Interesting GW video by the founder of the Weather Channel

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by justintempler
    Originally posted by sgreger1
    I say, the legislation that has been introduced would not go far enough to make a dent in reducing CO2 levels if we assume the theories are even remotely correct.

    Exactly. Assuming the theories are correct, what is being proposed? Will it fix the problem? Regardless if AGW is happening, just giving in without question is not healthy, especially when the proposed measures to combat it will have a negative effect on the economy during time of recession, and also further strip us of property rights.
    So the billion dollars a month that we ship overseas to pay for oil is good for the American Dollar?

    What are going to do when the Chinese economy keeps growing and they have our dollars to outbid us on the price of oil?

    Then...... we'll start to develop green technolgy jobs?

    Oh that's right we won't need to, cuz China will already have beat us to the punch.

    Population China 1,335,120,000
    Population India 1,175,240,000
    Population USA 308,313,000

    What you going to do say "pretty please China can we have of our dollars back so we can buy some oil.." :roll:

    You keep making this argument and I don't get it, here's how it goes:

    I say: I agree we should get off oil, but this legislation they are pushing is not about that, it's about taxes and having more control over private industry.

    You say: So you want us to be on oil forever?

    I say: No, we should be looking for greener methods, which is not what is happening.

    Also, yes the fact oil is traded in USD in most places is the only reason our dollar is even worth anything at the moment, but as soon as the Gulf Monetary Pact goes through and all those countries start collaborating to make a single oil currency, it will affect the dollar greatly, which is why we need to be at the forefront of the technology.

    What Obama wants is to give 100 billion a year to developing countries etc etc, CHINA has somehow managed to get itself on the list of developing countries, they are trying to play it like they need help going green.

    So how does helping them go green help us gain our edge?


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by justintempler
      I'm surpised no one has said..

      "Look how cold it is across the USA right now, global warming is a hoax"

      Only the first part is right, and over Russia too. But we're not talking USA Climate change. Look at the Arctic and Europe.

      I said previousely that temperatures at any one place during a year is not an indication of anything, sinc we are talking about long term warming trends.

      Some headlines from yesterday and today

      Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA...
      CHILL MAP...
      Britain's big snow shuts cities...
      Army drafted to rescue 1,000 snow stranded motorists...
      Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm'...
      Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal'...
      Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years...
      Midwest Sees Near-Record Lows, Snow By The Foot...
      Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade; Florida Gov Signs Emergency Order ...
      Cold snap spurs power rationing in China...

      Midwest bracing for heavy snow -- wind chills of 50 below!
      Next Arctic Blast blows even colder...
      Persistent cold tightens grip on nation...
      CHILL MAP...
      Britain's big snow shuts cities...
      Arctic blast freezes Texas...
      Weekend Freeze Looms for Gulf Coast...
      Florida races to save crops...

      But like I said, temperatures this month or this year are close to irrelevant when talking about long term global trends.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Let me ask you something Justin.

        What is the purpose of this. I mean we both agree there is warming and cooling on the planet over periods of time. You are saying that man's involvement has wildly offset some balance and it will be very bad for us/the earth.
        My argument is that there have been many disturbances to "the balance" of the earth that are much greater than anything humans have done. Think of meteors that have changed the climate overnight, what happened? Dino's died but human's were born. Volcanoes go off and in the matter of a few years they put out more junk into the atmosphere than my Mazda 3 would in 100 years, but the earth chugs along just fine.

        If you want to debate whether the climate changes or not, I will not disagree with you. Ice melts and grows. What I refuse to beleve is that somehow we have destroyed the planet and only by creating a new carbon currency and taxes will it be fixed.

        I say instead we make the green energy movement the next big industry.

        Only time will tell, but I can guarantee that in another 100 years this will just be another Y2k moment for us like it has been so many times in the past.
        Focus on cutting pollution, making energy in the US that is clean and sustainable, and things will be fine. I do not need to buy carbon credits or pay money to the government, nor should I have to be worried that they can now regulate anything that emits CO2 which is just about every living thing or moving machine.


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