Fun Gun Statistics

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by RedMacGregor
    dad started me shooting his .22 rifle when i was around 6..

    20 years later, i had my first negligent discharge, fortunately the weapon was downrange, and it was someone elses revolver that had a stupid hair trigger on it, i picked it up and my finger on the side of the trigger was enough to discharge the weapon. DUE TO my safe handling practices, the weapon was pointed downrange and no harm came of it, but i set the gun down and left the lane for a bit to calm my nerves... IF I had not made safe range practice a habit, it might've been much worse. People need to understand how to handle guns if they're gunna... many do not, and that's when people get hurt.

    See this is exactly what i'm talking about. Knowing how to use a firearm makes it as safe as anything else. You always keep the gun pointed downrange and therefore there is very little room for error. It's a simple concept and it becomes engrained in you.

    But then some liberal comes along and tells you that you are not safe with this gun, and that statistically you are likely to either commit suicide with it or kill someone else with it, therefore it must be taken from you for your own (and other's) safety. Then they tell you that everything you do is destroying the environment so you get rationed down to 1 square of toilet paper and food containers that almost disintegrate in your hands upon touching them. They want you to sell your car and buy a fagio scooter and drive it right to the police station to turn in all your guns and personal liberties, but not before going through the full body scanners and several unlawfull searches, for your own safety of course.

    How will we maintain superpower status as a country if our citizens become insulated in a germ free, risk free, constantly safe and secure bubble?
    America became strong because it was inhabited by frontier men, crossing the praire and shooting buffalo. By fighting in the trenches and working the fields. By having morals and a strong community that kept the unwanteds out. We left Europe for a reason, and there is no reason to try and emulate them in everything they do. I mean their cops don't even carry guns. If cops in Los Angeles didn't carry guns there would be none left.


    • Judge Faust
      • Jan 2009
      • 196

      Re: Fun Gun Statistics

      Originally posted by sgreger1
      God you are red through and through aren't you Judge. Thank you for the course in America's history captain obvious! I've heard every freshman college student i've ever met give me the same lousy, poorly researched answer that you just did.
      Also, fyi, the leading argument right now is that: militias of the state transitioned into the national guard, and therefore the lefties claim that only the national guard are allowed to own weapons.
      Nope, sorry, Greger: the "leading argument" (which seems to lead only according to you) works only if one is willing to completely massacre words for a political reason.

      The national guard is not the same thing as a militia. The prior is a branch of a standing army; the latter is a volunteer corps with no connection to the armed forces.

      Why does this distinction matter? Very simply: because militia-members take their guns home with them. In fact, it's their guns to begin with. Hence, unless you want a to be the laughing stock of the world by fielding a pitchfork-waving militia, you must allow your citizens to keep guns. Simple, no?

      National guardsmen, on the other hand, do not take their guns home. That is because they are not a militia (can I stop trying to drive this point home for you now?). Hence, you can only equate the two (and thus justify a new interpretation for an old amendment) by leaving rationality behind... Which you have done on more than one occasion. Oh, and like I said, even if your argument survives this step, it dies on 14th Amendment incorporation grounds.


      • Judge Faust
        • Jan 2009
        • 196

        Originally posted by sgreger1
        I'd like to remind everyone that Judge was quoted as saying:

        "Hate Stalin if you wish, but it is undeniable that he was always concerned about the wellbeing of his people."
        Yes, and I stand by that statement.

        Meanwhile, I would like to remind everyone that Sgreger:

        (1) Believes that California and insurance companies have hatched a nefarious plot to install speed-detecting GPSs in every single vehicle in California. Never mind that a GPS is not a radar detector, or that the whole thing would be prohibitively expensive even for a state that was not broke, or that a scheme like this would be struck down on substantive due process grounds.

        (2) Believes that state debt is unconstitutional, and that somehow every single constitutional scholar in the nation has failed to notice this. Obviously, they should spend less time reading the Constitution and more time listening to Sgreger.

        (3) Wants California to stop paying for anything at all. Except for his wife's education. That it should totally pay for.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Re: Fun Gun Statistics

          Originally posted by Judge Faust

          Nope, sorry, Greger: the "leading argument" (which seems to lead only according to you) works only if one is willing to completely massacre words for a political reason.

          The national guard is not the same thing as a militia. The prior is a branch of a standing army; the latter is a volunteer corps with no connection to the armed forces.

          Why does this distinction matter? Very simply: because militia-members take their guns home with them. In fact, it's their guns to begin with. Hence, unless you want a to be the laughing stock of the world by fielding a pitchfork-waving militia, you must allow your citizens to keep guns. Simple, no?

