? We care about our people! Let me ask you a question my friend, what’s so perfect about America, are you going to try and tell me it’s perfect?”

        The American POW would respond, “well it’s not perfect..”

        That’s all they needed.

        Their whole goal was to break into the shell of identity and get you to make some very small commitments, and then enlarge them.

        They would say” Well how is America not perfect?”
        “Well, we have unemployment I guess, we have some people out of work”

        To which the captor would respond, “well in communism, do we have people unemployed? No we don’t, everyone is employed in a communist nation.”

        They would say, “Do me a favor and write that down. Just to be fair. Write down that America isn’t perfect.”

        The POW would say “no no I don’t wanna write that down.”

        “Well isn’t it true? You just said it yourself didn’t you? “

        Then he would continue, “Now write down that in communism we don’t have people unemployed.”
        Out of exhaustion and boredom with the mind games, without being forced to, the American POW would now have a document in front of him the he would later even sign that would basically describe why democracy was terrible and communism was great.

        Now he has to be able to explain to himself why he did this. We judge who we are by our own behaviors. He would say, “I wasn’t forced or coerced, why would I write this down?“
        “Well because it’s true!" He would say to himself.

        Then if that wasn’t bad enough he would go back to his cell and his cellmates would say “What happened, you’ve been gone for 18 hours and your not even marked up, what’s the deal?

        “Well they just asked me some questions, that’s all”

        And sure enough, a few minutes later over the loudspeaker the communists would read this essay signed by him about how communism is more pefect than democracy.

        His fellow POW’s would ask, “Is this true? Did you write that? Did they torture you?


        “Well how could you do this??!”

        He would have to justify himself and explain why he would write this. Not knowing how to defend his actions, suddenly he bursts out and says “Because it’s true!”

        And at that moment the Chinese communists had accomplished what they wanted. His identity started to change. He began to defend a whole other point of view. He began to believe that this was an accurate representation of his deepest feelings. He was simply judging a set of small actions that were orchestrated, directed without his awareness.

        But worse, others would begin seeing him as a collaborator. They would begin to isolate him and sometimes even break out and physically fight with him or beat him.

        Now who’s the enemy? His fellow POW’s…. And as a result he would collaborate secretly with the enemy on a larger scale than any time in our history.

        That is the power of identity. We will behave consistent to our identity even if it is negative or not who we really are. Be careful how you perceive yourself and the world, because you may find that you were just being manipulated against your knowledge by people trying to use you to defeat yourself.


        This is the struggle I had with the republican party for many years, preaching small government and responsible spending, which I was all for. It was American, hell I even joined the army hoping to be deployed to Iraq because of it. All because they manipulated my identity and what it meant to be an American and a patriot, both which I consider myself to be. Twisting my own identity in a way that would serve their purpose. They knew they had no plan to reduce government or spent wisely.

        Now the democrats are in charge and doing the same thing to the environmental group and the progressives. Making you hate yourselves, white guilt, humans are a cancer etc etc.

        One day you may wake up thinking, “Holy sh*t, they’ve convinced me that humans are the enemy, yet I am human. I have been collaborating with the enemy to destroy my own kind. It worked for the communists, and it will work for the enviro-nazi’s if you allow it.


        • MasterGuns
          • Jun 2009
          • 312

          well put, sgreger1.
          I dated a girl who's dad was in the navy during vietnam. He had to go through SEER school (i think that's how it's spelled) since he was going to be a helicopter crew chief. They dumped him in the ocean off the coast of California and he had to evade capture in the woods and desert for as long as he could. Of course, he got "captured" by Americans who dressed like, looked like, and talked like red chinese. He got beat up, made to sit in a metal box in the desert sun, all manner of things (which we apparently are allowed to do to our own servicemen, but not to enemy combatants who aren't even protected under the Geneva convention), but the thing he said that broke the most people he saw was exactly what you are talking about. They would play that same mind game with people, and eventually he'd see them having tea with the "camp commandant". Then they'd be gone, failed the school.
          The way I see it, hardcore liberals and progressives look at us as visitors on this planet rather than permanent residents. We aren't allowed to make an impact, the world must look like we were never here. They even go so far as to say that we killed all the mammoth in our bloodthirst and over-hunting. Our ANCESTORS who lived off the LAND are even getting criticized by these lunatics!
          Who gives a crap, the suns gonna blow up and we'll all get fried anyways...


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by MasterGuns
            well put, sgreger1.
            I dated a girl who's dad was in the navy during vietnam. He had to go through SEER school (i think that's how it's spelled) since he was going to be a helicopter crew chief. They dumped him in the ocean off the coast of California and he had to evade capture in the woods and desert for as long as he could. Of course, he got "captured" by Americans who dressed like, looked like, and talked like red chinese. He got beat up, made to sit in a metal box in the desert sun, all manner of things (which we apparently are allowed to do to our own servicemen, but not to enemy combatants who aren't even protected under the Geneva convention), but the thing he said that broke the most people he saw was exactly what you are talking about. They would play that same mind game with people, and eventually he'd see them having tea with the "camp commandant". Then they'd be gone, failed the school.
            The way I see it, hardcore liberals and progressives look at us as visitors on this planet rather than permanent residents. We aren't allowed to make an impact, the world must look like we were never here. They even go so far as to say that we killed all the mammoth in our bloodthirst and over-hunting. Our ANCESTORS who lived off the LAND are even getting criticized by these lunatics!
            Who gives a crap, the suns gonna blow up and we'll all get fried anyways...

            Haha, yah it's called SERE school "survival evasion resistance and escape"

            All special ops or special forces soldiers have to go through some level of SERE training. I only went through level one which was not in any way hardcore, but all the green berret's have to go through the full course, which includes them having to sign a waiver allowing them to do bad things to you like break bone etc.

            It's funny you should mention this because it is true, during our own training regiment for our soldiers they have to be waterboarded, tortured, have major and minor bones broken etc. This is because we are preparing for an enemy who is obliged to use such techniques on us in the event of capture. Yet we give the enemy a free pass on the need for such training since they know if captured they will be given a banana split, a pack of cigs and all their miranda rights, so no need to go throught he trouble.

            If our guys can handle waterboarding than I have no simpathy for the poor terrorists.

            The way I see it, hardcore liberals and progressives look at us as visitors on this planet rather than permanent residents.
            I have never understood this but yes it seems to be the ideology they follow.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Back in the 60's the Russians realized that the hippi generation was the "back to the earth" crowd. Partly as rejection of corporate America and its "better living through chemistry" philosophy and partly as wish for simpler life, partly rejecting their parents religion and becoming Liberated, this Back To Nature movement was recognized as useful by the Russians. Thus began all the environmental movements. Communism used Nature to attack capitalism by turbocharging these trends among the hippi generation of the 60s. Communes and pot, man! Natural materials! Reject the plastic of your parent's corporate existence serving The Man! Be Free!!!!

              And their legacy lives on today on this forum.


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