the blade is my gangsta name. the pic is me.
Explain your Avatar and Username.
Sometime at the age when Jesus died 33, I developed a thirst for knowing. This lead to a news and current events addiction followed by a internet quest. As a INFP personality I have a need to find some meaning or understanding of people and why the world works as it does. This also applies to the wonders of Snus and if I was not concerned about the truth about tobacco I would still be a smoking sheep.
bump. for entertainment purposes onlyGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Sirloot was one of my first characters (SirLootalot) to be exact in an online MMO formerly Sierra's The Realm
as for avatar .. its Odens 69 painted with the irish flag (i love everything irish except scumbags and gypsies) ok .. gyspys do make delicious tears
My username means something that is honorable in Swedish. "Heder" means "honor" and "heders" is like... "oooh, your snus can is so heders" - "Your snus can is so nice and honorable! CRED MAN!". "Heders is not in the dictionary so it's a made up word by me basically... but everyone in Sweden knows what it means when you say it since it builds on another word. Hahaha.
My avatar is a sketch of people destroying the illuminati, and when they do he (???) is like... "OMG". I like it!
My real name is Mykolas (which is the Lithuanian version of Michael), and my nickname is Mykis, which is a generic nickname for people named Mykolas (Mike is the English counterpart of Mykis). LT is to signify that I am Lithuanian.
I use this nickname often, but since the name Mykolas is as popular in Lithuania as Michael is in English speaking countries, and adding LT is also quite popular, I have to mix things up sometimes.
My avatar is a dog in a leather jacket.
12 years ago i had two cats, then got a third one and couldn't come up with a name. Being a little bit of a trekkie i called it third of three = T.O.T hence Teeotee.
Avatar is the atheism symbol although it's not exactly correct, the bottom loop should be open i think, i like it as it is though.