I have predicted this since the summer of 2009, and it has come to pass:
I am completely sickened and disgusted by the Obama regime.
Now, given that he ran against the Fascist Comedy Duo, I would vote for the man all over again, but still... Enough is enough!
Obama, you promised us "change." I, for one, am still waiting for just the smallest scrap of change. To wit:
(1) You promised an end to the fascist wars of your moronic predecessor. RESULT: You have decided to continue occupying Iraq. You have decided to escalate the war in Afghanistan. You seem to be hell-bent on picking a fight with Iran. Oh, and now you have a thing against Yemen, as well.
(2) You promised to stop torture and close the torture-camp at Guantanamo. In fact, you went so far as to order the closure oh-so-many-months ago. Then you said that the deadline would not be met. Then you forgot all about it. RESULT: Torture is alive and well at Guantanamo.
(3) You promised change to the irrevocably broken Imperial healthcare system. RESULT: still broken; a toothless sham of a deal may or may not get passed in the upcoming century or two.
(4) You promised to fix the economy. RESULT: You gave more money to the filthy bourgeois. They're doing fine, now; the rest of us, who just so happen to constitute over 99% of the nation that you are supposed to rule, are still mired in an unprecedented depression.
OVERALL RESULT: epic failure. Obama, you are a disgrace to all of those proud to call ourselves left-wingers. There is only one thing in this nation that disgusts me more than your pandering to the ignorant right wing - the ignorant right wing itself. For some reason, these cretins insist on demonizing you for being a "socialist." This is ironic; a real socialist such as myself would have immediately brought all our troops home, nationalized all industry, made torture a capital offense, and made all medical procedures 100% subsidized by the federal government.
In conclusion: Obama, you are almost as ridiculous as the fascists that oppose you. Thank Lenin that you do not recognize that you are on their side. Thank you for defeating McCain, and a resounding "**** you" for selling out to the enemy.
I'm reluctantly unlocking this thread for the time being, but I'll be watching it closely. Faust, you only come here to start shit, and I don't particularly appreciate it. I'm giving you a chance to act like a big boy with some responsibility. If you can't do that this thread will be locked, as will future troll posts. For everybody else, keep it civil, and no personal attacks on other members. Keep in mind, Faust isn't here to debate, it's to start shit. Nobody's changing anyone else's mind on anything in political threads.
I am completely sickened and disgusted by the Obama regime.
Now, given that he ran against the Fascist Comedy Duo, I would vote for the man all over again, but still... Enough is enough!
Obama, you promised us "change." I, for one, am still waiting for just the smallest scrap of change. To wit:
(1) You promised an end to the fascist wars of your moronic predecessor. RESULT: You have decided to continue occupying Iraq. You have decided to escalate the war in Afghanistan. You seem to be hell-bent on picking a fight with Iran. Oh, and now you have a thing against Yemen, as well.
(2) You promised to stop torture and close the torture-camp at Guantanamo. In fact, you went so far as to order the closure oh-so-many-months ago. Then you said that the deadline would not be met. Then you forgot all about it. RESULT: Torture is alive and well at Guantanamo.
(3) You promised change to the irrevocably broken Imperial healthcare system. RESULT: still broken; a toothless sham of a deal may or may not get passed in the upcoming century or two.
(4) You promised to fix the economy. RESULT: You gave more money to the filthy bourgeois. They're doing fine, now; the rest of us, who just so happen to constitute over 99% of the nation that you are supposed to rule, are still mired in an unprecedented depression.
OVERALL RESULT: epic failure. Obama, you are a disgrace to all of those proud to call ourselves left-wingers. There is only one thing in this nation that disgusts me more than your pandering to the ignorant right wing - the ignorant right wing itself. For some reason, these cretins insist on demonizing you for being a "socialist." This is ironic; a real socialist such as myself would have immediately brought all our troops home, nationalized all industry, made torture a capital offense, and made all medical procedures 100% subsidized by the federal government.
In conclusion: Obama, you are almost as ridiculous as the fascists that oppose you. Thank Lenin that you do not recognize that you are on their side. Thank you for defeating McCain, and a resounding "**** you" for selling out to the enemy.
I'm reluctantly unlocking this thread for the time being, but I'll be watching it closely. Faust, you only come here to start shit, and I don't particularly appreciate it. I'm giving you a chance to act like a big boy with some responsibility. If you can't do that this thread will be locked, as will future troll posts. For everybody else, keep it civil, and no personal attacks on other members. Keep in mind, Faust isn't here to debate, it's to start shit. Nobody's changing anyone else's mind on anything in political threads.