Originally posted by justintempler
You keep making this argument and I don't get it, here's how it goes:
I say: I agree we should get off oil, but this legislation they are pushing is not about that, it's about taxes and having more control over private industry.
You say: So you want us to be on oil forever?
I say: No, we should be looking for greener methods, which is not what is happening.
Also, yes the fact oil is traded in USD in most places is the only reason our dollar is even worth anything at the moment, but as soon as the Gulf Monetary Pact goes through and all those countries start collaborating to make a single oil currency, it will affect the dollar greatly, which is why we need to be at the forefront of the technology.
What Obama wants is to give 100 billion a year to developing countries etc etc, CHINA has somehow managed to get itself on the list of developing countries, they are trying to play it like they need help going green.
So how does helping them go green help us gain our edge?