Re: Fun Gun Statistics
God you are red through and through aren't you Judge. Thank you for the course in America's history captain obvious! I've heard every freshman college student i've ever met give me the same lousy, poorly researched answer that you just did.
Also, fyi, the leading argument right now is that: militias of the state transitioned into the national guard, and therefore the lefties claim that only the national guard are allowed to own weapons.
I understand the controversy over the wording of the second amendment, but that is easy to figure out if you dig a little deeper. Since the wording may be unclear to some, why not take a look at the people who wrote the document, what were their thoughts on guns, what do you think (based on their opinions) they meant when writing it down? Well it's pretty clear that they were all very pro-gun ownership and wanted a well armed citizenry incase the government got out of hand and needed to be corrected.
And don't give me the crap about blacks and slavery, that's sucha lame excuse. Slavery was rampant in all of the world, even in Africa where blacks enslaved other blacks. It was the way labor worked in those days.
But guess what... WE FOUGHT A ****ING CIVIL WAR TO ABOLISH IT. We killed our own citizens because we would not stand for slavery any longer. Now of course the civil war really had more to do with trying to give more power to the fed and take it from the states but that's another story. The point is we championed civil rights.
Like I said judge, why do you communist types always want to come here and lobby to change our government? What would you have us to, emulate what the USSR had going on? Lol, yah no thanks that didn't work out too well for them. You can try and sell your snake oil all you want but America just doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of a failed system that never works anywhere it's tried.
Originally posted by Judge Faust
God you are red through and through aren't you Judge. Thank you for the course in America's history captain obvious! I've heard every freshman college student i've ever met give me the same lousy, poorly researched answer that you just did.
Also, fyi, the leading argument right now is that: militias of the state transitioned into the national guard, and therefore the lefties claim that only the national guard are allowed to own weapons.
I understand the controversy over the wording of the second amendment, but that is easy to figure out if you dig a little deeper. Since the wording may be unclear to some, why not take a look at the people who wrote the document, what were their thoughts on guns, what do you think (based on their opinions) they meant when writing it down? Well it's pretty clear that they were all very pro-gun ownership and wanted a well armed citizenry incase the government got out of hand and needed to be corrected.
And don't give me the crap about blacks and slavery, that's sucha lame excuse. Slavery was rampant in all of the world, even in Africa where blacks enslaved other blacks. It was the way labor worked in those days.
But guess what... WE FOUGHT A ****ING CIVIL WAR TO ABOLISH IT. We killed our own citizens because we would not stand for slavery any longer. Now of course the civil war really had more to do with trying to give more power to the fed and take it from the states but that's another story. The point is we championed civil rights.
Like I said judge, why do you communist types always want to come here and lobby to change our government? What would you have us to, emulate what the USSR had going on? Lol, yah no thanks that didn't work out too well for them. You can try and sell your snake oil all you want but America just doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of a failed system that never works anywhere it's tried.