          National guardsmen, on the other hand, do not take their guns home. That is because they are not a militia (can I stop trying to drive this point home for you now?). Hence, you can only equate the two (and thus justify a new interpretation for an old amendment) by leaving rationality behind... Which you have done on more than one occasion. Oh, and like I said, even if your argument survives this step, it dies on 14th Amendment incorporation grounds.

          I didn't say I subscribed to that idea, I said that idiots trying to twist the second ammendments meanings for political gain (like you) like to claim that.

          Also, you are wrong about militias.

          The Militia Act of 1903 organized the various state militias into the present National Guard system

          (b) The classes of the militia are—
          (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

          (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.[14]


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Judge Faust
            Originally posted by sgreger1
            I'd like to remind everyone that Judge was quoted as saying:

            "Hate Stalin if you wish, but it is undeniable that he was always concerned about the wellbeing of his people."
            Yes, and I stand by that statement.

            Meanwhile, I would like to remind everyone that Sgreger:

            (1) Believes that California and insurance companies have hatched a nefarious plot to install speed-detecting GPSs in every single vehicle in California. Never mind that a GPS is not a radar detector, or that the whole thing would be prohibitively expensive even for a state that was not broke, or that a scheme like this would be struck down on substantive due process grounds.

            (2) Believes that state debt is unconstitutional, and that somehow every single constitutional scholar in the nation has failed to notice this. Obviously, they should spend less time reading the Constitution and more time listening to Sgreger.

            (3) Wants California to stop paying for anything at all. Except for his wife's education. That it should totally pay for.

            You must make a shitty lawyer judging by your complete lack of attention to detail and your inability to properly comprehend what you read.

            1) First of all the GPS tax by the mile thing is something that is brought up often here. The department of transportation was talking about it today as a matter of fact and called it inevitable. What technology is used to enforce it is up for debate. It may be gps tracking the miles or it may be that you pay the tax each time you pay for gas. We cannot afford road upkeep at the current tax rate.

            2)I don't recall every saying states debt is unconstitutional. I don't think that at all. If you borrowed than you have debt. I'm pretty sure you just made this up.

            3)I don't want California to stop paying for anything at all, I just want it to be spent responsibly. Democrats and republicans in our state agree that our leaders have been overspending for way to long. I believe in many social programs including welfare, unemployment, and especially education. It is not just I who protests the rate increases, also all the liberals here and at the other UC's.

            But you know all this Judge, your just grasping at straws because you have no factual basis to make the claim that taking away all the guns would help anything. Face it, like always you've got nothing.

            And for you to say Lenin cared about his people is like saying Hitler cared about the jews. You have nothing, you trolltastic testicle monster.


            • chossy
              • Jul 2009
              • 242

              Originally posted by sgreger1
              We left Europe for a reason, and there is no reason to try and emulate them in everything they do. I mean their cops don't even carry guns. If cops in Los Angeles didn't carry guns there would be none left.
              Actually I´m pretty sure Police in pretty much all european countries carry guns, feel free to prove me wrong. The only place I can think of is the U.K but even that has changed and the police working in the bigger cities and especially high crime ares carry guns these days.

              The highest rates of suicide are in former soviet republics. And especially in the russian army. ( wonder why )

              I don´t think gun ownership makes one more suicidal, the reason guns are used usually if the person has access to one is that it´s easy, quick and painless ( if done correctly ).

              In countries with high gun ownership = more gun related suicides.
              Countries with low gun ownership = less gun related suicides. But many more jumpings, poisonings, jump on the train tracks, hangings.

              After all dying is pretty easy and one certainly doesn´t need a gun to do it.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                No gun crime in the DPRK.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by chossy

                  Actually I´m pretty sure Police in pretty much all european countries carry guns, feel free to prove me wrong. The only place I can think of is the U.K but even that has changed and the police working in the bigger cities and especially high crime ares carry guns these days.
                  In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, and New Zealand, with the exception of specialist units, officers do not carry firearms as a matter of course.

                  I actually ment to write UK not europe but still my points the same. I don't really care what any country does since it doesn't matter. America needs to get out of the mindset of wanting to be like everyone else so they will like us. That is not what's in our blood. We need to set the example, and right now we are doing a crappy job.


                  • RRK
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 926

                    Originally posted by tom502
                    No gun crime in the DPRK.
                    Lol, I guess it's not a crime if the government does it.

                    ...and when I was visiting Europe about 12 years there were cops in camo with machine guns in France and Italy from what I remember. Didn't go to the UK though and the only brit I know moved to the Netherlands a couple of years ago..


