Fun Gun Statistics

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  • Judge Faust
    • Jan 2009
    • 196

    Fun Gun Statistics

    Hey, everyone. Now, it seems to me that this wonderful forum is veritably swarming with pro-gun ownership ideologues. You know the type: fanatically individualistic, aggressively dogmatic, and absolutely convinced that a militia-grade arsenal will protect them from criminals, government agents, and possibly cancer. In short, people big on propaganda but fuzzy on actual numbers.

    Thus, I have decided to list a couple fun statistics about gun ownership. Enjoy:

    Of the 30,694 Americans who died by gunfire in 2005, only 147 were killed by firearms (and only 123 by handguns) in homicides by private citizens that law enforcement determined were justifiable.

    In 2006, guns were the cause of the unintentional deaths of 642 people. 8% of the fatal shots were fired by children under the age of six.

    Abused women are 500% more likely to be killed by the abuser if he happens to own a gun. Domestic violence assaults involving a firearm are 23 times more likely to result in death than those involving other weapons or bodily force.

    Firearm-related deaths and injuries result in estimated medical costs of $2.3 billion each year – half of which are borne by U.S. taxpayers.

    A California study found that in the first year after the purchase of a handgun, suicide was the leading cause of death among handgun purchasers. In the first week after the purchase of a handgun, the firearm suicide rate among the purchasers was 57 times as high as the adjusted rate in the general population.

    A 1991 study documenting the effectiveness of Washington, D.C.’s law banning handguns (this law was recently repealed following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling finding it unconstitutional in District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008) found that following the enactment of the ban in 1976, there was a 25% decline in homicides committed with firearms and a 23% decline in suicides committed with firearms within the District of Columbia. No similar reductions were observed in the number of homicides or suicides committed by other means, nor were similar reductions found in the adjacent metropolitan areas in Maryland and Virginia.

    An analysis of Texas’ CCW law, (a law adopted in 1995 that overturned the state’s 125-year ban on concealed weapons), found that between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes, including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. From 1996 to 2000, Texas CCW holders were arrested for weapons-related crimes at a rate 81% higher than that of the state’s general population age 21 and older.

    Living in a home where there is a gun increases the risk of homicide by 40 to 170% and the risk of suicide by 90 to 460%.

    Nearly 80% of Mexico’s illegal firearms and most recovered crime guns in major Canadian cities are imported illegally from the U.S
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    The rights of legal adult citizens to own a legal firearm is a good thing.

    The gun/crime problem is our laws are lax on criminal gun use and possession.

    Most murders are by criminals, often under 21, often gang/drug related.

    Same with gun crimes.

    We should not infringe on legal citizens legal ownership of guns, but we do need to crack down hard on illegal possession and crime with a gun.

    Felons with a gun should get automatic life hard labor camp.
    Anyone who shoots someone in a crime with a gun should get automatic death penalty, carried out within one year.

    Government housing projects should be randomly searched for guns and drugs, and charges and evictions upheld.

    We, legal adult citizens should have a right to own a legal gun. But we as a society should have zero tolerance for those that use and possess guns in an illegal manner.

    Problem I see alot, is gun criminals get a slap on the wrist. They do a short sentence, if they even do time, and go back and get a gun again. Felons often get guns. Underage criminal thugs get guns and rob and do killings.

    The gun problem is not that we have rights to have guns, it's the large amount of criminals who possess and use guns illegally and our lax reaction to this when they are caught.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Re: Fun Gun Statistics

      Originally posted by Judge Faust
      Hey, everyone. Now, it seems to me that this wonderful forum is veritably swarming with pro-gun ownership ideologues. You know the type: fanatically individualistic, aggressively dogmatic, and absolutely convinced that a militia-grade arsenal will protect them from criminals, government agents, and possibly cancer. In short, people big on propaganda but fuzzy on actual numbers.

      Thus, I have decided to list a couple fun statistics about gun ownership. Enjoy:

      Of the 30,694 Americans who died by gunfire in 2005, only 147 were killed by firearms (and only 123 by handguns) in homicides by private citizens that law enforcement determined were justifiable.

