Do you support world government?

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  • Mordred
    • Dec 2009
    • 342

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    But, Mordred, did I mention that bacon will be surved for free in a one world government? FREE as in beer...

    How do you feel about it now?
    Mmh, free beer sure sounds tempting, especially now since I just came home from the pub and could certainly use another beer...

    But I stand by my statement. A unified world government would lead, imho, to stagnation.


    • Liandri
      • Jul 2009
      • 604

      I hate political crap and attempt to remain as nuetral as humanly possible. However a co-worker and I are always talking about paranormal/ET/etc stuff and ideas and this is one thing we have talked about.

      Something along the lines of If there is life outside of our solar system that is far more advanced and intelligent, the only way we'll ever be able to meet them civilly is under a few conditions: 1: We would be world represented. Aliens with more brain than us would not deal with the humans of Russia, or the humans of the United States. But rather the Humans of Earth. 2: We'd have to experience a war far greater than that of WW2. that would be the ONLY way for us to think outside the box. Hundreds of millions dead before we realize "WHOA we gotta stop and ALL work together". Which will lead to note 1. and 3: We'd have to expand our horizon of thinking, rather than just self centered goals and ambitions. If you came into space just to feed yourself, stay in your Solar System. Your system has everything you need if your earth ever runs out.

      Anyways: One world government? Yeah, I wouldn't mind. But the leader and the representatives will be the hardest thing ever chosen. Quite frankly I'm sick of countries fighting, but its never going to stop unless note 2 happens and then we'll go into note 3 to eventually reach note 1.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Liandri
        I hate political crap and attempt to remain as nuetral as humanly possible. However a co-worker and I are always talking about paranormal/ET/etc stuff and ideas and this is one thing we have talked about.

        Something along the lines of If there is life outside of our solar system that is far more advanced and intelligent, the only way we'll ever be able to meet them civilly is under a few conditions: 1: We would be world represented. Aliens with more brain than us would not deal with the humans of Russia, or the humans of the United States. But rather the Humans of Earth. 2: We'd have to experience a war far greater than that of WW2. that would be the ONLY way for us to think outside the box. Hundreds of millions dead before we realize "WHOA we gotta stop and ALL work together". Which will lead to note 1. and 3: We'd have to expand our horizon of thinking, rather than just self centered goals and ambitions. If you came into space just to feed yourself, stay in your Solar System. Your system has everything you need if your earth ever runs out.

        Anyways: One world government? Yeah, I wouldn't mind. But the leader and the representatives will be the hardest thing ever chosen. Quite frankly I'm sick of countries fighting, but its never going to stop unless note 2 happens and then we'll go into note 3 to eventually reach note 1.

        Interesting points. There are a few schools of thought on the alien thing.

        1) Those who believe they are already here would say that they are obviously peaceful, as any race who could travel here could probably also crush us militarily, so forceful victory is probably not their intention.

        2) Some claim that they are in contact with our government and we are all being groomed to somehow serve them, and our government is complicit. This wouldn't make any sense in my mind because again... why ask our gov for help when you are an advanced civilization capable of traveling the stars. They could just do it by force.

        Many cultures have stories of aliens coming here and sharing the sciences and math with them. there is however no evidence that aliens (if they exists) are aggressive. Most likely they have our part of the universe cordoned off like a wildlife preserve, waiting for us to develop to a certain point before we can be accepted into the interplanetary community.

        Or, option number 3, which seems the most feasible, is that we are stuck here by ourselves and will continue to war amongst each other for the next several thousands years like we have been since we gained intelligence some 50,000 years ago.

        Either way, we know that is seems to be inherent in the human condition to want to take over the world. So many people have tried it before, I highly doubt no one still endeavors to accomplish that goal.

        World government wouldn't work. I'd like to believe the liberals that it would somehow result in us all working together but instead I see it as just being an uber top-heavy government with way too much power. History would lead me to believe that that would be a bad thing


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          Yeah, aliens might come and they certainly would do the trick. I think that an asteroid is more likely though.

          Global warming will not be that crisis IMO.

          As far as President Obama...I think that he's a figurehead and nothing more. He has been from the beginning only a few short years ago. I think that there's an elusive group of people that "got him elected" and control virtually his every move. at least politically.

          I do think that we might be witnessing the end of the US empire though. I hope that I'm wrong and I would fight it until the day that I die.

          A single world government would probably be Muslim in the distant(?) future.

          Maybe I read to much conspiracy stuff. Who knows?


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I look forward to the empire ending. It would be great to be "just another country", where we don't get involved in everyone else's business, and the world doesn't always expect us to come to the rescue when things go south.


            • adm
              • Oct 2009
              • 240

              In a perfect world, a single world government is the only sane and logical choice.

              Think of how many resources are wasted by nations competing with each other, versus how much could be saved if we have a single goal. Think about what we could achieve as one, without paranoia and hatred to cripple us.

              The big problem is, who would you REALLY trust to hold the reins?


              • adm
                • Oct 2009
                • 240

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                We are in a constant state of crisis, with a constant "threat" from some other country or group.. so only when the external threat is from somewhere else (like aliens) that we will all put our differences aside and fight united. Even then we probably wouldn't work together lol
                The thing is, there really is no crisis.b (There is no spoon)

                The system(s) today create permanent low grade paranoia in everybody. Deliberately.

                It's much easier to govern scared people than those who really don't give a shit. Government 101 - create fear, so you can resolve it. Then create more fear.


                • adm
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 240

                  Originally posted by texasmade
                  they would have to put down a MAJOR WORLDWIDE revolt. and that wont be easy

                  The only way to get a sustainable world government would be to have happy, productive ,well fed and educated people everywhere. What's to revolt about?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    I look forward to the empire ending. It would be great to be "just another country", where we don't get involved in everyone else's business, and the world doesn't always expect us to come to the rescue when things go south.

                    Yah we started as a humble little colony over here and in a very short time have become the world police etc. We need to go back to the old days about worrying about our farm before feeding the rest of the world. We need to stop playing international cop, and people need to stop asking us for help when they fall down, as we can't afford it.

                    We have sent tens of millions of dollars if not more to Haiti in only 3 weeks, and yet there are several million people unemployed and out of work/food in the US. Where's their aid? Where's the commercials raising money for our neighbors?


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by adm
                      In a perfect world, a single world government is the only sane and logical choice.

                      Think of how many resources are wasted by nations competing with each other, versus how much could be saved if we have a single goal. Think about what we could achieve as one, without paranoia and hatred to cripple us.

                      The big problem is, who would you REALLY trust to hold the reins?

                      Your right, it sounds like a great idea. But look at America right, we have 50 territories (states) within the union all with very different people and different concerns. It's already hard for a president to address the needs of everyone, and it usually ends up with the pres leaving office with a very low approval no matter who it is. Imagine having one government trying to handle all the problems of the entire world? How could they all address them? How would it be enforced? When Iran want to make nukes and the "international community" doesn't think that's a good idea, what do you do other than write letters saying how mad they are?

                      It just seems like it would be very difficult to manage. And the state of crisis wouldn't end, it would just be a new, bigger, more powerful government causing the crisis.


                      • Asquar
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 256

                        Originally posted by lxskllr
                        I look forward to the empire ending. It would be great to be "just another country", where we don't get involved in everyone else's business, and the world doesn't always expect us to come to the rescue when things go south.


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          Absolutely not. I'd support a complete anarchy before a world government.


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