                    • justinp
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 33

                      sgreger1 "This is what we get from our public schools and liberal colleges, a bunch of scared yuppies who are afraid of even seeing a gun. This will not serve us well when WWIII comes around. The reason we kicked ass in WWII was because most of the countries 16 year olds all knew how to use a rifle from their life on the farm. We do not have that anymore. "

                      Hey man, as a likely future yuppie at a liberal college who loves firearms like he loves whiskey, I take exception to this.

                      It seems to me that, as much as I would not like to spend time with the current militia crazies (y'know, the guys running around in tinfoil hats watching for black helicopters), I'm damn glad that someone's planning for the worst at any given time... Who knows, they could be right. And if they are, I'm glad that someone's been stockpiling weaponry.

                      Though it seems immensely unlikely that they are right. But just in case...


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by justinp

                        Hey man, as a likely future yuppie at a liberal college who loves firearms like he loves whiskey, I take exception to this.
                        Haha, me and you both brother. I am about to go back to school to get a degree but I am currently living at UCSC where my wife goes and it is kind of disheartening... But I know there are always the exceptions lol.

                        It seems to me that, as much as I would not like to spend time with the current militia crazies (y'know, the guys running around in tinfoil hats watching for black helicopters), I'm damn glad that someone's planning for the worst at any given time... Who knows, they could be right. And if they are, I'm glad that someone's been stockpiling weaponry.

                        Though it seems immensely unlikely that they are right. But just in case

                        You know there are a lot of militias that are very legit, they are mainly ex military veterans who get together every now and again to go shooting or run drills etc. They are a good force to help aid local officials in times of disaster recovery etc, and for the most part they are not vigilantes or anything like that. Just some guys who love guns having fun together, which I support.

                        I don't think the majority of them are plannign to storm washington DC anytime soon or anything like that, at least not the ones I have met.

                        But you'r right, in the past local militias have been a great asset when it comes to fighting off invaders etc, and having a few guys per city that are trained and armed just in case something happened will never hurt, as long as they keep it at that.

                        In America we have gone several generations without anything bad really happening so we have grown kind of soft. But with the wolrd as it is today, there are a lot of things that could go south very quickly. A nuke going off at a key place in the united states could shut down our power and government for a time, or have other bad efffects. This would lead to a period where the evil "rugged individualism" that is hated by most liberals may come in handy. We trust our police and our government to keep things in order, but (God forbid) should they not be able to due to some sort of crisis, I think it is healthy to be prepared just incase.

                        It's like my dad always said (since we live in earthquake country), always make sure you have some shoes, a flashlight, and a pair of clothes by the bed each night, because if an earthquake comes you won't have time to get ready and will have to act quickly to stay safe. Don't wanna be walking in the dark with bare feet getting cut by glass or anything.


                        • Judge Faust
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 196

                          Re: Fun Gun Statistics

                          Originally posted by sgreger1

                          I didn't say I subscribed to that idea, I said that idiots trying to twist the second ammendments meanings for political gain (like you) like to claim that.

                          Also, you are wrong about militias.

                          The Militia Act of 1903 organized the various state militias into the present National Guard system

                          (b) The classes of the militia are—
                          (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

                          (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.[14]

                          No, you're still grasping at straws. Claiming that the US has militias because it passed a "Militia Act" over a century ago is just plain silly. The act in question took militias, which you then had, and organized them into a standing army. Ergo, no more militias. Ergo, the Second Amendment dissolves into nothingness.

                          Also, I want you to calm down. Frankly, your juvenile antics accomplish absolutely nothing. Despite the fact that I have remained perfectly civil towards you, I note that every single of your posts directed at me has contained one or more personal insult. If you cannot argue without resorting to ad hominem attacks, I will consider my conversation with you finished. There are plenty of posters out there that will gladly join you in obnoxious shouting matches; I am not one of them. I prefer to communicate with those that prioritize the content of their speech over its loudness.


                          • BardicDruid
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 72

                            Judge Faust, you really need to start taking your meds again. Your flight from reality is really starting to become annoying.


                            • Owens187
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 1547

                              Damn, does this Judge guy work for the freaking Brady Campaign? It dont get no more one sided than that.


                              I am a medical professional. I have MANY guns. I have ALOT of ammo. I am a card carrying member of the NRA. I have a CCW. That does NOT make me suicidal, a murderer, or a menace to society. If you dont like it, or want to see my guns taken away,

                              COME AND GET THEM!

                              ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!!


                              • RedMacGregor
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 554



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