      In 2006, guns were the cause of the unintentional deaths of 642 people. 8% of the fatal shots were fired by children under the age of six.

      Abused women are 500% more likely to be killed by the abuser if he happens to own a gun. Domestic violence assaults involving a firearm are 23 times more likely to result in death than those involving other weapons or bodily force.

      Firearm-related deaths and injuries result in estimated medical costs of $2.3 billion each year – half of which are borne by U.S. taxpayers.

      A California study found that in the first year after the purchase of a handgun, suicide was the leading cause of death among handgun purchasers. In the first week after the purchase of a handgun, the firearm suicide rate among the purchasers was 57 times as high as the adjusted rate in the general population.

      A 1991 study documenting the effectiveness of Washington, D.C.’s law banning handguns (this law was recently repealed following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling finding it unconstitutional in District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008) found that following the enactment of the ban in 1976, there was a 25% decline in homicides committed with firearms and a 23% decline in suicides committed with firearms within the District of Columbia. No similar reductions were observed in the number of homicides or suicides committed by other means, nor were similar reductions found in the adjacent metropolitan areas in Maryland and Virginia.

      An analysis of Texas’ CCW law, (a law adopted in 1995 that overturned the state’s 125-year ban on concealed weapons), found that between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes, including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. From 1996 to 2000, Texas CCW holders were arrested for weapons-related crimes at a rate 81% higher than that of the state’s general population age 21 and older.

      Living in a home where there is a gun increases the risk of homicide by 40 to 170% and the risk of suicide by 90 to 460%.

      Nearly 80% of Mexico’s illegal firearms and most recovered crime guns in major Canadian cities are imported illegally from the U.S

      The propaganda czar strikes again with the most one sided numbers I have ever seen.

      Living in a home where there is a gun increases the risk of homicide by 40 to 170% and the risk of suicide by 90 to 460%.
      There are an estimated 80 million owners of legal firearms in the united states. 38% of American households and 26% of individuals own at least one gun.
      If the simple act of having a gun in the home made the event of a suicide 90-460% more likely, than there would would be 80 million people short. Furthermore, there are 260 million legal firearms in the hands of 1 or more people across the US.

      To claim that owning a single gun in your home will make it 90-460% more likely you are going to kill yourself is a preposterous claim. There'd be nobody left.

      Nearly 80% of Mexico’s illegal firearms and most recovered crime guns in major Canadian cities are imported illegally from the U.S
      So someone takes something that is legal, and uses it for an illegal purpose... therefore it should never have been legal in the first place? Should we outlaw knifes, forks and chopsticks since they may be used to stab someone?

      nearly 100% of all stabbings are commited with a legal blade, does that mean kitchen knives shouldn't be legal?

      Domestic violence assaults involving a firearm are 23 times more likely to result in death than those involving other weapons or bodily force.

      Again, many domestic violence incidents that take place in a household that has kitchen knives is xxx% more likely to end up with someone being stabbed, does that mean ban knives?

      90% of domestic violence victims are women, does that mean men should be outlawed? Where do you draw the line?

      Firearm-related deaths and injuries result in estimated medical costs of $2.3 billion each year – half of which are borne by U.S. taxpayers.

      There are lots of things that affect healthcare. If you want to reduce what we spend on healthcare, lets start with things not protected by the constitution, like smoking.
      Smoking costs the healthcare system 96.7 billion a year (a lot more than gun's 2.3 bilion), and also costs each taxpayer $630 a year in federal and state taxes.

      Surely if cost were the issue, we could do away with many things without breaking one of our most valued rights... the right to bear arms.

      I could go on and on, but listen Judge, I understand you are from a foreign country and therefore are ignorant of what being an American means. This is not your fault, as soviet propaganda has always been a very effective way of controlling the masses of useful idiots.
      In America we have these things called rights. These rights are afforded to us by our founding document (the constitution) and other documents such as the bill of rights etc.

