Here is à recepi of caucasian barbique
You take 6 - 7 month of age not older pork meet you cut it in 15 cm long and 7 cm wide bites.
Then you start to marinate it for That you need Black pepper( pulver) , red pepper (pulver) , salt little vine red you make peppers and salt on the meet then vine on it, cut à 1 to 2 kg of fresh onions and the meet already With peppers salt and vine you cover totaly in onions(cuted) and leave it in refregirator for one day That specines of red and black pepper and vine ( which make that meet more soft) Will take om the meet. Than NeXT day when it is time for grilling you take all onions away ( Do not leave any onion beat )and throw away .
Now you have the Worlds Greatest pork meet ready for grilling
Do not eat your fingers With it ..... It is first coution ,some people Did it is so delishes)
You take 6 - 7 month of age not older pork meet you cut it in 15 cm long and 7 cm wide bites.
Then you start to marinate it for That you need Black pepper( pulver) , red pepper (pulver) , salt little vine red you make peppers and salt on the meet then vine on it, cut à 1 to 2 kg of fresh onions and the meet already With peppers salt and vine you cover totaly in onions(cuted) and leave it in refregirator for one day That specines of red and black pepper and vine ( which make that meet more soft) Will take om the meet. Than NeXT day when it is time for grilling you take all onions away ( Do not leave any onion beat )and throw away .
Now you have the Worlds Greatest pork meet ready for grilling
Do not eat your fingers With it ..... It is first coution ,some people Did it is so delishes)