Originally posted by RedMacGregor
See this is exactly what i'm talking about. Knowing how to use a firearm makes it as safe as anything else. You always keep the gun pointed downrange and therefore there is very little room for error. It's a simple concept and it becomes engrained in you.
But then some liberal comes along and tells you that you are not safe with this gun, and that statistically you are likely to either commit suicide with it or kill someone else with it, therefore it must be taken from you for your own (and other's) safety. Then they tell you that everything you do is destroying the environment so you get rationed down to 1 square of toilet paper and food containers that almost disintegrate in your hands upon touching them. They want you to sell your car and buy a fagio scooter and drive it right to the police station to turn in all your guns and personal liberties, but not before going through the full body scanners and several unlawfull searches, for your own safety of course.
How will we maintain superpower status as a country if our citizens become insulated in a germ free, risk free, constantly safe and secure bubble?
America became strong because it was inhabited by frontier men, crossing the praire and shooting buffalo. By fighting in the trenches and working the fields. By having morals and a strong community that kept the unwanteds out. We left Europe for a reason, and there is no reason to try and emulate them in everything they do. I mean their cops don't even carry guns. If cops in Los Angeles didn't carry guns there would be none left.