      So while people from soviet russia are free to live in our cities and complain ad nausium about how much better it is to live in a soviet style slave country, the second amendment is clearly written in plain english, which gives us the right to bare arms. This is America and those are our rules. Unlike failed ex governments like your own, we stay true to our beliefs and will not give up our rights just because the commies want us to. So you are free to slander whatever you want, as the first amendment allows you that privilege (see why rights are important?), but it does not mean we have to listen.


      • RobsanX
        • Aug 2008
        • 2030

        Re: Fun Gun Statistics

        Originally posted by sgreger1
        Living in a home where there is a gun increases the risk of homicide by 40 to 170% and the risk of suicide by 90 to 460%.
        There are an estimated 80 million owners of legal firearms in the united states. 38% of American households and 26% of individuals own at least one gun.
        If the simple act of having a gun in the home made the event of a suicide 90-460% more likely, than there would would be 80 million people short. Furthermore, there are 260 million legal firearms in the hands of 1 or more people across the US.

        To claim that owning a single gun in your home will make it 90-460% more likely you are going to kill yourself is a preposterous claim. There'd be nobody left.
        Actually it's just clever wording. Say if 1 in 100,000 people in the U.S. commit suicide then that statistic says that 5 in 100,000 gun owners commit suicide.

        It's the same thing when they say that snus doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. Yeah it doubles the risk of an already rare event.

        These are pretty weak tactics.


        • RedMacGregor
          • Dec 2009
          • 554



          • N0mad
            • Nov 2009
            • 550

            RedMacGregor I love the new Avatar.


            • RedMacGregor
              • Dec 2009
              • 554

              Originally posted by N0mad
              RedMacGregor I love the new Avatar.
              haha, thanks, you're the 2nd one to comment so far


              • outsidelinebacker20
                • Aug 2008
                • 187

                Apparently the Judge got tired of whacking his tiny little pee pee and decided to invite others into sharing in his miserable little world of disillusionment and impotent frustration . I picture a fat doofus with polyester slacks and a bad hair cut. The closest thing to a girlfriend he has ever had is the cat sitting on his monitor. I guess somebody got pant-st too many times in High School.
                BTW You should really consider buying a gun, Judge. If you have got the guts, you could put an end to your pathetic self loathing.


                Lay off the personal attacks here...


                • Judge Faust
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 196

                  Re: Fun Gun Statistics

                  Originally posted by RobsanX
                  Actually it's just clever wording. Say if 1 in 100,000 people in the U.S. commit suicide then that statistic says that 5 in 100,000 gun owners commit suicide.

                  It's the same thing when they say that snus doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. Yeah it doubles the risk of an already rare event.

                  These are pretty weak tactics.
                  For the sake of argument, let's assume that your numbers are true; that is, guns create 4 more suicides per 100,000 individuals. The US has a population of approximately 3 million. At your rate, this means 12,000 unnecessary suicides per year. That is a pretty significant number, don't you think? It's only small if you spread it out - look at the aggregate, and the figure becomes somewhat more grim.

                  On the plus side, though, at least you understand how percentages work. Sgregor over there seems to think that a 500% increase in suicide means that 100% of the people die. Yeesh... :lol:


                  • Judge Faust
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 196

                    Re: Fun Gun Statistics

                    Originally posted by sgreger1
                    I could go on and on, but listen Judge, I understand you are from a foreign country and therefore are ignorant of what being an American means. This is not your fault, as soviet propaganda has always been a very effective way of controlling the masses of useful idiots.
                    In America we have these things called rights. These rights are afforded to us by our founding document (the constitution) and other documents such as the bill of rights etc.

                    So while people from soviet russia are free to live in our cities and complain ad nausium about how much better it is to live in a soviet style slave country, the second amendment is clearly written in plain english, which gives us the right to bare arms. This is America and those are our rules. Unlike failed ex governments like your own, we stay true to our beliefs and will not give up our rights just because the commies want us to. So you are free to slander whatever you want, as the first amendment allows you that privilege (see why rights are important?), but it does not mean we have to listen.
                    Spare me the theatrics, friend. Your "founding document" also stated in no uncertain terms that a black individual is 3/5 of a person. Should we bend over backwards to uphold your "founding fathers'" primitive racism, as well? Times change, my friend, and we must change with them.

                    But your problem goes deeper than that... What you need is a quick lesson in Constitutional Law. Pull up a chair, then, and listen.

                    Second Amendment:

                    "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

                    Looks clear, right? Wrong. Look again:

                    "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

                    Huh. So, you need guns because you need militias, apparently. What's a "militia," anyway? Glad you asked: at the time the Bill of Rights was ratified, the US had no standing army. Instead, it had a volunteer corps of armed citizens. Yes, that's a militia, and no, the US no longer has one.

                    Many people, including myself, maintain that the two clauses of the Second Amendment are complimentary rather than independent. In other words, you have both, or you have none. If a militia is no longer necessary, than you no longer need private gun ownership. You don't get to cherry-pick just the parts that you like while discarding the rest.

                    But let's move on. Assume that the Second Amendment DOES mean what you think it means. Question: who does the Constitution apply to? If you answered anything but "only the federal government," you are wrong. Feds only; private individuals, states, municipalities not covered.

                    Now, this somewhat changed with the Fourteenth Amendment and its Privileges or Immunities Clause. Long story short: the Supreme Court finally decided that some Amendments DO in fact apply to state governments. The Second Amendment is not one of them (though there is a case pending on this topic, so stay tuned). As it stands, any state can take all of your guns away, and there's absolutely nothing you can do.

                    Any questions?


                    • african redbush
                      • May 2009
                      • 80

                      i love it when people people base arguments on meaningless statistics


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        The important statistic I'd like to see is what percentage of criminal gun usage was with the use of a legally purchased gun, buy it's user, and if the user is a legal adult citizen.

                        I know where I live, and my guess is, it'd be the same everywhere, is that most all gun crime are committed by criminals, often underage, and sometimes non-citizens, and the gun is illegally aquired.

                        This is the problem with guns in America. Your adult citizen that legally purchases his firearm only on rare occasion uses his gun in an illegal manner.

                        The problem is enforcement of gun laws, and being lax on gun criminals. The answer is not to deprive legal adult citizens their right to legally purchase a firearm. If we did this, the thug criminals would still have their guns, and legal citizens would be at their mercy.


                        • RedMacGregor
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 554

                          Re: Fun Gun Statistics

                          Originally posted by Judge Faust
                          Any questions?
                          umm... if you're not from the US, why do you care, and since you obviously do care, why should we care THAT you care?

                          /goes to vote with his 1911 stuck in his concealed weapons holster.
                          // voting is nice, free elections FTW


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by N0mad
                            RedMacGregor I love the new Avatar.

                            Lol I was just thinking the same thing. Awesome new avatar.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Re: Fun Gun Statistics

                              Originally posted by Judge Faust
                              Originally posted by RobsanX
                              Actually it's just clever wording. Say if 1 in 100,000 people in the U.S. commit suicide then that statistic says that 5 in 100,000 gun owners commit suicide.

                              It's the same thing when they say that snus doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. Yeah it doubles the risk of an already rare event.

                              These are pretty weak tactics.
                              For the sake of argument, let's assume that your numbers are true; that is, guns create 4 more suicides per 100,000 individuals. The US has a population of approximately 3 million. At your rate, this means 12,000 unnecessary suicides per year. That is a pretty significant number, don't you think? It's only small if you spread it out - look at the aggregate, and the figure becomes somewhat more grim.

                              On the plus side, though, at least you understand how percentages work. Sgregor over there seems to think that a 500% increase in suicide means that 100% of the people die. Yeesh... :lol:

                              No I understood what you meant, but it doesn't make it any more ridiculous to make a correlation between the fact someone owns a gun and the act of killing yourself.
                              Owning the gun didn't make them want to kill themselves, there are many driving factors behinds suicide. What weapon or method is used to finally end it all is quite irrelevant. Therefore your statistics are useless.

                              I'm sure the number of people who commit suicide that are ALSO on anti-depressants is higher than those who kill themselves and own guns. Should we ban pharmaceuticals?

                              You can't stop people from killing themselves that would have already. You can't micromanage everyone and prevent all death and crime.
                              This type of failed logic is why communism never works.


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